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Other Customized Files and Supported Files from Other Products

In addition to the custom files that must be deployed to specific locations, Reflection also supports the following files.

Customized files that you can deploy

Unlike other customized session files, { entity.PROD_EMULATE_SHORT} doesn’t look for these files in the user data directory, so you don‘t need to deploy them to specific locations.

Other supported files

The best practice for handling legacy files or files from other products is to convert them to the Reflection Desktop file format and then deploy the new files.

For a list of Reflection Desktop files that are deployed to specific locations, see Customized Files that Must be Deployed to Specific Locations.

Other Customized Files

In addition to the files listed in Customized Files that Must be Deployed to Specific Locations, you can deploy the following session files. Unlike other customized session files, Reflection doesn't look for these files in the user data directory.

Description File Extensions
HP session .r1w
3270 and 5250 printer .rsf
HP session Update file .r1u

Other Supported Files

The following Reflection file types are also supported. You most likely would not deploy these files.

Description File Extensions
IBM host trace .hst
IBM internal trace .rit
Host simulation .sim
Plus Rules .rsdo
Rumba Screen Designer Project .rsdp
Screen History .rshx
VT Trace file .rev
Express Macro Language .js
Mainframe Transfer Request .mto
AS/400 file Transfer Request .xto

Supported Extra! Files

The following Extra! file types also continue to be supported.

Description File Extensions
Extra! session .edp
Extra! Layout File macro .elf
HotSpot scheme

Legacy hotspots are partially supported. Text hotspots mappings are imported. Region hotspots mappings are not imported.
Keyboard map § .ekm
QuickPad § .eqp
Toolbar § .etb
Extra! Basic macro .ebm
Extra! Transfer List .eil
Extra! Transfer Scheme .eis
Extra! Basic Header .ebh
Extra! 3270 and 5250 File Transfer List .etl
Extra! 5250 File Transfer Scheme .ftb
Extra! Basic Dialog .ebd

Supported Legacy Reflection Files

The following legacy Reflection file types also continue to be supported.

Description File Extensions
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS Settings File .r2w
Reflection for Secure IT Settings File .r3w
Reflection for REGIS Graphics Settings File .r4w
Reflection for IBM Settings .rsf
Macro .rvx
FTP Settings File .rfw
Mainframe Transfer Request File .mto
AS/400 Transfer Request File .xto
Reflection Command Language Scripting File .rcl
Reflection Basic Scripting Files .rbs
Reflection Macro File .rma
Reflection FTP Script File .RFS
VT Trace File .rev
Reflection for IBM partial toolbar settings .btp
Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS partial toolbar settings .rtb
NonStop 6530 session .rd6

Supported Files from Other Products

The following legacy Reflection file types also continue to be supported.

Description File Extensions
Rumba sessions .wdm, .wda, .rsdm, .rsda, .wdu, .rsdu
Focus Rumba macros .rmc
IBM PComm Keyboard Map .kmp
IBM PComm sessions .ws
IBM PComm Macro .mac
IBM PComm VBScript .vbs
KEA! sessions .ktc
OpenText HostExplorer macros .ebs
Brandon Systems\Jolly Giant QWS3270 macros .jgs
Ipswitch WS_FTP .wsftp_options.ini