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Customized Files that Must be Deployed to Specific Locations

Reflection looks for the following custom files in specific locations. Be sure to deploy these files to the following locations.

For a list of other customized files that you can deploy and other files supported by Reflection, see Other Customized Files and Supported Files from Other Products.


The default values for the [AppDataFolder], [PersonalFolder], and [CommonAppDataFolder] Reflection properties referenced in the following table are:

[AppDataFolder]: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming

[PersonalFolder]: C:\Users\username\Documents

[CommonAppDataFolder]: C:\ProgramData

Workspace Settings

Deploy these files To these folders
Customized workspace settings


For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2

For only the user who installs

[AppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2
Customized information privacy settings

PrivacyFilters.xml (includes all Privacy Filter settings)

PCIDSS.settings (includes all other Information Privacy settings)
For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2

For only the user who installs

[AppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2
Customized (or minimized) ribbon

For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2

For only the user who installs

[AppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2
Customized Quick Access toolbar



For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2

For only the user who installs

[AppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2
Restricted feature settings

For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2

For only the user who installs

[AppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2
User templates

For only the user who installs

[AppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2\templates

Shared Security Settings

File Type Deployment location
Secure Shell settings Global





Note that the global filenames are different than the user-specific filenames, although the content may be the same.

For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection

For the user who installs

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\.ssh
Reflection Trusted Certificate Authorities trust_store.p12 For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\.pki

For the user who installs

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\.pki
Reflection Certificate Manager settings pki_config For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\.pki

For the user who installs

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\.pki
Kerberos settings rsckrb5.xml Settings in this location are migrated to the Windows registry for each Windows user the first time the user runs Kerberos Manager or any Reflection client configured to use Reflection Kerberos.

For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Open Text\Reflection

For the user who installs

[AppDataFolder]\Open Text\Reflection

Reflection FTP Client Settings

File Type Deployment location
rftp.xml Settings in the .xml settings file are migrated to a settings.rfw file for each user the first time the user runs the FTP Client. Note: You can also use Modify User Settings to deploy FTP Client settings. For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection

For the user who installs

[AppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection
settings.rfw For the user who installs

The default user folder is [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection

Regular Session Document Files, Update Files, and Session Settings

Deploy these files To these folders
Session document files







Regular session document files and session settings files are installed under the location that is defined as the user data directory. The following locations are based on the default location of this directory:

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection

For only the user who installs

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection
Session Update files






Reflection looks for Session Update files with the special "Update" name in the user data directory. The following locations are based on the default location of this directory:

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection

Layout file

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection
Keyboard map

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Keyboard Maps
Mouse map

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Mouse Maps

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Hotspots Maps
Custom Ribbon Interfaces

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\CustomUI

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Themes

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\QuickPads

Custom Office Productivity Templates

Deploy these files To these folders
Word and PowerPoint templates



For only the user who installs

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection

Plus Archives

Deploy these files To these folders
Plus archive


For only the user who installs

[PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Plus\Rules

VBA SharedMacros Files and the VBA Common Project

Deploy these files To these folders
Shared macros files




For only the user who installs

The location that is defined as the user data directory. The default location is [PersonalFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection
VBA Macros in the Common project

For all users

[CommonAppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2

For only the user who installs

[AppDataFolder]\Micro Focus\Reflection\Desktop\v18.0SP2