Micro Focus Visual COBOL 10.0 for Eclipse (UNIX)
Product Overview
Existing Customers: Updating from an Earlier Release
New Features
New Features in Visual COBOL 10.0
Features Added in Visual COBOL 9.0
Features Added in Visual COBOL 8.0
Features Added in Visual COBOL 7.0
Features Added in Visual COBOL 6.0
Features Added in Visual COBOL 5.0
Features Added in Visual COBOL 4.0
Features Added in Visual COBOL 3.0
Features Added in Visual COBOL 2.3 Update 2
Features Added in Visual COBOL 2.3 Update 1
Features Added in Visual COBOL 2.3
Features Added in Visual COBOL 2.2 Update 2
Features Added in Visual COBOL 2.2 Update 1
Features Added in Visual COBOL 2.2
Features Added in Visual COBOL 2.1 Update 1
Features Added in Visual COBOL 2.1
Features Added in Visual COBOL 2.0
Significant Changes in Behavior or Usage
New Customers: Where do I start?
New to Eclipse
Where do I start: Developer Tasks
New to COBOL
Upgrading from Net Express
Upgrading from Server Express
Want to deploy an application
Upgrading to Visual COBOL
Licensing Changes
Resolving conflicts between reserved keywords and data item names
Importing Existing COBOL Code into Visual COBOL
Recompile all source code
Upgrading from Server Express
Differences between Visual COBOL and Server Express
Upgrading from ACUCOBOL-GT
Upgrading from RM/COBOL®
Overview of application development in Eclipse
Visual COBOL Tutorials Guide
Native COBOL Tutorials
Tutorial: Creating a Native COBOL Application
Tutorial: Running Unit Tests in the IDE
Tutorials: Interface Mapping Toolkit
Tutorial: Using the Callable File Handler
Tutorials: JSON Processing
JVM COBOL Tutorials
Technology Preview Features
EAP Features
Visual COBOL Editions and Activating Licenses
Product Information
Supported Operating Systems and Third-party Software
Additional Software Requirements
Installing Visual COBOL for Eclipse (UNIX)
Before Installing
Basic Installation
Advanced Installation Tasks
After Installing
Installing Micro Focus Visual COBOL Development Hub
Managing Licenses
Customer Experience Improvement Program
Updates and Product Support
End User License Agreement
Backward Compatibility with Earlier Micro Focus Products
Known Issues and Restrictions
Contacting Micro Focus
Sample Programs
Cheat Sheets
The Micro Focus Community
Help on Help
Developing Applications in the IDE
Starting Visual COBOL
Introduction to Eclipse
Configuring Eclipse
Using Eclipse for COBOL Development
Creating COBOL projects
Creating and importing COBOL projects
Creating and importing resources
Using source files from outside your project
Using custom project and file templates
Identifying COBOL copybooks and programs
Configuring the project, build configuration, folder and file properties
Building COBOL applications
Developing applications on remote machines
Java Interoperability within the IDE
Preparing files for deployment
Code coverage (native COBOL)
Code Analysis
Debugging COBOL Applications
Debugging Scenarios
Starting the debugger automatically
Debugging using a core dump
Debugging using a live recording
Debugging using a remote machine
Debugging applications that run under a ptrace restriction
Debugging mixed language applications
Debugging on Enterprise Server Scenarios
Debugging Enterprise Server services and applications using a live recording
Debugging outside of Eclipse
The Character Animator
Overview of Character Animator Functions
Working With Character Animator
Directives for Character Animator
Cross-session Debugging
Using cobesdebug to Debug Services and Applications on Enterprise Server
Overview of the debugging process
Preparing projects for debugging
Debugging features and techniques in Eclipse
Code Refactoring
Running COBOL applications
Working with Apache Maven
COBOL Applications for .NET
Using Enterprise Server from within the IDE
Modern Development Practices
Using Visual COBOL in Modern Application Development
Using Visual COBOL with Jenkins
Using Visual COBOL with Containers
Introduction to Containers
Benefits of Using Containers
Container Terminology
Getting Ready to Use Visual COBOL with Containers
Key Concepts When Using Containers for COBOL Application Development
Building Images for COBOL Applications
Debugging and Running COBOL Applications in Containers
Container Demonstrations
Using OpenTelemetry
COBOL Programming
What is COBOL?
History of COBOL
Calling COBOL Programs
JVM COBOL Programming
Native COBOL Compared to JVM COBOL
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming for COBOL Developers
Moving Native COBOL Applications to JVM COBOL
Compiling and Calling JVM COBOL Applications as Part of a Package
64-bit applications in the Java environment
Using a File Handler in JVM COBOL
Multiple user COBOL applications in Java
Exposing COBOL as Web Services
Java and COBOL Interoperability
Java and OO COBOL Interoperability
Java and OO COBOL Interoperability Options
Calling Procedural COBOL from Java
Calling Java from Native OO COBOL
Calling Native OO COBOL from Java
Java Data Types
Micro Focus COBOL Java Class Library
JVM COBOL Interoperating with Java
Java and non-OO COBOL Interoperability
Internationalization Support
Preparing Applications for Enterprise Server
Interface Mapping Toolkit (IMTK)
Managing IMTK Projects
Defining Service Interfaces
Deploying Service Interfaces
How to
Mixed Language Programming
Ordering Parameters to Pass to Non-COBOL Programs
Removing Parameters from the Stack
Storage Representation of Parameters
Aligning Parameters on Word and Double Word Boundaries
Handling Return Codes in Mixed Language Applications
Call Conventions for Interfacing with Mixed Languages
Building a Mixed Language Application
Interfacing with C Programs
Avoiding data name conflicts
Calling a COBOL Entry Point Directly
Passing Data between C and COBOL
Header-to-COPY Utility
Converting Header Files Using the H2cpy Utility
Overview - H2cpy Messages
Warning Messages
Error Messages - Command Line Errors
Error Messages - Invalid C Source
Calling COBOL Programs from C
Error Messages when Calling Non-COBOL Programs
Signal Handling
Examples of Mixed Language Programming
Using COBOL and XML together
XML Extensions
Installation and introduction
Getting started with XML Extensions
XML Extensions statements reference
COBOL considerations
XML considerations
Appendix A XML Extensions examples
Example 1 Import file and export file
Example 2 Export file and import file with XSLT stylesheets
Example 3 Export file and import file with OCCURS DEPENDING
Example 4 Export file and import file with sparse arrays
Example 5 Export and import text
Example 6 Export file and import file with directory polling
Example 7 Export file, test well-formed file, and validate file
Example 8 Export text, test well-formed text, and validate text
Example 9 Export file, transform file, and import file
Example 10 Diagnostic messages
Example 11 Import file with missing intermediate parent names
Example batch files
Appendix B: XML Extensions sample application programs
Appendix C: XML Extensions error messages
XML Syntax Extensions
Generating COBOL Structures with XML Syntax from the Command Line
Glossary of terms
64-bit Native COBOL Programming
Embedded HTML
Compatibility with ACUCOBOL-GT
Converting ACUCOBOL-GT Applications
ACUCOBOL-GT File Handling
ACUCOBOL-GT Library Routines
ACUCOBOL-GT Windowing Syntax
Compatibility with DG Interactive COBOL
Compatibility with RM/COBOL
Converting RM/COBOL Applications
Configuring Your Application for Eclipse
Compiler Directives for RM/COBOL Compatibility
Compiling RM/COBOL Programs Without DIALECT"RM"
RM/COBOL Data Types
RM/COBOL Conversion Issues
RM/COBOL Library Routines
RM/COBOL File Handling
Restrictions and Limitations
Converting RM/Panels Applications
Conversion Example: Using Eclipse
Writing Programs
Appendix A: Master Copy File RMPANELS.WS
Appendix B Standard Utility, and Extended Run-time Functions and Parameters
Compatibility with XML Extensions
Native OO COBOL Class Library Reference
Data Access
Database Access
Accessing Databases from COBOL
Database Access Features
Database Access Preprocessors
Developing SQL Applications
Compiling SQL Applications
How to
EXEC SQL Statement
Embedded SQL Statements
SQL Compiler Directive Options
DBMAN Directive Settings
JDBC Driver Classes
Sample DataSource Object Files
SQL/COBOL Data Type Mappings
OpenESQL Messages
OpenESQL Preprocessor Error Messages
COBES0002 token is badly defined.
COBES0003 Program contains more than one definition of token
COBES0004 Nested or multi-source programs not allowed.
COBES0005 An error occurred when processing the internal dictionary.
COBES0006 No DB engine could be found.
COBES0007 Source file name is invalid.
COBES0010 OESQL rejected an unspecified option.
COBES0022 The directive SQL(DBMAN=ODBC) is not supported under Personal Edition.
COBES0023 The SQL(DBMAN) directive option is not supported with native applications.
COBES0024 The SQL(DBMAN) directive option is not supported with JDBC applications.
COBES0100 SQL incompatible with MAINFRAME
COBES0101 Statement is too long.
COBES0102 Statement contains too many host variables.
COBES0103 token does not have a suitable definition to be used as a host variable.
COBES0104 Bad SQL data declaration.
COBES0105 Syntax error.
COBES0106 Filename too long.
COBES0107 File token not found.
COBES0108 token is not unique and should be qualified.
COBES0109 token is not a data item.
COBES0110 Statement contains more than one SQLDA.
COBES0111 token is not a table of null indicator variables.
COBES0112 variable should not be defined with an OCCURS clause.
COBES0113 token should not be a subordinate to an item defined with an OCCURS clause.
COBES0114 Statement only allowed in the Procedure Division.
COBES0115 Statement not allowed in the Procedure Division.
COBES0116 An error occurred when processing the trace file.
COBES0118 Mismatched DECLARE.
COBES0119 Host variable name is too long.
COBES0120 Internal error - dictionary handle is too big.
COBES0121 Compiler directive SQL (token1=token2) is invalid or badly sequenced - all SQL statements ignored.
COBES0123 Invalid ILTARGET - cannot use ILTARGET(ANYCPU) - must specify ILTARGET(X86) or ILTARGET(X64).
COBES0124 Host or Indicator Variable varname should not be defined in EXEC SQL statement using a subscript.
COBES0125 variable should be defined with an OCCURS clause.
COBES0130 Host variable host-var.group-var is part of a group variable expansion that is not supported in this type of SQL statement.
COBES0201 BEHAVIOR directive not valid unless TARGETDB directive of DB2, ORACLE, or MSSQLSERVER set first.
COBES0202 BEHAVIOR directive not set.
COBES0203 PREFETCH and BEHAVIOR directives are mutually exclusive - cannot set both.
COBES0205 Cannot set directive PF_RO_CURSOR > 1 if RO_CURSOR directive is set to IC_FH.
COBES0206 Cannot set directive PF_RO_CURSOR > 1 if RO_CURSOR directive is set to FORWARD and TARGETDB is MSSQLSERVER.
COBES0207 Cannot set directive PF_UPD_CURSOR > 1 if UPD_CURSOR directive is set to FORWARD.
COBES0208 Cannot set UPD_CURSOR directive to DYNAMIC if TARGETDB directive is set to ORACLE.
COBES0209 Cannot set UPD_CURSOR directive to STATIC if TARGETDB directive is set to MSSQLSERVER.
COBES0222 Invalid Framework target - SQL applications must be built to target the 4.0 .NET Framework.
COBES0223 TARGETDB directive not set.
COBES0900 An internal error occurred.
COBES0901 This error prevents SQL processing from continuing - further EXEC SQL statements will be ignored.
COBES1002 Statement is not in area B.
COBES1004 token directive is not supported and has been ignored.
esqlconfig command
DB2 Compiler Directive Options
DB2 Environment Variables
DB2 ECM Error Messages
COBDB0002 - COBDB0013
COBDB0100 - COBDB0115
COBDB0116 - COBDB0137
COBDB0501 - COBDB0503
COBDB0900 - COBDB1004
Micro Focus SQL Logon dialog box
COBOL Directives
COBSQL Compiler Directive Options
COBSQL Messages
CSQL-I-001 to CSQL-E-023
CSQL-E-024 to CSQL-F-050
SQL Data Types
Data Structures
Data Files
Data File Tools
Data File Editor
Current Restrictions
Accessing Data File Editor
Using the Data File Editor
Using the Structure File Editor
Data File Structure Command Line Utility
Data Modernization
File Handling
File Handling Examples
Data and Key Compression Example
External Files Example
File Handler Examples
File Names Examples
File Status Examples
Indexed File Examples
MFSORT Examples
Rebuild Examples
Relative File Definition Example
Sequential File Examples
File Handling Guide
File Organizations
File names
File Status
Sharing Files
File Handler Configuration
File Handler and Sort APIs
Sort Utilities
Data and Key Compression
Tracing File Operations
File Systems
Fileshare Guide
Standard Operation
Configuring CCI Communications for Fileshare
Database Integrity
Advanced Operation
Error Handling
Fileshare Server Messages
Messages from FS001-S to FS050-W
FS001-S The parameter "text " is not recognized as a valid parameter.
FS004-S The parameter "text " specifies a time-out value that is invalid.
FS005-S The parameter "text " is too long or invalid.
FS006-S The parameter "text " has already been specified.
FS007-S Invalid parameter combination.
FS008-S Communications Initialization Failure.
FS009-S The required communications module cannot be found.
FS011-W Communications send failure.
FS012-W Communications disconnect failure.
FS013-W Communications receive error.
FS014-W Communications data length not as expected.
FS015-W Request from unknown user - request rejected.
FS016-S The parameter "text " is invalid.
FS017-S Unable to open the file : filename.
FS018-S Log file corrupt - unrecognizable record in file.
FS019-S Log file corrupt - can't read header.
FS020-S The log file does not match the database sequence numbers - recovery aborted.
FS021-S There is no log filename specified in the database reference file.
FS022-S The log filename given cannot be found in the database reference file.
FS024-S Failed to open log file : filename.
FS025-S Write failure to the log file, Fileshare Server is closing down.
FS026-W Failed to close the log file.
FS027-S A second log file parameter has been found.
FS028-W The log file shows the last session was not shut down successfully.
FS029-S The log filename is already specified in the database reference file.
FS030-S Insufficient disk space to continue logging to log file.
FS031-I Record lock time-out failure on user : user.
FS034-S A filename or log file parameter must be specified.
FS035-S A database reference file must be specified.
FS037-I The file filename does not have a file header record. Sequence checking is switched off for this file.
FS038-S A matching sequence number not found in filename.
FS039-S Improperly closed file - filename.
FS040-S Unable to read the file header record in the file filename.
FS041-S Unable to update the sequence number in the file filename.
FS042-S Unable to open the database reference file: filename.
FS043-S The database reference file contains an invalid entry.
FS044-S Error reading the database reference file.
FS045-W Duplicate filename specified in the database reference file.
FS050-W A log file is not specified in the database reference file.
Messages from FS051-W to FS099-W
FS051-W Failure to allocate a larger buffer, the I-O request failed.
FS052-S Failure to allocate required memory. The Fileshare Server is closing down.
FS055-S The parameter "text " specifies a configuration file that does not exist.
FS056-S The parameter "text " specifies a data compression value that is not within the range 0-255.
FS057-S The parameter "text " specifies a key compression value that is not within the range 0-7.
FS058-S Failure to allocate memory for the decompression of the log file.
FS059-S Failure to allocate the memory required for processing the database reference file.
FS062-S Failure creating the password file filename.
FS063-S Failure opening the password file filename.
FS064-S Failure reading the password file filename.
FS065-S The password file is not of a recognized format.
FS066-S The specified user name already exists in the password file.
FS068-I The password file is now empty and has been deleted.
FS069-S The specified entry could not be found in the password file.
FS070-S Failure writing to the password file.
FS071-W Unable to load the module FHXSCOMP to decompress the data area.
FS072-S The parameter "text " contains a wild card which is not allowed with this parameter.
FS073-S Failure to allocate memory to process the password file.
FS074-S The Fileshare Server (NLM) failed to log on to NetWare with the login id specified.
FS075-W Unable to load the module FSSECLOG - LOGON has been denied.
FS076-W Unable to load the module FSSECOPN - OPEN has been denied.
FS077-S A Fileshare Server of the same name has already been defined - the Fileshare Server is closing down.
FS078-S No password file has been specified for the use of background mode.
FS079-S A supervisor password entry must exist for the use of background mode.
FS080-S No password file has been specified for the use of the synchronous communications mode.
FS081-S A supervisor password must be specified in the password file for the synchronous communications mode.
FS082-S The Netbios communications protocol is not responding. Ensure the requester software is loaded and functional.
FS083-S Incompatible CCIIPX.NLM version.
FS084-I Fileshare Server is starting.
FS085-I Fileshare Server is active.
FS086-I Fileshare Server is closing down.
FS087-I Fileshare Server has closed down.
FS089-I Database Reference File Maintenance Utility.
FS090-I Database Reference File installation completed successfully.
FS091-I Rollforward Recovery Utility
FS092-I Rollforward Recovery has completed.
FS094-I Password File Maintenance Utility.
FS096-I Password File installation has completed.
FS097-I Are you sure that you wish to close down the Fileshare Server ? (Y/N)
FS099-W File I/O status was not as expected. Returned status: status Expected status: status Action code: text File: filename.
Messages from FS101-I to FS149-I
FS101-I text -- parameter has been accepted.
FS103-I The log filename has been added to the database reference file.
FS104-I The log file cannot be found, creating a new recovery log file.
FS105-W The disk free space for the log file is below acceptable limits.
FS106-I filename - added to database reference file.
FS107-I filename - removed from the database reference file.
FS108-I Processing the files specified in the database reference file.
FS109-W The file filename does not exist.
FS110-I filename - OK.
FS111-W Files are still open. Continue to close down the Fileshare Server (Y/N) ?
FS114-W Waiting for the old log file to be removed.
FS118-I The database sequence number matches the sequence number in the log file, no recovery is needed.
FS122-I Communications too busy on CCI SEND - retrying.
FS123-I Communications too busy on CCI RECEIVE - retrying.
FS124-I Checking the validity of the log file, please wait.
FS125-I Recovery possible to last valid recovery log file record.
FS126-I Performing recovery, please wait.
FS127-S Invalid name mapping command.
FS128-W Fileshare Server closedown invoked by Stop Run processing.
FS129-I The Fileshare Server is still active.
FS130-I Reading database reference file, please wait.
FS131-W Invalid communications mode - parameter ignored.
FS132-I The Fileshare Server is running with the following communication protocol(s):
FS133-I Processing the password file, please wait.
FS134-I The password file cannot be found - creating a new password file.
FS135-I Fileshare Server security is active.
FS136-I Fileshare Server security is not active.
FS138-W The log file has been backed up and a new one has been created.
FS139-I A matching date and time entry has been found in the log file.
FS140-I No matching date and time entry has been found in the log file.
FS142-W The Operating System does not permit the log file to be flushed to disk.
FS143-W The Operating System does not allow free disk space information to be obtained.
FS144-W More than one communications protocol has been specified - synchronous communications mode not active.
FS145-W Fileshare Client disconnected, cannot contact user: text.
FS146-W Unexpected action code, action-code - discarded.
FS147-I A duplicate network message was received and discarded.
FS148-I CCI return-code (function func) = code.
FS149-I CCI SEND not complete, status will be checked later.
Messages from FS151-I to FS200-W
FS151-I CCI message size received = text. Indicated send message size = text
FS153-I The Fileshare Server name has been reregistered on the network.
FS154-I Please enter the FSVIEW supervisor password to enable the use of CCI Trace.
FS155-I Password accepted - CCI Trace is enabled. Do you want CCI Trace active immediately? (Y/N)
FS156-W Incorrect password - CCI Trace is disabled.
FS158-I CCI Trace activated.
FS159-I CCI Trace switched off.
FS160-I Fileshare trace activated.
FS161-I Fileshare trace switched off.
FS163-I Input useropcode [filename-1] [ filename-2].
FS170-I Input- Logon.
FS171-I Input- Logoff user.
FS172-I Input- Find File userfilename.
FS173-I Output- userstatus.
FS176-W There is no backup directory specified in the database reference file.
FS177-S The backup directory specified cannot be found in the database reference file.
FS178-I The backup directory has been added to the database reference file.
FS179-S A backup directory is already specified in the database reference file.
FS180-W The log filename specified has an extension. The name of the log file has been changed to "filename".
FS182-W Output- Access Denied
FS188-W Fileshare Server database reference file installation completed with errors.
FS189-W The backup directory does not exist.
FS190-W The backup directory specifies the name of an existing file.
FS191-W An error occurred accessing the backup directory.
FS192-S More than one log file exists in the log file directory.
FS193-S Unable to open the log file.
FS194-I The log file "filename-1" has been backed up successfully to "filename-2".
FS195-I The Fileshare Server is using the log file "filename".
FS196-W Unable to create the log file "filename".
FS197-S Unable to create the log file "filename".
FS198-W The attempt to backup the log file failed because the backup file "filename" already exists.
FS199-S The attempt to backup the log file failed because the backup file "filename" already exists.
FS200-W The attempt to backup the log file to "filename" failed.
Messages from FS201 to FS300
FS201-S The attempt to backup the log file to "filename" failed.
FS202-I The Fileshare Server will continue logging to the log file "filename".
FS203-I The Fileshare Server is appending to the log file "filename".
FS204-W The Fileshare Server is unable to log to the log file "filename". Rollforward recovery logging is disabled.
FS205-W Unable to remove the old recovery log file "filename".
FS206-S There is more than one starter log file. The Recovery Utility is unable to determine which one to use.
FS207-I There is no starter log file in the log file directory.
FS208-S There is no starter log file in the backup directory.
FS209-I A starter log file has been located in the backup directory.
FS210-S There is more than one starter log file in the backup directory.
FS211-S An error occurred checking the header on the log file "filename".
FS212-I The Rollforward Recovery Utility is processing the log file "filename".
FS213-W Unable to locate the continuation log file "filename" in the log file directory.
FS214-I Searching for a backed up log file in the log file directory.
FS215-I Searching for a backed up log file in the backup directory.
FS216-I No backed up starter log file can be found in the log file directory.
FS217-I No backed up starter log file can be found in the backup directory.
FS218-I No backed up continuation log file can be found in the log file directory.
FS219-I No backed up continuation log file can be found in the backup directory.
FS220-I A backed up starter log file has been found in the log file directory.
FS221-I A backed up starter log file has been found in the backup directory.
FS222-I A backed up continuation log file has been found in the log file directory.
FS223-I A backed up continuation log file has been found in the backup directory.
FS224-S The log file directory contains more than one backed up starter log file.
FS225-S The backup directory contains more than one backed up starter log file.
FS227-W Failure to set Fileshare Server's access rights.
FS228-I CCI SEND status checked.
FS229-I Unrecognized CCI session ID - could not disconnect user.
FS230-I User : user-IDuser-name
FS231-S The parameter "nnn" is not numeric.
FS232-I Date : date.
FS233-W Unable to set the maximum amount of dynamic memory to the limit specified
FS234-W The parameter "text " specifies a memory limit below the minimum of 6 Mbytes allowed.
FS235-W Failure to allocate memory for incomplete CCI SEND processing.
FS236-I The log file name has been removed from the database reference file.
FS237-S The next log file to use filename already exists, unable to back up current log file.
FS237-W The next log file to use filename already exists, unable to back up current log file.
FS238-I Terminating communications with this user.
FS239-I Output - user Record locked. Retry operation.
FS240-I Output - user File locked. Retry operation.
FS241-I Output - user Insufficient log file disk space. Retry operation.
FS243-S Failure backing up the file filename1 to filename2.
FS244-S Failure restoring the backed up file filename1 to filename2.
FS245-S Failure deleting the log file filename.
FS246-I Backing up database files to directory backup directory. Please wait.
FS247-I Restoring database files from directory backup directory. Please wait.
FS248-I Commencing automatic Fileshare Recovery.
FS249-I Restarting Fileshare Server.
FS250-I Deleting all unwanted log files.
FS251-S Logging must be activated for all files when specifying a backup directory.
FS252-S Failure deleting the file filename.
Messages from FS301 - FS400
Database File Handling
System Requirements
Types of Database
Database Permissions
Configuration Requirements
Using Microsoft SQL Server
Using PostgreSQL
Using Db2
Using Oracle
The Database Configuration File
Database Connections
Datastore Management
Database Management and Recovery
File View Generation
Record Locking Strategies
MFDBFH Error Messages
ADM0000 - ADM0019
ADM0020 - ADM0039
ADM0040 - ADM0059
ADM0060 - ADM0079
ADM0080 - ADM0099
ADM0100 - ADM0119
CFG - MFDBFH Configuration Messages
CFG0000 - CFG0019
CFG00040 - CFG00059
CFG0000 - CFG0019
CFG0020 - CFG0039
CFG0040 - CFG0059
DBFH - MFDBFH General Messages
DBFH00000 - DBFH00019
DBFH00020 - DBFH00039
DBFH00020S Failed to load 'odbc-oci-db2-api-load-library'
DBFH00021I Successfully registered XA connection 'xa-connection-name' for datastore 'datastore-url'
DBFH00022I Successfully de-registered XA connection 'xa-connection-name' for datastore 'datastore-url'
DBFH00023I Build svn-tag, svn-revision
DBFH00024S Failed to load Secrets/Vault API
DBFH00025W Failed to read secret from the vault for attribute 'attr-name' (RC=return-code): Server=server-name; Dsn=dsn-name
DBFH00026E db-api-type error: 'odbc-oci-error-message'
DBFH00027E I/O error: io-error-message
DBFH00028W Configuration file 'configuration-file-name' does not exist
DBFH00029W SQL script file folder 'script-file-folder-name' does not exist
DBFH00030E Required stored procedure 'stored-procedure-name' does not exist
DBFH00031W The region must be cold started
DBFH00032S MFDBFH requires the multi-threaded COBOL run-time system
DBFH00033S SQL script file 'sql-script-file-name' does not exist
DBFH00034S MFDBFH failed to upgrade the datastore. Manual upgrade required. Use 'dbfhadmin -upgrade -datastore datastore-url' to generate an upgrade script and run the script as a user with sysadmin privileges
DBFH00035W Record lock strategy changed for file 'sql-url' Already opened by PID process-id on host 'host-name' with 'existing-record-lock-strategy'. Requested 'requested-record-lock-strategy'
DBFH00036E Cannot cold start region database 'region-database-name' Already started by 'program-name (PID process-id)' on host 'host-name'
DBFH00037E Cannot warm start region database 'region-database-name' Already started by 'program-name (PID process-id)' on host 'host-name'
DBFH00038E Cannot stop region database 'region-database-name'. Not started
DBFH00039W Force cold start of region database 'region-database-name' Already started by 'program-name (PID process-id)' on host 'host-name'
DBFH00040 - DBFH00059
DBFH0080 - DBFH0099
DEP0000 - DEP0019
DEP0020 - DEP0039
DEP0040 - DEP0059
DEP0100 - DEP0119
VGN0000 - VGN0019
VGN0020 - VGN0039
Multi-threaded Programming
Performance Programming
Problem Determination and Diagnostic Tools
The Micro Focus Unit Testing Framework
Unit Testing from the Command Line
Unit Testing in the IDE
Micro Focus Unit Testing Framework
Programming Tips
General Reference
Application Workflow Manager
What is AWM?
Workflow Manager Modeling Guide
About This Guide
Data Model Introduction
Data Model Details
Action Descriptor
Application Options
Element List Structure
Element Type
Enabled/Visible Condition
File Descriptor
Filter Type
Global Action
ID Definition
Icon Relationship
Tool Descriptor
Variable References
Tree View Label Determination
Setting up the Application Workflow Model
Function Packages
AWM Function Package
Eclipse Function Package
Git Function Package
Java Function Package
Micro Focus DevHub Connection Type Function Package
Micro Focus Editor Function Package
Micro Focus ED Icons Function Package
Micro Focus Project Function Package
Micro Focus Servers Function Package
Operating System Function Package
REST Function Package
SVN Function Package
Extending the AWM Meta Model
AWM API Programming and Extension Points
AWM Model Maintenance
Workflow Manager Modeling Tutorials
Workflow Manager Troubleshooting
C Functions for Calling COBOL
COBOL Language Reference
COBOL Language Supported and Copyrights
Part 1. Concepts
Introduction to the COBOL Language
Concepts of the COBOL Language
Character Set
Language Structure
Formats and Rules
Concept of Computer-independent Data Description
Concept of Levels
Class and Category of Data
Language Fundamentals
Optional Division, Section and Paragraph Headings
Reserved Words
External Repository
Nested Programs
Call Prototypes
Object-oriented Concepts for Native COBOL
Object-Oriented Concepts for JVM COBOL
Run Unit Communication
Data Division
Procedure Division
Reference Format
Part 2. Program Definition
Compilation Group
Identification Division
Environment Division
Data Division
General Description (Data Division)
File Section
Working-Storage Section
Thread-Local-Storage Section
Object-Storage Section
Local-Storage Section
Linkage Section
Screen Section
File and Data Description
Screen Section
Procedure Division
Procedure Division General Description
Arithmetic Expressions
Conditional Expressions
Perform Expressions
Common Phrases
Pointer Dereferencing
File I/O Concepts
Conformance for Parameters and Returning Items
Intrinsic Functions
Function Types
Definitions of Functions
The ABS Function
The ACOS Function
The ANNUITY Function
The ASIN Function
The ATAN Function
The BIT-OF Function
The BIT-TO-CHAR Function
The BYTE-LENGTH Function
The CHAR Function
The CONTENT-OF Function
The COS Function
The DISPLAY-OF Function
The E Function
The EXP Function
The EXP10 Function
The FACTORIAL Function
The HEX-OF Function
The HEX-TO-CHAR Function
The INTEGER Function
The LENGTH Function
The LENGTH-AN Function
The LOG Function
The LOG10 Function
The LOWER-CASE Function
The MAX Function
The MEAN Function
The MEDIAN Function
The MIDRANGE Function
The MIN Function
The MOD Function
The NATIONAL-OF Function
The NUMVAL Function
The NUMVAL-C Function
The NUMVAL-F Function
The ORD Function
The ORD-MAX Function
The ORD-MIN Function
The PI Function
The RANDOM Function
The RANGE Function
The REM Function
The REVERSE Function
The SIGN Function
The SIN Function
The SQRT Function
The SUM Function
The TAN Function
The TEST-NUMVAL Function
The TEST-NUMVAL-C Function
The TEST-NUMVAL-F Function
The TRIM Function
The ULENGTH Function
The UPOS Function
The USUBSTR Function
The UUID4 Function
The UVALID Function
The UWIDTH Function
The UPPER-CASE Function
The VARIANCE Function
The YEAR-TO-YYYY Function
The ACCEPT Statement
The ADD Statement
The ALLOCATE Statement
The ALTER Statement
The ATTACH Statement
CALL Statement (COBOL)
The CANCEL Statement
The CHAIN Statement
The CLOSE Statement
The COMMIT Statement
The COMPUTE Statement
The CONTINUE Statement
The CREATE Collection Statement
The DECLARE Statement
The DELETE Statement
The DELETE FILE Statement
The DETACH Statement
The DISPLAY Statement
The DIVIDE Statement
The ENTER Statement
The ENTRY Statement
The EVALUATE Statement
The EXAMINE Statement
The EXEC(UTE) Statement
The EXHIBIT Statement
The EXIT Statement
The FREE Statement
The GOBACK Statement
The GO TO Statement
The IF Statement
The INITIALIZE Statement
The INSPECT Statement
The INVOKE Statement
The JSON PARSE Statement
The MERGE Statement
The MOVE Statement
The MULTIPLY Statement
The NOTE Statement
The ON Statement
The OPEN Statement
The PERFORM Statement
The RAISE Statement
The READ Statement
The RELEASE Statement
The RESET Collection Statement
The RETURN Statement
The REWRITE Statement
The ROLLBACK Statement
The SEARCH Statement
The SERVICE Statement
The SET Statement
The SORT Statement
The START Statement
The STOP Statement
The STRING Statement
The SUBTRACT Statement
The SYNC Statement
The TRANSFORM Statement
The TRY Statement
The UNLOCK Statement
The UNSTRING Statement
The USE Statement
The WAIT Statement
The WRITE Statement
The XML GENERATE Statement
The XML PARSE Statement
Compiler-directing Statements
Part 3. Additional Topics
Report Writer
Report Section
Report Structure
Report Subdivisions
Language Concepts
Environment Division
Data Division
Procedure Division (Report Writer)
Debug Module
Double-Byte Character Set Support
Micro Focus COBOL Language Extensions
Additional Dialect Support
ACUCOBOL-GT Syntax Extensions
Data General Interactive COBOL V1.3 Syntax Support
Enterprise COBOL Syntax Support
Microsoft COBOL V1.0 and V2.0 Syntax Support
RM/COBOL Syntax Support
Siemens BS2000 COBOL Syntax Support
Identification Division
Environment Division
Data Division
Procedure Division (Siemens B2000)
Compiler Directing Statements
VS COBOL II Compatibility
Summary of Obsolete Language Elements
Part 4: Appendices
JVM COBOL Reference
Program Structure
Structural Syntax Elements - Alphabetic List
Common Syntax Elements
Statements - Alphabetic List
Concepts - JVM COBOL
Comparison of COBOL with Java
Code set translation
Command line reference
Setting Directives Outside the IDE
Compiling and Linking from the Command Line
Introduction to the cob command
cob (cob32 or cob64) Command
cob Options Syntax
cob Option Processing and Search Order
cobopt File
COBOPT Environment Variable
The cobmode Utility
Creating Different Types of Files
cob Flags
Pass Option to Assembler (-A as_option)
Compile for Animation (-a)
Pass Syntax-check Phase Directive to the Compiler (-C directive)
Pass Option to the C Compiler (-CC cc_option)
Pass Option to the C++ Compiler (+CC cc_option)
Compile No Further Than Linkable Object Module (-c)
Dynamically Load Symbol (-d symb)
Set Initial Entry Point (-e epsym)
Create Information for Symbolic Debugger (-g)
Include Symbol in Executable File (-I symb)
Compile to Intermediate Code for Unlinked Environment (-i)
Compile to JVM Bytecode (-j)
Recognize COBOL Source File with Non-standard Filename Extensions (-k cobol-file)
Pass Option to System Linker Changing Search Algorithm and Maintaining Relative Ordering (-L dir)
Pass Option to System Linker After All Other Options Changing the Search Algorithm (+L dir)
Pass Option to System Linker Maintaining Relative Ordering (-l lib)
Pass Option to System Linker After All Other Options (+l lib)
Map Symbol to New Symbol (-m symb=newsym)
Pass Generate Phase Directive (-N directive)
Enable Optimization (-O)
Specify Output File-name (-o filename)
Produce Listing File (-P)
Pass Flag to C Compiler to Use Profiling Routines (-p)
Pass Option to System Linker (-Q ld_option or -Q,1 ld_option or -Q,2ld_option)
Create Multi-threading Program (-t)
Dynamically Load Unresolved Reference (-U)
Compile to Generated Code for Unlinked Environment (-u)
Report Version Number (-V)
Set Verbose Module (-v)
Control Error Level for cob Termination (-W err-level)
Exclude Symbol from the Executable Output File (-X symb)
Process to System Executable File (-x[,CC|,PLI])
Produce a Shared Library for non-COBOL Applications (-Y[,CC])
Produce a Self-Contained Callable Shared Object for non-COBOL Applications (-y[,U][,CC|,PLI])
Produce a Shared Library File for COBOL Applications (-Z[,CC|,PLI])
Produce a Callable Shared Object for COBOL Applications (-z[,U][,CC|,PLI])
Flags Reserved for Future Use
cob Error Messages
cob Command Examples
Converting Header Files Using the H2cpy Utility
Running an Application from the Command Line
Debugging from the Command Line (UNIX)
Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY Syntax
Accepting Elementary Data Items from Single Fields
Displaying Elementary Data Items in Single Fields
Accepting and Displaying Group Items
Accepting and Displaying Screen Section Items
Accepting and Displaying Data on Large Screens
Keyboard Handling Via Adis
Configuring Enhanced ACCEPT and DISPLAY
Keyboard Configuration Utility (Keybcf)
Test Coverage (Native COBOL)
Overview - Test Coverage
How To...
Restrictions when Using Test Coverage
Troubleshooting Test Coverage
Test Coverage Error Messages
The cobutf8 Utility
mfmodgen Command
Compiler Directives
Language Features
Language Features - Dialect
Language Features - Java Interoperability
Language Features - Mainframe Compatibility
Language Features - Multi-threading
Language Features - Reserved Word Control
Language Features - Speed
Language Features - Additional Features
Compiler Control
Compiling for Debugging and Analysis
File Handling
JVM COBOL Command Line Compiler Directives
Object Code, Size, and Optimization
Report Writer
Reserved Directives
Run-time Behavior
Run-time Behavior - General
Run-time Behavior - Arithmetic
Run-time Behavior - Mainframe Compatibility
Run-time Behavior - Compatibility with Older Micro Focus Products
Run-time Behavior - Compatibility with Other COBOL Dialects
Run-time Behavior - Speed or Size
Key to Compiler Directives
Compiler Directives - Alphabetical List
CONVERTRET (deprecated)
IDYSRCPATH (deprecated)
ILOBJECTIFY (deprecated)
OPT (Intel x86 platforms)
OPT (Non-Intel x86 platforms)
SPZERO (deprecated)
TRICKLE (deprecated)
UNIX Environment Variables
Error Messages
Syntax Checking Error Messages
Key to Syntax Checking Error Messages
COBCH0001 - COBCH0100
COBCH0001 - COBCH0020
COBCH0021 - COBCH0040
COBCH0041 - COBCH0060
COBCH0061 - COBCH0080
COBCH0081 - COBCH0100
COBCH0101 - COBCH0200
COBCH0101 - COBCH0120
COBCH0121 - COBCH0140
COBCH0141 - COBCH0160
COBCH0161 - COBCH0180
COBCH0181 - COBCH0200
COBCH0201 - COBCH0300
COBCH0201 - COBCH0220
COBCH0221 - COBCH0240
COBCH0241 - COBCH0260
COBCH0261 - COBCH0280
COBCH0281 - COBCH0300
COBCH0301 - COBCH0400
COBCH0301 - COBCH0320
COBCH0321 - COBCH0340
COBCH0341 - COBCH0360
COBCH0361 - COBCH0380
COBCH0381 - COBCH0400
COBCH0401 - COBCH0500
COBCH0401 - COBCH0420
COBCH0421 - COBCH0440
COBCH0441 - COBCH0460
COBCH0461 - COBCH0480
COBCH0481 - COBCH0500
COBCH0501 - COBCH0600
COBCH0501 - COBCH0520
COBCH0521 - COBCH0540
COBCH0541 - COBCH0560
COBCH0561 - COBCH0580
COBCH0581 - COBCH0600
COBCH0601 - COBCH0700
COBCH0601 - COBCH0620
COBCH0621 - COBCH0640
COBCH0641 - COBCH0660
COBCH0661 - COBCH0680
COBCH0681 - COBCH0700
COBCH0701 - COBCH0800
COBCH0701 - COBCH0720
COBCH0721 - COBCH0740
COBCH0741 - COBCH0760
COBCH0761 - COBCH0780
COBCH0781 - COBCH0800
COBCH0801 - COBCH0900
COBCH0801 - COBCH0820
COBCH0821 - COBCH0840
COBCH0841 - COBCH0860
COBCH0861 - COBCH0880
COBCH0881 - COBCH0900
COBCH0901 - COBCH1000
COBCH0901 - COBCH0920
COBCH0921 - COBCH0940
COBCH0941 - COBCH0960
COBCH0961 - COBCH0980
COBCH0981 - COBCH1000
COBCH1001 - COBCH1100
COBCH1001 - COBCH1020
COBCH1021 - COBCH1040
COBCH1041 - COBCH1060
COBCH1061 - COBCH1080
COBCH1081 - COBCH1100
COBCH1101 - COBCH1200
COBCH1101 - COBCH1120
COBCH1121 - COBCH1140
COBCH1141 - COBCH1160
COBCH1161 - COBCH1180
COBCH1181 - COBCH1200
COBCH1201 - COBCH1300
COBCH1201 - COBCH1220
COBCH1221 - COBCH1240
COBCH1241 - COBCH1260
COBCH1261 - COBCH1280
COBCH1301 - COBCH1400
COBCH1301 - COBCH1320
COBCH1321 - COBCH1340
COBCH1401 - COBCH1500
COBCH1401 - COBCH1420
COBCH1421 - COBCH1440
COBCH1441 - COBCH1460
COBCH1461 - COBCH1480
COBCH1481 - COBCH1500
COBCH1501 - COBCH1600
COBCH1501 - COBCH1520
COBCH1521 - COBCH1540
COBCH1541 - COBCH1560
COBCH1561 - COBCH1580
COBCH1581 - COBCH1600
COBCH1601 - COBCH1700
COBCH1601 - COBCH1620
COBCH1621 - COBCH1640
COBCH1641 - COBCH1660
COBCH1661 - COBCH1680
COBCH1681 - COBCH1700
COBCH1701 - COBCH1800
COBCH1701 - COBCH1720
COBCH1701 A CONSTANT item cannot be a group
COBCH1702 The value of CONSTANT item <field1> involves circular definition
COBCH1703 CLSCompliant(false) not needed for <member> as assembly does not have CLSCompliant attribute
COBCH1704 CLSCompliant(true) not allowed for <member> as assembly does not have CLSCompliant attribute
COBCH1705 Parameter type <type> of <member> is not CLS compliant
COBCH1706 Member type <type> of <member> is not CLS compliant
COBCH1707 Member <member> is not CLS compliant because it differs from another member only by case
COBCH1708 More than one method <method-name> exists in <class-name> requiring parameter truncation
COBCH1710 <class-name> has no member with name <member-name>
COBCH1711 <class-name> has no visible method <method-name> with <number> parameter(s)
COBCH1712 <class-name> has no visible instance method <method-name> with <number> parameter(s)
COBCH1713 <class-name> has no visible static method <method-name> with <number> parameter(s)
COBCH1714 <type-name> has no visible constructor with <number> parameter(s)
COBCH1715 Best visible overload found in <type-name> is <member-name> which has invalid parameter <param-num>
COBCH1716 Best visible instance overload found in <type-name> is <method-name> which has invalid parameter <param-num>
COBCH1717 Best visible static overload found in <type-name> is <member-name> which has invalid parameter <param-num>
COBCH1718 Best visible constructor in <type-name> is <member-name> which has invalid parameter <param-num>
COBCH1719 Must specify an EVENT
COBCH1721 - COBCH1740
COBCH1721 <type-name> has no visible member <member-name> with no parameters
COBCH1722 <type-name> has no visible instance member <member-name> with no parameters
COBCH1723 <type-name> has no visible static member <member-name> with no parameters
COBCH1724 With JVMGEN, static method 'main' with single string array parameter cannot have a returning item
COBCH1725 class-name has no visible constructor
COBCH1726 ILSMARTLINKAGE class <class-name> has multiple definitions
COBCH1727 '%1$s' is in the unreferenced assembly '%2$s'.
COBCH1728 <type-name1> does not have public implementation of method <method-name> of interface <type-name2>
COBCH1729 <type-name1> does not have a public implementation of property <property-name> of interface <type-name2>
COBCH1730 <type-name1> does not have a public implementation of event <event-name> of interface <type-name2>
COBCH1731 <type-name1> does not define method <method-name> of abstract class <type-name2>
COBCH1732 <object-name> does not define property <property-name> of abstract class <class-name>
COBCH1733 <object-name> does not define event <event-name> of abstract class <class-name>
COBCH1734 <object-name> has reference to type <type-name> which was not found
COBCH1735 For UNSTRING on string objects the DELIMITED phrase must be used
COBCH1736 LOC 64 requires compilation with AMODE(64)
COBCH1737 CREATE can only be used on lists, dictionaries, and types with a parameter-less constructor
COBCH1738 ILSMARTLINKAGE class <class-name> has inconsistent definitions
COBCH1739 Identifier is not subordinate to the XML GENERATE identifier
COBCH1740 Subscripted item invalid in this context
COBCH1741 - COBCH1760
COBCH1761 - COBCH1780
COBCH1781 - COBCH1800
COBCH1781 <type-name> has no visible constructor with specified parameter name(s)
COBCH1782 <type-name> has no visible method <method-name> for which generic parameter type(s) could be inferred
COBCH1783 <type-name> has no visible instance method <method-name> for which generic parameter type(s) could be inferred
COBCH1784 <type-name> has no visible static method <method-name> for which generic parameter type(s) could be inferred
COBCH1785 For inline signature, parameters must be followed immediately by optional RETURNING or YIELDING
COBCH1786 Data name contains invalid character(s)
COBCH1787 Data-name <name> at line <line-no> in the <description-name> is not declared; implicit definition created
COBCH1788 Exception: <exception-message>
COBCH1789 Matching member in inherited <type-name> is non-virtual
COBCH1790 Illegal use of 'void' type
COBCH1791 ILOUTPUT name <output-path> does not exist or is not a valid directory
COBCH1792 <type-name> has no visible method <method-name> for which generic parameter type(s) conform to constraints
COBCH1793 <type-name> has no visible instance method <method-name> for which generic parameter type(s) conform to constraints
COBCH1794 <type-name> has no visible static method <method-name> for which generic parameter type(s) conform to constraints
COBCH1795 Found non-static 'main' method with string array parameter - cannot be a main program
COBCH1796 A get/set property cannot override a get property
COBCH1797 A get/set property cannot override a set property
COBCH1798 LOC 64 requires a USAGE POINTER data item in the RETURNING phrase
COBCH1799 A get property cannot override a set property
COBCH1800 A set property in a non-abstract class cannot override an abstract get/set property
COBCH1801 - COBCH1900
COBCH1801 - COBCH1820
COBCH1821 - COBCH1840
COBCH1841 - COBCH1880
COBCH1841 class-name does not implement get accessor for indexer indexer-signature of abstract class abstract-class-name
COBCH1842 class-name does not implement set accessor for indexer indexer-signature of abstract class abstract-class-name
COBCH1843 keyword not allowed with properties and indexers
COBCH1844 class-name is inaccessible due to its visibility attributes
COBCH1845 Illegal combination of CONSTRAIN phrases
COBCH1846 name is not a generic parameter for this type or method
COBCH1847 Could not find main method method-name
COBCH1848 ILMAIN directive ignored - static main method found with string array parameter
COBCH1849 class-name has interfaces interface-name-1 and interface-name-2, which are different closures of the same generic type
COBCH1850 Only permitted default value is NULL
COBCH1851 keyword not allowed with operators
COBCH1852 Operators must specify a RETURNING item
COBCH1853 Illegal attribute parameter type
COBCH1854 Cannot ACCEPT a floating-point operand with extended ACCEPT/DISPLAY
COBCH1855 SYNC statement cannot specify a value type
COBCH1856 Generic method cannot include out-of-line PERFORM
COBCH1857 Cannot specify implicit and explicit conversions with same source and target types
COBCH1858 Preceding TRY block includes EXIT ITERATOR - CATCH not allowed
COBCH1859 Cannot have EXIT ITERATOR inside CATCH or FINALLY block
COBCH1860 LENGTH OF not supported - use SIZE OF with single dimensional managed arrays, strings or collections
COBCH1861 CURRENCY SIGN IS clause is not supported in combination with NATIONAL NUMERIC edited item
COBCH1862 NLS-CURRENCY-LENGTH directive is not supported in combination with NATIONAL NUMERIC edited item
COBCH1863 ILSMARTLINKAGE cannot be used with complex variable length groups, which do not contain the OCCURS DEPENDING ON item
COBCH1864 Directive NORTKEY is for native COBOL only
COBCH1865 Cannot use object references in FILE SECTION
COBCH1866 Directive directive-name not supported in JVM COBOL code
COBCH1867 ROUNDED not allowed with operands of this type
COBCH1868 ALLOCATE RETURNING phrase required
COBCH1869 XML PARSE processing procedure may execute STOP RUN, GOBACK or EXIT PROGRAM
COBCH1870 Cannot use XML PARSE in programs with non-standard PERFORM logic
COBCH1871 OPTIONAL may only be specified in prototype definitions - ignored
COBCH1872 AS IF can only be used with a reference type or a nullable type
COBCH1873 Nested COPY REPLACING not supported
COBCH1874 Data item or typedef has same name as existing typedef data-name
COBCH1875 Feature not yet supported when compiling for JVM - statement ignored
COBCH1876 Could not find .NET framework library 'mscorlib'
COBCH1877 Invalid use of BASED clause
COBCH1878 Not allowed with ASYNC-VOID methods
COBCH1879 Type or member is marked as obsolete message-text
COBCH1880 DECLARE cannot follow non-standard ENTRY statement
COBCH1881 - COBCH1900
Messages COBCH1901 - COBCH2000
COBCH1901 - COBCH1920
COBCH1921 - COBCH1940
COBCH1941 - COBCH1960
COBCH1961 - COBCH1980
COBCH1981 - COBCH2000
Messages COBCH2001 - COBCH2300
Messages COBCH2301 - COBCH2400
COBCH2301 - COBCH2320
COBCH2321 - COBCH2340
COBCH2341 - COBCH2360
COBCH2361 - COBCH2380
COBCH2381 - COBCH2400
Code Generation Error Messages
Key to Code Generation Error Messages
COBOP001 Internal error. Contact Technical Support. (Recoverable)
COBOP002 Attempted to redefine symbol name (Recoverable)
COBOP003 Ran out of memory during optimization. Generate program using NOOPT. (Recoverable)
COBOP006 Read failure on input file, not intermediate code or wrong version (Recoverable)
COBOP009 Ran out of memory during code generation. Split program into smaller units
COBOP012 Dictionary or dynamic paging error (Fatal)
COBOP013 Illegal intermediate code (at nnnnnn in seg mm) (Recoverable)
COBOP014 Too many IF levels (Recoverable)
COBOP019 Program checked with non-optimal alignment. Optimal alignment is opt-align (Cautionary)
COBOP028 Segmented program - GNTANIM ignored (Cautionary)
COBOP035 INT code not produced with ANIM (Cautionary)
COBPOP37 Generated code module too large (limit = nn bytes)
COBOP039 Errors detected during creation of intermediate code (Recoverable)
COBOP040 Bad program-id or entry name (Recoverable)
COBOP054 Parameter type cannot be passed by value (Recoverable)
COBOP055 Opcodes file corrupt or unknown machine type (Recoverable)
COBOP056 Option not implemented: "option name" (Recoverable)
COBOP065 Read failure on idy file
COBOP066 Write failure on .IDY file (Recoverable)
COBOP068 IDY file not found - ANIM ignored (Cautionary)
COBOP069 Source file not found - SOURCEASM ignored (Cautionary)
COBOP070 IDY file not consistent with INT file (Cautionary)
COBOP075 Call-convention not supported (Recoverable)
COBOP077 Generated code module too large (limit = limit bytes) (Recoverable)
COBOP078 Too many code relocations (limit = limit, actual = limit (Recoverable)
COBOP079 Too many data relocations (limit = limit, actual = limit (Recoverable)
COBOP080 Too many symbol table entries (limit = limit, actual = limit (Recoverable)
Run-time System Error Messages
Key to Run-Time System Error Messages
COBOL Preprocessor Error Messages
Explanation of Error Codes
Data Related
Data File Converter Error Messages
DFC1 - DFC11
DFC101 - DFC139
DFC143 - DFC169
DFC173 - DFC188
DFC190 - DFC196
DFC451 - DFC469
DFC470 - DFC499
DFC500 onwards
File Handling Reference
Compiler Directives - File Handling
File Handler
File Status
File Structures
Library Routines
Rebuild Command Line Options
Rebuild Error, Information and Warning Messages
Syntax Errors
Execution Errors
Information Messages
Warning Messages
Run-time Switches
Sorting Files
Callable Sort Module
SORT Environment Variables
Mfsort Error Messages
Messages 0001 to 0099
Messages 0100 to 0199
SORT100E Missing operator
SORT101E Malformed operator
SORT102E Expected operand missing
SORT103E Invalid operator operator
SORT104E Invalid operand keyword keyword
SORT105E Expected continuation not present
SORT106E Field formats improperly specified
SORT107E Field format field-format invalid
SORT108E Sequence sequence invalid
SORT109E Too many fields specified
SORT110E Non-numeric data detected
SORT111E operator operator already processed
SORT112E exit exit not supported
SORT114E Expected '(' not found
SORT115E Boolean operator operator invalid
SORT118E SORT / MERGE conflict
SORT119E INCLUDE / OMIT conflict
SORT120E SORT statement missing FIELDS operand
SORT121E MERGE statement missing FIELDS operand
SORT122E INCLUDE statement missing COND operand
SORT123E OMIT statement missing COND operand
SORT124E FIELD position field-position invalid
SORT125E FIELD length field-length invalid
SORT126E RECORD length record-length invalid
SORT127E Missing SORT/MERGE/COPY command statement
SORT128E Expected ')' not found
SORT129E Expected '=' not found
SORT130E Expected 'F' OR 'V' not found
SORT131E Expected 'IX', 'RL', 'SQ', or 'LS' not found
SORT132E Prime key must be specified first
SORT133E Expected 'P', 'AD', 'A', or 'C' not found
SORT134E Keyword/value value invalid for DFSORT emulation
SORT135E Keyword/value value invalid for SYNCSORT emulation
SORT136E No GIVE file specified for OUTFIL group
SORT137E No USE file specified
SORT138E Target literal literal too long in CHANGE
SORT139E Substring comparison must be with character literal
SORT140E Invalid binary digit detected
SORT141E Cannot specify SAVE with either INCLUDE or OMIT
SORT142E Repeated FILE= or FNAMES=
SORT143E Expected 'C', 'X', or 'B' not found
SORT191I Operator operator ignored
SORT192I Operand operand ignored
SORT193E Invalid hex digit detected
SORT194 I No ALTSEQ command specified for 'AQ' SORT field formats; 'CH' assumed
SORT197E INREC / MERGE conflict
SORT198E Non-numeric data detected in 'ZD' SUM field
SORT199E Too many OUTFIL statements
Messages 0200 to 0399
SORT200E Bad or unknown symbol
SORT201E No previous offset defined for symbols
SORT202E No previous length defined for symbols
SORT203E No previous format defined for symbols
SORT204I *********************Sort Statistics*********************
SORT205I INPUT file filename
SORT206I OUTPUT file filename
SORT207I OUTFIL file filename
SORT215E Reformatting field error
SORT216I Record type is V - Data starts at position 5
SORT218I RECORD size not specified - Defaulting to 256
SORT219E No SORTIN specified
SORT220E More than one SORTIN required for a MERGE operation
SORT222I MFJSORT is using <value>.
SORT223I SORT not processed by <value>. Continuing using 'EXTSM'
SORT224I INPUT file 'Input procedure'
SORT225I OUTPUT file 'Output procedure'
SORT226E E61 Exit not found
SORT227E Control field sequence indicator E required
SORT228E Exit E61 required
SORT233E Maximum number of output files exceeded
SORT234E SUM FIELD overlaps control field
SORT235E Incorrect operation for Sort NUM
SORT236I SORTSPACE setting rejected - defaulting to minimum
SORT237I SORTSPACE setting rejected - defaulting to maximum
SORT238I SORTTEMPSPACE setting rejected
SORT239E Invalid data set attributes
SORT240I No data records for an outfil data set - RC4
SORT241E No data records for an outfil data set - RC16
SORT302I SUBSYS <value> not found - continuing
SORT303U SORT terminated - Too many <value> conditions
SORT399I End of Micro Focus MFJSORT Utility
Integrated Preprocessor Interface
Java Artifacts
Language Environment (LE) Support
Enable Language Environment (LE) Support
LE Callable Services
LE Run-Time Options
LE Error Conditions
LE Run-Time Options Error Messages
MFX9999I The run-time option option is not supported in this release
CEE3601I The string string was found where a delimiter was expected following a quoted suboption for the run-time option option
CEE3602I An end quote delimiter did not occur before the end of the run-time option string
CEE3603I The character character is not a valid run-time option delimiter
CEE3605I The string string was found where a delimiter was expected following the suboptions for the run-time option option
CEE3606I The string string was too long and was ignored
CEE3607I The end of the suboption string did not contain a right parenthesis
CEE3608I The following messages pertain to the invocation command run-time options
CEE3610I The run-time option old-option was mapped to the run-time option le-option
CEE3611I The run-time option option was an invalid run-time option
CEE3612I Too many suboptions were specified for the run-time option option
CEE3614I An invalid character occurred in the numeric string string of the run-time option option
CEE3615I The installation default for the run-time option option could not be overridden
CEE3616I The string string was not a valid suboption of the run-time option option
CEE3617I The number number of the run-time option option exceeded the range of -2147483648 to 2147483647
CEE3618I The run-time option option was not valid from the invocation command
CEE3619I The value value was not a valid MSGQ number
CEE3622I The option option quoted suboption string string was not one character long
CEE3623I The UPSI option suboption string string was not eight characters long
CEE3633W The total length of the combined ENVAR strings exceeded 250 characters
CEE3634I The number number of the run-time option option exceeded the range of -32768 to 32767
CEE3635I The string string was not a valid RECFM suboption specification for run-time option option
CEE3636I The value number exceeded the maximum allowable LRECL or BLKSIZE of 32760 bytes
CEE3637I The number number specified in the suboption suboption of the run-time option option is not a valid hexadecimal number in the range 0 to FFFFFFFF
CEE3638I The table size of size, specified in the TRACE run-time option, exceeds the maximum allowed value of 16777215
LE Country Codes
Library Routines
Library Routines - Key
Application Subsystem Routines
Bit-packing Routines
Character Set Conversion Routines
Consolidated Tracing Facility Routines
Container-Managed Services Routines
Debugging Routines
Display Attribute Routines
Enhanced ACCEPT and DISPLAY Syntax Routines
Exit and Error Procedure Routines
File and Filename Routines
Keyboard Routines
Logical Operator Routines
Memory Allocation Routines
Multi-threading Routines
Thread-control Routines
Synchronization routines
Routines for Handling Thread-specific Data
National Locale Support (NLS) Library Routines
Operating System Information Routines
Portability Routines
Program Canceling Routines
Run unit handling routines
Screen Routines
State Maintenance Routines
Text Routines
Unit Testing Routines
Virtual Heap Routines
Miscellaneous Routines
Alphabetical List of Library Routines
JVM_LOAD_NATIVE (deprecated)
X"91" function 11
X"91" function 12
X"91" function 13
X"91" function 15
X"91" function 16 (deprecated)
X"91" function 35
X"91" function 46
X"91" function 47
X"91" function 48
X"91" function 49
X"91" function 69 (deprecated)
X"A7" functions 6 and 7
X"A7" function 16
X"A7" function 17
X"A7" function 18
X"A7" functions 20 and 21
X"A7" function 25
X"AF" function 1
X"AF" function 18
X"AF" function 22
X"AF" function 26
X"AF" Function 81
X"AF" function 82
X"B0" function 0
X"B0" function 2
X"B0" function 4
Restrictions, Compiler Limits, and System Limits
Micro Focus Ant User Manual
Micro Focus Common Client
What is a Panel?
Using Panels
Text and Attributes for a Panel
Clipping a Panel
Panels Parameter Block
Panels Functions
Using Adis Functions with Panels
Panels Error Codes
Frequently Used Terms in Panels
Run-time System Configuration
Run-time configuration settings available in the IDE
Run-time Switches
Run-time Tunables
Terminfo Database and Terminal Devices
UNIX Key Usage Chart
Deploying COBOL Applications
Deploying to Enterprise Server
Enterprise Server configuration and administration
Overview and Architecture
Enterprise Server Common Web Administration
To Start ESCWA
The Enterprise Server Common Web Administration User Interface
ESCWA Client Web API
Planning your Configuration
Configuring the Server Instance Environment
Configuring Environment Variables
About Communications Processes
Configuring Fileshare
Using XA-compliant Resources (XARs)
IPv6 Support
Configuring Client-Server Communications
About Communications Processes
Considerations When Configuring Communications Processes
Displaying Communications Process and Listener Information
Securing Communications
Configuring CICS Web Interface Communications Options
Configuring Communications Processes
Configuring Listener Conversation Types
Conversation Filtering
Configuring Enterprise Server for IBM WebSphere MQ
Monitoring Enterprise Server
Remote File Access (RFA)
User Exits for Request Handlers
Legacy Enterprise Server Administration User Interface
User Interface Tables
Accessing the Enterprise Server Administration UI
Configuring and Administering Enterprise Server Instances
Enterprise Server Administration Console Help Pages
Enterprise Server Administration Side Bar Menu
Enterprise Server Administration Home Page
Edit Server Instance Properties
Security Configuration Screen Help
Deploying and Configuring Modernized Applications
About Modernized Applications
Managing Resources
Adding and Deleting Services
Configuring and Monitoring Services
Configuring Implementation Packages
Deploying EJBs and Resource Adapters
Enterprise Server Task Index
Accessing the Enterprise Server Administration UI
Accessing the ESMAC User Interface
Administer a Server Using ESMAC (deprecated)
Configure the Directory Server
Deploy to Java EE Application Servers
Log On and Off
Monitor Directory Server
Start and Stop the Directory Server
Work with Communication Processes and Service Listeners
Work with Packages
Work with Request Handlers
Work with Servers
Work with Services
Work with the Directory Server Repository
Enterprise Server Reference
Administration and Configuration Commands
Enterprise Server Error Messages
Client Messages
Directory Server Error Messages
Messages 0 to 20
Messages 21 to 40
Messages 41 to 60
Messages 61 to 80
Messages 81 to end
MDS0081W A duplicate port value has been used: this may cause server startup errors
MDS0082E Requested license value invalid, minimum value is 0
MDS0083W Cannot set auto-refresh period if web browser timeout is set
MDS0084E Cannot restore from current repository path
MDS0085W Value changed but not saved
MDS0086I At least one Communications Process must auto-start
MDS0087E MFRHBINP cannot be renamed
MDS0091E ISC listener port must have a valid value
MDS0095E Duplicate group name exists
MDS0096I Server configuration updated
MDS0097E Duplicate initiator name exists
MDS0098W Cannot over-write existing repository data
MDS0099I Server already in requested state
MDS0100E Duplicate printer name exists
MDS0101E The maximum number of Communications Processes per server is 32
MDS0102W Passwords must contain alphanumeric characters only
MDS0103E Security Manager already referenced in list
MDS0104E There must be at least one Security Manager in list
MDS0105E Both certificate and keyfile required
MDS0106E Duplicate Security Manager name exists
MDS0107E Security Managers cannot use a reserved module name
MDS0108E Users must be a member of #AllUsrs group
MDS0109E Cannot copy deployed services or packages if server working mode is changed
MDS0110W The specified configuration change may not take effect until the server is restarted
MDS0111W Update request failure message CASRD1006E detected in the ES console log
MDS0112I Update success message CASRD1001I detected for this object in the ES console log
MDS0113W Users who are members of the #System user group cannot log on interactively
MDS1003E LDAP server connection error
Enterprise Server Error Messages
CASAM - CICS Region Management Error Messages
CASAM1000 - CASAM1019
CASAM1020 - CASAM1039
CASAM1100 - CASAM1119
CASAM2000 - CASAM2019
CASAM2020 - CASAM2039
CASAM2040 - CASAM2059
CASAM2060 - CASAM2079
CASAM3000 - CASAM3019
CASAM3000S Critical Event Manager storage error
CASAM3001I Event Manager exit enabled (exit-program-name)
CASAM3002W Event Manager unable to load exit (exit-program-name)
CASAM3003E Unable to allocate Shared memory. Event Manager exits disabled
CASAM3005E Unable to parse filter string. expected "expected-value"; found "actual-value-found" - at end of "filter-string"
CASAM3006I Event Filter for (exit-name) has been enabled/disabled. Filter string: "filter-string"
CASAM3007E Unexpected logic error in program when parsing the event filter string. Exit: "exit-name" / Filter string: "filter-string"
CASAM3008E Illegal Type-id: "type-id-found". Max type-id: "max-type-id"
CASAM3009E Illegal sub-type-id: "sub-type-id-found". Max sub-type-id: "max-sub-type-id"
CASAM3010E Illegal id range: "id-lo" - "id-hi"
CASAM3011W Exit initialization failed. Exit name: "exit-name"
CASAM3012E Initialization to generate Windows Events from EMP failed.
CASAM3013E Unable to register server as active server for Monitoring and Management. Monitoring and Management support disabled.
CASAM3014E Unable to create Server Monitoring and Management shared memory. Monitoring and Management support disabled. Error: "Return code"
CASAM3015W Unable to deregister the server from active servers list for Monitoring and Management. Error Accessing registry
CASAM3016I ES Monitoring and Management support enabled
CASAM3017E ES Monitoring and Management unable to open performance registry key: "Registry key", RC=Return code for WIN API call "RegOpenKeyExA". M & M disabled.
CASAM3018E ES Monitoring and Management unable to get performance registry key: "Registry key\Registry value name", RC=Return code for WIN API call "RegQueryValueExA".
CASAM3019W ES Monitoring and Management retrieved unexpected value for "Registry key\Registry value name": actual=Actual value of registry key, expectedExpected value of registry key.
CASAM3020 - CASAM3039
CASAM3020E ES Monitoring and Management detected non-zero value for "Registry key\Registry value name". M & M disabled.
CASAM3021W ES Monitoring and Management unable to get value for "Registry key\Registry value name": RC=Return code for WIN API call "RegQueryValueExA".
CASAM3022W ES Monitoring and Management detected incorrect value for "Registry key\Registry value name": Performance monitoring load module name.
CASAM3023E Error accessing file casglm.lck "Return code".
CASAM3024E Unable to map shared memory for performance monitoring. Monitoring and Management support disabled. Error: "Return code"
CASAM3025I Region detected a timezone/daylight savings time change and automatically reset the time
CASAM3026W Region detected a timezone/daylight savings time change - time needs to be reset
CASAM3027I Region timezone reset by user (Logged on user) from transaction (Active transaction) at terminal (Active terminal)
CASAM3028E Unexpected failure renaming current aux trace file to filename for new aux file renamed, reason = File status RC1,File status RC2
CASAM3029I Aux trace switching notification exit enabled (exit-program-name)
CASAM3030E ES Monitoring and Management failed to initialise counters. RC=Return code for WIN API call "CounterInitialize".
CASAM3031E ES Monitoring and Management failed to create a counterset instance. RC=Return code for WIN API call "PerfCreateInstance".
CASAM3032E ES Monitoring and Management failed to load the counter values. RC=Return code for WIN API call "PerfSetCounterRefValue".
CASBJ - CICS Batch Job Error Messages
CASBJ0000 - CASBJ0019
CASBJ0020 - CASBJ0039
CASBJ0040 - CASBJ0059
CASCD - CICS Console Daemon Error Messages
CASCD0000 - CASCD0019
CASCD0020 - CASCD0039
CASCD0040 - CASCD0059
CASCD0060 - CASCD0079
CASCD0080 - CASCD0099
CASCD0100 - CASCD0119
CASCD0120 - CASCD0139
CASCD0140 - CASCD0159
CASCD0160 - CASCD0179
CASCD1000 - CASCD1019
CASCD1020 - CASCD1039
CASCD1020I JCP service process created for region region-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1021I Journal process for server region-name has terminated normally
CASCD1022S Journal process for server region-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1023I Extra-Partition TD (TDP) service created, server region-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1024I TDP service process for server region-name has terminated normally
CASCD1025S TDP service process for server region-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1026I Fileshare service process created, server region-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1027I Fileshare service process for server region-name has terminated normally
CASCD1028S Fileshare service process for server region-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1029I 3270 terminal created, region region-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1030I ODBC service process for Region region-name has terminated normally
CASCD1031S ODBC service process for Region region-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1032I WebSphere MQ gateway (CKTI) created, server region-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1033I WebSphere MQ gateway (CKTI) for server region-name has terminated normally
CASCD1034S WebSphere MQ gateway (CKTI) for server region-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1035I Spool service created, region region-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1036I Spool service for Region region-name has terminated normally
CASCD1037S Spool service for Region region-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1038I ES Communications Server created, ES region-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1039I ES Communications Server for ES region-name has terminated normally
CASCD1040 - CASCD1059
CASCD1040S ES Communications Server for ES region-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1041S ES Unknown process death reported
CASCD1042I IMS TM Control Process created for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1043I IMS DB Control Process created for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1044I IMS DB Control Process for Server server-name has terminated normally
CASCD1045S IMS DB Control Process for Server server-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1046S IMS TM Control Process for Server server-name abended by signal signal-value
CASCD1047S IMS DB Control Process for Server server-name abended by signal signal-value
CASCD1048I IMS TM Control Process for Server region-name has terminated normally
CASCD1049S IMS TM Control Process for Server region-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1050I IMS MPR Process for Server server-name has terminated normally
CASCD1051S IMS MPR Process for Server server-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1052I JES Initiator for Server server-name has terminated normally
CASCD1053S JES Initiator for Server server-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1054I JES Printer for Server server-name has terminated normally
CASCD1055S JES Printer for Server server-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1056S IMS MPR Process for Server server-name abended by signal signal-value
CASCD1057S JES Initiator for Server server-name abended by signal signal-value
CASCD1058S JES Printer for Server server-name abended by signal signal-value
CASCD1059I IMS MPR Process created for server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1060 - CASCD1079
CASCD1060I JES Initiator created for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1061S Undefined create request for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1062I JES Printer created for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1063I Event Manager created for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1064I Event Manager for Server server-name has terminated normally
CASCD1065S Event Manager for Server server-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1066S Event Manager for Server server-name abended by signal signal-value
CASCD1067I cobdebugremote process created for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1068I cobdebugremote process for Server server-name has terminated normally
CASCD1069S cobdebugremote process for Server server-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1070S cobdebugremote process for Server server-name abended by signal signal-value
CASCD1071I Administration SEP created for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1072I Administration SEP for Server server-name has terminated normally
CASCD1073S Administration SEP for Server server-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1074S Administration SEP for Server server-name abended by signal signal-value
CASCD1075I ES TSC Service Process created for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1076I ES TSC Service Process for Region server-name has terminated normally
CASCD1077S ES TSC Service Process for Region server-name exited with value exit-value
CASCD1078S ES TSC Service Process for Region server-name abended by signal signal-value
CASCD1079I Cobremotedaemon process created for Server server-name, process-id = pid
CASCD1080 - CASCD1099
CASCD1100 - CASCD1119
CASCD1120 - CASCD1139
CASCD1200 - CASCD1219
CASCD4000 - CASCD4019
CASCF - CICS Configuration Support Error Messages
CASCF0000 - CASCF0019
CASCF0020 - CASCF0039
CASCF0020S config-module: Error creating region (region-name) configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0021S config-module: Error creating development configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0022S config-module: Error opening global configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0023S config-module: Error opening region (region-name) configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0024S config-module: Error opening development configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0025S config-module: Error opening global configuration file, RC = return-code
CASCF0026S config-module: Error opening region (region-name) configuration file, RC = return-code
CASCF0027S config-module: Error opening development configuration file, RC = return-code
CASCF0028S config-module: Error reading global configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0029S config-module: Error reading region (region-name) configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0030S config-module: Error reading development configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0031S config-module: Error reading global configuration file, RC = return-code
CASCF0032S config-module: Error reading region (region-name) configuration file, RC = region-name
CASCF0033S config-module: Error reading development configuration file, RC = return-code
CASCF0034S config-module: Error writing global configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0035S config-module: Error writing region (region-name) configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0036S config-module: Error writing development configuration save file, RC = return-code
CASCF0037S config-module: Configuration error, TXLOCAL invalid
CASCF0038S config-module: Configuration error, TXDIR invalid
CASCF0039S config-module: Configuration error, region (region-name) files directory invalid
CASCF0040 - CASCF0059
CASCF0040S config-module: Configuration error, RDTDIR directory invalid
CASCF0041S config-module: Configuration error, system files directory invalid
CASCF0042S config-module: Configuration error, invalid region name (region-name) or directory
CASCF0043F config-module: Error loading messaging support module
CASCF0044F config-module: Error loading utility support module
CASCF0045F config-module: Error loading file handling support module
CASCF0046F config-module: Error loading file handling support module
CASCF0047F config-module: Unexpected error processing configuration file, RC=return-code
CASCF0048F config-module: Environment variable ID=environment-variable too large
CASCF0049F config-module: Micro Focus protection check failed
CASCF0050S config-module: Console daemon not active, RC = return-code
CASCF0051S config-module: Region region-name not active, RC = return-code
CASCF0052S config-module: Error reading console daemon configuration data, RC = return-code
CASCF0053S config-module: Error reading region "region-name" configuration data, RC = return-code
CASCF0054S config-module: Error writing console daemon configuration data, RC = return-code
CASCF0055S config-module: Error writing region "region-name" configuration data, RC = return-code
CASCF0056S config-module: Error reading project configuration data, token = config-token
CASCF0057S config-module: Error reading project configuration data, token = config-token
CASCF0058S config-module: Error reading project configuration data, token = config-token
CASCF0059F config-module: Error loading ES configuration support module
CASCF0060 - CASCF0079
CASCL - CICS for UNIX Client Error Messages
CASCL0000 - CASCL0019
CASCL0020 - CASCL0039
CASCS - CICS Communications Error Messages
CASCS1000 - CASCS1019
CASCS1100 - CASCS1119
CASCS1120 - CASCS1139
CASCS1500 - CASCS1519
CASCS2000 - CASCS2019
CASCS3000 - CASCS3019
CASCS3020 - CASCS3039
CASCS5000 - CASCS5019
CASCS5040 - CASCS5059
CASCS5060 - CASCS5079
CASCS5100 - CASCS5119
CASCT - CICS Supplied Transactions Error Messages
CASCT0000 - CASCT0019
CASCT0020 - CASCT0039
CASCT0040 - CASCT0059
CASCT0060 - CASCT0079
CASCT0080 - CASCT0099
CASCT0100 - CASCT0119
CASCT0200 - CASCT0219
CASCT0240 - CASCT0259
CASCT0300 - CASCT0319
CASCT0320 - CASCT0339
CASCT0340 - CASCT0359
CASCT0360 - CASCT0379
CASCT0400 - CASCT0419
CASCT0500 - CASCT0519
CASCT0540 - CASCT0559
CASCT0600 - CASCT0619
CASCT0700 - CASCT0719
CASCT0720 - CASCT0739
CASCT0740 - CASCT0759
CASCT0800 - CASCT0819
CASCT1000 - CASCT1019
CASCT2000 - CASCT2019
CASCT2100 - CASCT2119
CASCT2200 - CASCT2219
CASCT2300 - CASCT2319
CASCT2400 - CASCT2419
CASCT2420 - CASCT2439
CASCT2440 - CASCT2459
CASCT2460 - CASCT2479
CASCT3000 - CASCT3019
CASCT5000 - CASCT5019
CASCT5100 - CASCT5119
CASCT6000 - CASCT6019
CASCT6100 - CASCT6119
CASCV - Enterprise Server Verification Utility Error Messages
CASCV0000 - CASCV0019
CASCV0020 - CASCV0039
CASCV0040 - CASCV0059
CASCV0060 - CASCV0079
CASCV0080 - CASCV0099
CASCV0100 - CASCV0119
CASCV0120 - CASCV0139
CASCV0140 - CASCV0159
CASDB - IMS Database Control Error Messages
CASDU - CICS Dump Control Error Messages
CASFC - CICS File Control Error Messages
CASFD - CICS Dump Formatter Error Messages
CASFF - CICS File Finder Error Messages
CASFS - Fileshare Error Messages
CASFS5000 - CASFS5019
CASFS5020 - CASFS5039
CASFS5040 - CASFS5059
CASFS5060 - CASFS5079
CASIP - CICS IMS Message Processing Error Messages
CASIS - CICS Web Interface Error Messages
CASJC - CICS Journal Control Error Messages
CASKC - CICS Task Control Error Messages
CASKC0000 - CASKC0019
CASKC0020 - CASKC0039
CASKC0040 - CASKC0059
CASKC0040I admin-msg
CASKC0041E Transaction trans-id abend abend-codeabend-description.
CASKC0042I Transaction trans-id abend abend-codeabend-description. Backout Successful.
CASKC0043E system-id Transaction trans-id failed with abend ASRA. Updates to local recoverable resources backed out.
CASKC0044S ES failed to authorize CICS Default user default-user
CASKC0045I User (user-id) requested (request type) on Transaction (trans-id for request) from Tran (active trans-id) Program (active program) Terminal(terminal id).
CASKC0046I User (user-id) requested (request type) on Program (program-id for request) from Tran (active trans-id) Terminal(terminal id) Return-code(return-code).
CASKC0047S ES failed to authorize ESMAC Default user default-user
CASKC0048S Process process-id of the process that is killed hard-killed. System dump issued
CASKC0049I Cancellation of Program (program-id for request) by user (user-id) - Return-code(return-code).
CASKC0050S IMS DB Control process ABENDed and ES shutdown is configured
CASKC0051E A storage violation was detected during task number task number.
CASKC0052S One or more core process(es) terminated prior to initialization - shutting region down
CASKC0053E MFDBFH could not recover Region database or datastore url, RC return code.
CASKC0054I WebSphere MQ !Queue Manager Name SUBSYSTEM security switch set ON, profile 'Security profile found' found
CASKC0055I WebSphere MQ !Queue Manager Name Type security security switch set ON, profile 'Security profile found' found
CASKC0056E Program program name abend abend-codeabend-description.
CASKC0057I WebSphere MQ !Queue Manager Name Type security security switch set OFF, class 'Security Resource Class' not defined
CASKC0058W Process process-id soft-kill issued and hard-kill is disabled.
CASKC0059S Process process-id of the process that is killed hard-killed because it was stuck.
CASKC0200 - CASKC0219
CASKC0300 - CASKC0319
CASKC1000 - CASKC1019
CASKC2000 - CASKC2019
CASKC5000 - CASKC5019
CASKC6000 - CASKC6019
CASKC6001S Unable to kill process process-id, recovery initiated
CASKC6002I JOBjob-number terminated due to exceeding TIME parameter: number of seconds seconds
CASKC6003I Transaction tran-id has exceeded its threshold of elapsed time threshold in seconds seconds
CASKC6004I Transaction tran-id completed but exceeded its threshold of elapsed time threshold in seconds seconds
CASKC6005I IMS Transaction tran-id has exceeded its threshold of elapsed time threshold in seconds seconds
CASKC6006I A Web Service has timed out
CASKC6007I IMS Transaction tran-id has exceeded its processing limit of processing limit in seconds seconds
CASKC6008S No reply received for lock request from process-id. GLM work halted until reply on ESMAC control page is provided.
CASKC6009W JOBjob-number exceeded CPU threshold limit of CPU threshold ms. Actual: Actual CPU usage ms.
CASKC6010W JOBjob-number exceeded MEM threshold limit of MEM threshold kb. Actual: Actual MEM usage kb.
CASKC6011W JOBjob-number exceeded ELAPSED time threshold limit of ELAPSED time threshold ms. Actual: Actual ELAPSED time ms.
CASKC6012W JOBjob-number exceeded CPU purge threshold limit of CPU purge threshold ms. Actual: Actual CPU usage ms.
CASKC6013W JOBjob-number exceeded MEM purge threshold limit of MEM purge threshold kb. Actual: Actual MEM usage kb.
CASKC6014W JOBjob-number exceeded ELAPSED purge time threshold limit of ELAPSED purge time threshold ms. Actual: Actual ELAPSED time ms.
CASKC6015W IMS transaction IMS transaction exceeded CPU threshold limit of CPU threshold ms. Actual: Actual CPU usage ms.
CASKC6016W IMS transaction IMS transaction exceeded MEM threshold limit of MEM threshold kb. Actual: Actual MEM usage kb.
CASKC6017W IMS transaction IMS transaction exceeded ELAPSED time threshold limit of ELAPSED time threshold ms. Actual: Actual ELAPSED time ms.
CASKC6018W IMS transaction IMS transaction exceeded CPU purge threshold limit of CPU purge threshold ms. Actual: Actual CPU usage ms.
CASKC6019W IMS transaction IMS transaction exceeded MEM purge threshold limit of MEM purge threshold kb. Actual: Actual MEM usage kb.
CASKC6020 - CASKC6039
CASKC6020W IMS transaction IMS transaction exceeded ELAPSED purge time threshold limit of ELAPSED purge time threshold ms. Actual: Actual ELAPSED time ms.
CASKC6021W CICS transaction CICS transaction exceeded CPU threshold limit of CPU threshold ms. Actual: Actual CPU usage ms.
CASKC6022W CICS transaction CICS transaction exceeded MEM threshold limit of MEM threshold kb. Actual: Actual MEM usage kb.
CASKC6023W CICS transaction CICS transaction exceeded ELAPSED time threshold limit of ELAPSED time threshold ms. Actual: Actual ELAPSED time ms.
CASKC6024W CICS transaction CICS transaction exceeded CPU purge threshold limit of CPU purge threshold ms. Actual: Actual CPU usage ms.
CASKC6025W CICS transaction CICS transaction exceeded MEM purge threshold limit of MEM purge threshold kb. Actual: Actual MEM usage kb.
CASKC6026W CICS transaction CICS transaction exceeded ELAPSED purge time threshold limit of ELAPSED purge time threshold ms. Actual: Actual ELAPSED time ms.
CASKC6027I Enterprise Server time keeper daemon initialized
CASKC6028I Enterprise Server time keeper daemon terminating
CASKC6029I Enterprise Server time keeper daemon already active
CASKC6030W CGI program CGI program exceeded CPU threshold limit of CPU threshold ms. Actual: Actual CPU usage ms.
CASKC6031W CGI program CGI program exceeded MEM threshold limit of MEM threshold kb. Actual: Actual MEM usage kb.
CASKC6032W CGI program CGI program exceeded ELAPSED time threshold limit of ELAPSED time threshold ms. Actual: Actual ELAPSED time ms.
CASKC6033W CGI program CGI program exceeded CPU purge threshold limit of CPU purge threshold ms. Actual: Actual CPU usage ms.
CASKC6034W CGI program CGI program exceeded MEM purge threshold limit of MEM purge threshold kb. Actual: Actual MEM usage kb.
CASKC6035W CGI program CGI program exceeded ELAPSED purge time threshold limit of ELAPSED purge time threshold ms. Actual: Actual ELAPSED time ms.
CASKC6036I Enterprise Server recovery MFDBFH daemon initialized
CASKC6037I Enterprise Server recovery MFDBFH daemon terminating
CASKC6038I Enterprise Server recovery MFDBFH daemon already active
CASKC6039E Enterprise Server recovery MFDBFH daemon could not load casmfdbfh
CASKC6040 - CASKC6059
CASMG - Error Message File Error Messages
CASMQ - Trigger Monitor Error Messages
CASMQ1000 - CASMQ1019
CASMQ1001I Connection to WebSphere MQ re-established.
CASMQ1002E Connection to WebSphere MQ lost, RC = reason-code, retrying...
CASMQ1003E Failed to start transaction transaction from CKTI
CASMQ1004E Unexpected error reason from MQGET in CKTI, RC = reason-code
CASMQ1005E Unable to start trigger transaction trans-id, reason = reason-code
CASMQ1006E Unexpected message format (msg-format) on MQGET in CKTI
CASMQ1007E Unexpected application type (appltype) on MQGET in CKTI
CASMQ1008I IMS Trigger Monitor initialization completed
CASMQ1009I IMS Trigger Monitor is ready, initiation queue: initiation-queue-name
CASMQ1010I IMS Trigger Monitor terminated
CASMQ1011E Unexpected error while connecting to queue manager queue-manager-name in IMS Trigger Monitor, status: status-code
CASMQ1012E Unexpected error while opening initiation queue initiation-queue-name in IMS Trigger Monitor, status: status-code
CASMQ1013E Unexpected error while getting message from the initiation queue initiation-queue-name in IMS Trigger Monitor, status: status-code
CASMQ1014E Unexpected error while closing initiation queue initiation-queue-name in IMS Trigger Monitor, status: status-code
CASMQ1015E Unexpected error while disconnecting from queue manager queue-manager-name in IMS Trigger Monitor, status: status-code
CASMQ1016E Unexpected application type appltype on MQGET in IMS Trigger Monitor
CASMQ1017E Unexpected MQ message version message-version in IMS Trigger Monitor
CASMQ1018E Unexpected MQ message structid mqtm-strucid in IMS Trigger Monitor
CASMQ1019E Unexpected error from IMS SYNC call, status code: status-code
CASMQ1020 - CASMQ1039
CASMQ5000 - CASMQ5019
CASMQ5040 - CASMQ5059
CASMQ5060 - CASMQ5079
CASMQ5060S ES MQ Service Process failed to load WebSphere MQ support module
CASMQ5061I ES MQ Listener MQ Queue listener name for MQ-Queue-Manager requested
CASMQ5062I ES MQ Listener MQ Queue listener name for MQ-Queue-Manager stopped
CASMQ5063E ES MQ Listener MQ Queue listener name for MQ-Queue-Manager failed, reason: MQ reason code
CASMQ5064E ES MQ Listener MQ Queue listener name for MQ-Queue-Manager open failed, reason: MQ reason code
CASMQ5065E ES MQ Queue Manager queue-manager-name security failed, reason: failure-reason
CASMQ5066E ES MQ Listener MQ Queue listener name for MQ-Queue-Manager initialization failed, reason: MQ reason code
CASMQ5067E ES MQ Listener MQ Queue listener name for MQ-Queue-Manager connection lost, reason: MQ reason code, retrying...
CASMQ5069I ES MQ Listener MQ Queue listener name for MQ-Queue-Manager connected
CASMQ5070E ES MQ Listener MQ Queue listener name Queue Manager MQ-Queue-Manager connect failed, reason: failure-reason
CASMQ5071E ES MQ Service Process query for default Queue Manager name and platform query failed, reason: failure-reason
CASMQ5072I ES MQ system dump CODE:dump-code, CALLER:dump-caller and DATASET:dump-dataset was produced
CASMQ5073I ES MQ Service Process MQSERVER=environment-value
CASMQ5074S ES MQ queue queue-name (listener listener-name) application type application-type is unsupported
CASMQ5075W ES MQ trigger message for queue queue-name (listener listener-name) application type application-type is unsupported
CASMQ5076E ES MQ message from queue queue-name (listener listener-name type listener-type) format message-format invalid
CASMQ5077I ES MQ default Queue Manager name is default-queue-manager
CASMQ5078I ES MQ Listener MQ-Queue for MQ-Queue-Manager reconnected
CASMQ5079I ES MQ Queue Manager default-queue-manager identified
CASMQ5080 - CASMQ5099
CASMS - CICS Trigger Monitor Error Messages
CASOP - CICS User Messages to Console
CASPA - Scale-Out Performance and Availability Cluster Error Messages
CASPA1000 - CASPA1019
CASPA2060 - CASPA2079
CASPA2100 - CASPA2119
CASPA3000 - CASPA3019
CASPC - CICS Program Control Error Messages
CASPI - WebSphere Error Messages
CASPI0100 - CASPI0119
CASPI0300 - CASPI0319
CASPI0400 - CASPI0419
CASPI0440 - CASPI0459
CASPI0500 - CASPI0519
CASPI0700 - CASPI0719
CASPI0900 - CASPI0919
CASPI0940 - CASPI0959
CASPI0980 - CASPI0999
CASPI1000 - CASPI1019
CASPI1560 - CASPI1579
CASPI4920 - CASPI4939
CASPI9640 - CASPI9659
CASRA - CICS Resource Definition API Error Messages
CASRA0000 - CASRA0019
CASRA0020 - CASRA0039
CASRA0040 - CASRA0059
CASRA0060 - CASRA0079
CASRA0080 - CASRA0099
CASRA0100 - CASRA0119
CASRA0120 - CASRA0139
CASRA0120E Invalid values in TEMPLATENAME field
CASRA0121E Invalid values in DOCTEMPLATE field
CASRA0123E Option The attribute at fault conflicts with other option and is ignored
CASRA0124E Option The attribute at fault conflicts with other option and is ignored
CASRA0125E Invalid values in TYPE field
CASRA0126E Invalid values in NAME field
CASRA0127E Invalid values in CLASS field
CASRA0128W Port number The well-known port number. implies protocol The new protocol the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use., so protocol has been changed to The new protocol the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use.
CASRA0129W Port number The well-known port number. implies that SSL be switched to NO, so SSL has been switched to NO
CASRA0130W Port number The well-known port number. implies that SSL be switched to YES, so SSL has been switched to YES
CASRA0131W Protocol The protocol the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use. implies transaction The new transaction the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use., so transaction has been set to The new transaction the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use.
CASRA0132E For protocol The protocol the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use. option The attribute and value that is meaningless. is meaningless
CASRA0133S Use of protocol The protocol the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use. implies The attribute and value that is required. option must be specified
CASRA0134S Use of The attribute and value specified. option implies The attribute and value that is required. option must be specified
CASRA0135W Protocol The protocol the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use. implies URM. The default value has been assumed
CASRA0136W Transaction The new transaction the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use. implies protocol The protocol the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use., so protocol has been set to The protocol the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use.
CASRA0137E The new transaction the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use. option conflicts with The protocol the TCPIPSERVICE has been set to use. option and is ignored
CASRA0138E Field MAXACTIVE is not valid
CASRA0139E Field PURGETHRESH is not valid
CASRA0140 - CASRA0159
CASRA0160 - CASRA0179
CASRA0180 - CASRA0199
CASRA1000 - CASRA1019
CASRA1020 - CASRA1039
CASRA1100 - CASRA1119
CASRA1200 - CASRA1219
CASRA1300 - CASRA1319
CASRA1320 - CASRA1339
CASRA1500 - CASRA1519
CASRB - Miscellaneous Error Messages
CASRB0000 - CASRB0019
CASRB0020 - CASRB0039
CASRB0040 - CASRB0059
CASRB0060 - CASRB0079
CASRB0080 - CASRB0099
CASRD - CICS Resource Definition DFHRDEF Error Messages
CASRD0000 - CASRD0019
CASRD0001E resource-type entry resource-name is busy. Group group-name will be partially installed
CASRD0002E resource-type name resource-name is busy. Group group-name will not be installed
CASRD0003S Group group-name is not found, install request rejected, reason reason-code
CASRD0004I Resource definition group group-name install initiated from (facility-id)
CASRD0005E Group group-name is not installed, check messages in TS queue TS-queue-name
CASRD0006E Group group-name is installed with errors, check messages in TS queue TS-queue-name
CASRD0007I Resource definition group group-name is successfully installed
CASRD0008I resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name replaced existing definition
CASRD0009I resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name installed
CASRD0010E resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name install failed, reason: reason-code
CASRD0011S Resource definition file open error, reason reason-code
CASRD0012W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name not supported
CASRD0013W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name delete failed, reason reason-code
CASRD0014W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name install failed, reason reason-code
CASRD0015W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name not recognized
CASRD0016W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name not supported
CASRD0017W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name not recognized
CASRD0018E resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name not CLOSED and either UNENABLED or DISABLED
CASRD0019E Extra-partition resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name not CLOSED
CASRD0020 - CASRD0039
CASRD0020E Replace is not supported for general terminal resource-name
CASRD0021E Replace is not supported for ECI requester resource-name
CASRD0022E Replace is not supported for SURROGATE terminal resource-name
CASRD0023E Replace is not supported for SESSION definition resource-name
CASRD0024E Replace is not supported for definition resource-name, type not recognized
CASRD0025E 3270 resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name is not out of service and/or it is in use
CASRD0026E Connection resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name is not out of service and/or it is in use
CASRD0027E Conversion table definition file open error, reason reason-code
CASRD0028W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name not supported
CASRD0029W CVT type resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name not recognized
CASRD0030E resource-type entry resource-name is busy. CVT definition not installed, group group-name
CASRD0031I resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name installed
CASRD0032E resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name install failed, reason reason-code
CASRD0033E resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name install local storage error: reason-code
CASRD0034W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name is ZERO length table
CASRD0035W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name, base resource not found
CASRD0036W resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name, free of old table failed, reason reason-code
CASRD0037E resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name, not installed, type invalid
CASRD0038E resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name, not installed, not supported
CASRD0039E Invalid input for install of group group-name, error parameter: error-parameter
CASRD0040 - CASRD0059
CASRD0040E resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name not found
CASRD0041E Read of resource-type entry resource-name from group group-name failed, reason reason-code
CASRD0042E resource-type name resource-name in group group-name is busy. Resource will not be installed
CASRD0043E Resource type resource-type not recognized
CASRD0044E Keyword GROUP expected - found keyword. Resource will not be installed
CASRD0045E Closing single quote missing or mismatched. resource-name Resource will not be installed
CASRD0046E Closing double quote missing or mismatched. resource-name Resource will not be installed
CASRD0047E resource-type entry resource-name not DISABLED
CASRD0048E resource-type entry resource-name already open
CASRD0049E Opening resource-type resource-name has failed because port port number is in use
CASRD0050E resource-type resource-name not installed as it maps the same URI as URIMAP2
CASRD0051E resource-type resource-name not installed as it contains the same TEMPLATENAME as DOCTEMPLATE2
CASRD0052E resource-type resource-name not installed as Current Userid is not a surrogate of URIMAP Userid or is not authorized.
CASRD0053E resource-type entry resource-name not installed. Resource already exists
CASRD0054E BUNDLE entry bundle name not installed. Bundle directory does not exist.
CASRD0055W BUNDLE entry bundle name installed as disabled. Associated JSONTRANFRM install failed.
CASRD0056E resource-type entry resource-name not installed. cipher xml error xml return-code
CASRD1000 - CASRD1019
CASRD1020 - CASRD1039
CASRD1040 - CASRD1059
CASRM - CICS Resource Manager Control Error Messages
CASRS - CASRAS Process Error Messages
CASRS2000 - CASRS2019
CASRS2040 - CASRS2059
CASRS2060 - CASRS2079
CASRS2100 - CASRS2119
CASSE - CICS Security Error Messages
CASSE0000 - CASSE0019
CASSE0020 - CASSE0039
CASSE0040 - CASSE0059
CASSE0100 - CASSE0119
CASSI - CICS System Initialization Error Messages
CASSI0000 - CASSI0019
CASSI0020 - CASSI0039
CASSI1000 - CASSI1019
CASSI1000I Server Manager initialization completed successfully
CASSI1001S Server manager initialization failure
CASSI1002S Server manager initialization failure, no valid license found
CASSI1003W Server manager initialization error, no MSS license found
CASSI1004W Warning: insufficient license units. Requested: Requested-license-count Available: Available-license-count
CASSI1005E Error license-status or license system message requesting license
CASSI1006E Error license-status returning license
CASSI1007E Error: Unable to determine CES message length return code from CBL_CES_GET_ERROR_MSG_LEN return code from CES request
CASSI1008E Error: Could not retrieve CES message return code from CBL_CES_GET_ERROR_MSG return code from CES request
CASSI1009E Error from CES: text of the message from CES return code from CES request
CASSI1010W Error environment variable ES_CERTIFICATES_LOCATION not set or pointing to an invalid location
CASSI1011W TCPIPSERVICE TCPIPSERVICE name could not be started. Certificate Certificate name could not be found
CASSI1012W Error no certificate specified for TCPIPSERVICE TCPIPSERVICE name and ES_DFLT_CERTIFICATE_NAME_SERVER not set
CASSI1013W Error TCPIPSERVICE TCPIPSERVICE name could not be started. No passphrase for server certificate Certificate name
CASSI1014W No CA root file provided to validate client certificates for TCPIPSERVICE TCPIPSERVICE name. Server certificate is Certificate name
CASSI1015W TCPIPSERVICE TCPIPSERVICE name could not be started. Keyfile Keyfile name could not be found
CASSI1016E Licensing error: license system message
CASSI1400 - CASSI1419
CASSI1420 - CASSI1439
CASSI1420S Temporary storage/transient data file name TS-TD-name is illegal
CASSI1421S Error connecting to Fileshare server FS-server for TS/TD file
CASSI1422S Run time error rts-error while initializing TS/TD file
CASSI1423S Error initializing TS/TD file filename, reason = (file-status-byte-1,file-status-byte-2)
CASSI1424S Error locating TS/TD file, reason = locate-status
CASSI1425I TS recoverable / non-recoverable cold / warm started
CASSI1426I TD recoverable / non-recoverable cold / warm started
CASSI1427E Error TS recoverable / non-recoverable could not be cold / warm started
CASSI1428E Error TD recoverable / non-recoverable could not be cold / warm started
CASSI1429I Region connected to Redis server Redis server name at Redis server address port Redis port number
CASSI1430E Region could not connect to Redis server Redis server name at Redis server address port Redis port number, RC=Return code from connection attempt
CASSI1431I PAC PAC Name starting.
CASSI1432I Joining PAC PAC Name.
CASSI1433I Leaving PAC PAC Name.
CASSI1434E This region cannot join PAC PAC Name because the current operating system Operating system of the current ES region does not match the PAC operating system Operating system of the PAC.
CASSI1435I Number of load modules synchronized from the PAC CasLOADS Load module type (CICS, JES, etc) module(s) were synchronized from PAC PAC Name CasLOADS.
CASSI1436E Error trying to synchronize Load module type (CICS, JES, etc) load modules from PAC PAC Name CasLOADS for this region. Error code Return code from synchronization.
CASSI1437S Region cannot be started as we could not connect to PAC PAC Name.
CASSI1438S Region cannot be started as we could not get a new Member count for PAC PAC Name. Error code Return code.
CASSI1439S Region cannot be started as the name of the PAC PAC Name is not alphanumeric.
CASSI1440 - CASSI1459
CASSI1440I Region connected to datastore Datastore name at SQL server host
CASSI1441I Region created and connected to datastore Datastore name at SQL server host
CASSI1442E Region could not connect to datastore Datastore name at server SQL server host - server not found
CASSI1443E Region could not connect to datastore Datastore name at server SQL server host - datastore not found
CASSI1444E Region could not connect to datastore Datastore name at SQL server host - IO error
CASSI1445E Region could not connect to datastore Datastore name at SQL server host - Unknown error
CASSI1446E Region could not join the PAC as the current product (PAC version Product PAC version) is incompatible with the PAC version Current PAC version
CASSI1447E Region cannot be started because MFDBFH region initialization failed or no cross region database configured.
CASSI1448W Manager process requested cold start operation could not complete successfully.
CASSI1450E Error loading casmfdbfh
CASSI1451E Exception on initial call to casmfdbfh
CASSI1452E Error initializing casmfdbfh. RC=Return code from initialization attempt
CASSI1453S Region configuration error, PAC defined with no PSOR
CASSI1454I ES support for CICS TRANCLASS MaxActive is enabled
CASSI1455E Region cannot be started because MFDBFH region region name could not be found in the configuration file.
CASSI1456E Invalid SOR type specified in SOR Environment variable. SOR will be ignored.
CASSI1457W No SOR name specified in SOR Environment variable. SOR will be ignored.
CASSI1458W MFDBFH LOCK management support is implicit in the PAC, ES_LOCKDB bypassed.
CASSI1459W ES_LOCKDB group name LOCKDB group name is not alphanumeric, ES_LOCKDB value rejected.
CASSI1460 - CASSI1479
CASSI1500 - CASSI1519
CASSI1600 - CASSI1619
CASSI1700 - CASSI1719
CASSI1720 - CASSI1739
CASSI1740 - CASSI1759
CASSI1800 - CASSI1819
CASSI1820 - CASSI1839
CASSI1840 - CASSI1859
CASSI1860 - CASSI1879
CASSI1880 - CASSI1899
CASSI1900 - CASSI1919
CASSI2000 - CASSI2019
CASSI2100 - CASSI2119
CASSI2140 - CASSI2159
CASSI2200 - CASSI2219
CASSI4000 - CASSI4019
CASSI4100 - CASSI4119
CASSI5000 - CASSI5019
CASSI5020 - CASSI5039
CASSI5040 - CASSI5059
CASSI6000 - CASSI6019
CASSI7000 - CASSI7019
CASSI8000 - CASSI8019
CASSI9000 - CASSI9019
CASSI9020 - CASSI9039
CASSI9020I Default RNLDEF created in Name of the file containing the RNL definitions (All SYSDSNs, SYSZDSNs, SYSVSAMs are Global resources).
CASSI9021S RC RC attempting to create default RNLs file Name of the file containing the RNL definitions
CASSI9022E RC RC accessing RNLs file Name of the file containing the RNL definitions.
CASSI9023E missing or invalid parameter parameter name in RNL record number record number.
CASSI9024I Number of records loaded RNLDEF loaded from Number of records in error.
CASSI9025I RNLDEFs received and installed from ES Cluster Manager Number of records loaded.
CASSI9026I Region initializing in Cold/Warm/Configured startup mode.
CASSI9027W Region initializing in Warm startup mode because PAC PAC Name is already active.
CASSI9028I Region waiting for PAC PAC Name to be initialized.
CASSI9029S Region cannot start because the SOR used by PAC name for the current region is already used by PAC name for the region using the SOR.
CASSI9030E GLM disabled for the region as it conflicts with the cross region database configuration
CASSI9031S Region cannot start because we encountered error PSOR access return code accessing the PSOR.
CASSI9032E Region cannot connect to the Redis server Redis server name at Redis server address port Redis port number is secured and no authentication was provided.
CASSI9033E Region cannot be started as the PAC failed to start.
CASSI9034E NQRNL option can not be supported without the JES support.
CASSI9035W Invalid format of hex prefix detected in SOR model type SOR model list: SOR model list. This and subsequent models will be ignored.
CASSI9036I The TS/TD SOR exit has been enabled and will be used instead of SOR models.
CASSI9037S Region cannot warm start because there is no PAC SOR. Ensure that the PAC has been cold started.
CASSI9038E Create process request failed with RC Return code and Errno Errno.
CASSI9039I Monitor APIs supported on this platform.
CASSI9040 - CASSI9059
CASSI9040I Monitor APIs not supported on this platform, RC Return code.
CASSI9041E Region cannot connect to Coherence which is secured and no authentication was provided, using Coherence connection string
CASSI9042W SOR model type SOR model list for SOR name exceeds max length. Models may be truncated.
CASSI9043W Orphaned ITR found from previous instance of this region and removed. Type=Type of ITR, Action=Action on ITR, Resource=Resource
CASSI9044I Failed MFDBFH recovery for (PID:process-id) has been now processed
CASSI9045W Automatic check for PAC ITRs from previous instance of this region exited whilst waiting for MFCS to initialize
CASSI9046E Region cannot start because connection to Coherence at Coherence connection string failed.
CASSI9047E Region cannot start because the connection to Redis server Redis server name failed.
CASSI9048E Failed to load MFDBFH support module
CASSI9049E Failed to register sql:// prefix with external file handler, RC=Return code
CASSI9050E ES GLM or CLUSTER deprecated check the documentation and use LOCKDB or PAC configuration.
CASSI9051I Region connected to Redis TLS server Redis server name at Redis server address port Redis port number
CASSI9052E Region could not connect to Redis TLS server Redis server name at Redis server address port Redis port number, RC=Return code from connection attempt
CASSI9053I Region SYSID changed Original SYSID defined in the SIT to New SYSID specified in the casstart command
CASSI9054I OpenTelemetry support is enabled
CASSI9055I OpenTelemetry support is not configured
CASSI9056E Failed to initialize OpenTelemetry (Initialization error)
CASSI9057W Disabled iFileshare for PAC enabled region
CASSP - CICS Syncpoint and Recovery Services Error Messages
CASST - CICS Region Termination Error Messages
CASST0000 - CASST0019
CASST0020 - CASST0039
CASST4000 - CASST4019
CASST4020 - CASST4039
CASST4080 - CASST4099
CASST4100 - CASST4119
CASST5000 - CASST5019
CASST5020 - CASST5039
CASST5200 - CASST5219
CASST5220 - CASST5239
CASST6000 - CASST6019
CASTD - CICS Transient Data Error Messages
CASTM - CICS System Termination Error Messages
CASTM0020 - CASTM0039
CASTM5000 - CASTM5019
CASTM5020 - CASTM5039
CASTM5020S IMS TM Message Queue version mismatch. Disk version is version
CASTM5021S IMS TM Message Queue upgrade or cold start is required. IMS TM version: version
CASTM5022E Signon ID error: user ID user-identifier, group security-group at LU logical-unit
CASTM5023E Signon password error: user ID user-identifier, group security-group at LU logical-unit
CASTM5024S Signon SAF error: user ID user-identifier, group security-group at LU logical-unit
CASTM5025E Signon ID revoked: user ID user-identifier, group security-group at LU logical-unit
CASTM5026E Signon password expired: user ID user-identifier, group security-group at LU logical-unit
CASTM5027I IMS TM MFS is operating with character attribute bias
CASTM5028I IMS TM MFS is operating with binary attribute bias
CASTM5029I IMS TM MFS ASCII null character system bias is null-character
CASTM5030I IMS TM resource definitions and statistics cold started
CASTM5031I IMS TM resource definitions restored, statistics cold started
CASTM5032I IMS TM resource definitions and statistics restored
CASTM5033S IMS TM message queue corruption detected: block queue-file-block
CASTM5034S IMS TM message queue segment error: block queue-file-block; segment segment-number
CASTM5035E IMS MPP ABEND; Transaction transaction stopped
CASTM5036S IMS TM Message Queue structure problem encountered. Disk version appears to be version number.
CASTM5037I IMS TM old Message Queue file: queue-file-name
CASTM5038I IMS transaction transaction marked as implicit wait for input
CASTM5039I IMS TM system dump CODE:dump-code, CALLER:dump-caller and DATASET:dump-dataset was produced
CASTM5040 - CASTM5059
CASTM5040I IMS TM Message Queue File flush requests disabled
CASTM5041I IMS TM Message Queue File flush requests aggregate time is aggregation-minimum milliseconds
CASTM5042I IMS TM Message Queue File flush requests aggregate disabled
CASTM5043I IMS TM Message Queue File flush enabled
CASTM5044I IMS TM exit programs loaded: Number of programs loaded
CASTM5045S IMS Message Formatting Services local memory allocation error error number.
CASTM5046W IMS TM MFS segment exit program exit program could not be called
CASTM5047I DFSNDMI0 succeeded transaction=transaction PSB=PSB destination=destination
CASTM5048E IMS TM rejected printer printer-name because it is not authorized
CASTM5049E IMS TM rejected terminal printer-name because it is not authorized
CASTM5050W IMS TM Message Queue file is nearly full
CASTM5051E IMS TM Message Queue file out of space
CASTM5052E IMS TM response mode transaction transaction-name terminated without a response
CASTM5053I IMS TM XA recovery committed in-doubt output for transaction Transaction on process process id
CASTM5054I IMS TM control process (PID:process-id) recovery initiated
CASTM5055S IMS Message Formatting Services local memory allocation error error code.
CASTM5056I IMS TM Message Queue dataset upgraded from version 1/02 to version 1/03
CASTM5057I IMS TM Original Message Queue saved as <message-queue-name>
CASTM5058S IMS TM Save of original Message Queue data prior to upgrade failed, RC <rename-return-code>
CASTM5059I IMS TM Message Queue dataset upgrade is complete
CASTM5060 - CASTM5079
CASTM5080 - CASTM5099
CASTM5100 - CASTM5119
CASTP - Transaction Paging Error Messages
CASTR - TRC Service Process Error Messages
CASTS - TSC Service Process Error Messages
CASTS0000 - CASTS0019
CASTS0020 - CASTS0039
CASTS1000 - CASTS1019
CASTS1020 - CASTS1039
CASTS5000 - CASTS5019
CASTS5020 - CASTS5039
CASTS5040 - CASTS5059
CASTS5060 - CASTS5079
CASTS5100 - CASTS5119
CASTS5120 - CASTS5139
CASTS5140 - CASTS5159
CASTS5600 - CASTS5619
CASXB - CICS BMS Macro Processor Error Messages
CASXB0000 - CASXB0019
CASXB0020 - CASXB0039
CASXB0040 - CASXB0059
CASXB0060 - CASXB0079
CASXO - CICS Transaction Manager Error Messages
CASXO0000 - CASXO0019
CASXO0001S XA Resource Manager initialization error. Resource XAT resource name open failed, reason return-code
CASXO0002S Switch Load Module for resource XAT resource name failed to load
CASXO0003S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Transaction start failed: reason return-code
CASXO0004S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Transaction end failed: reason return-code, XID: XID
CASXO0005S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Prepare failed: reason return-code, XID: XID
CASXO0006S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name May have heuristically completed due to a failure
CASXO0007S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Has heuristically committed the transaction
CASXO0008S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Has heuristically rolled back the transaction
CASXO0009S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Has heuristically partially committed and partially rolled back the transaction
CASXO0010S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Commit failed: reason return-code XID: XID
CASXO0011S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Rollback failed: reason return-code, XID: XID
CASXO0012S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Close failed: reason return-code
CASXO0013S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Rolled back transaction: reason return-code
CASXO0014S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Forget failed: reason return-code
CASXO0015I XAT resource name XA interface initialized successfully
CASXO0016S XAT resource name XA interface initialization failure
CASXO0017S Unrecoverable error in XAT resource name XA interface, RM interface disabled
CASXO0018S Resource Manager for resource XAT resource name Transaction end failed: reason return-code, XID: XID
CASXO0019S Switch Load Module for resource XAT resource name failed to load RM XA resources, returned pointer was null
CASXO0020 - CASXO0039
CASXO0020I XA resource name XA interface loaded. Name(XA name), Registration Mode(XA registration mode)
CASXO0021I XA resource name XA interface local transaction support enabled
CASXO0022W XA resource name XA interface local transaction support disabled
CASXO0023S Severe error detected in XAT resource name XA interface, RM interface disabled
CASXO0024I XA Switch XAT resource name, RM interface disabled on demand
CASXO0025I XA Switch XAT resource name, RM interface enabled on demand
CASXO0026I XA Switch XAT resource name, is installed to support one phase commit only
CASXO0027I XA recovery committed in-doubt transaction XID transaction number branch XID transaction branch number on RM Resource manager
CASXO0028I XA recovery rolled back in-doubt transaction XID transaction number branch XID transaction branch number on RM Resource manager
CASXO0029I XA log reported in-doubt transaction XID transaction number branch XID transaction branch number
CASXO0030S XA Automated recovery disabled for XA Switch Resource manager ID. The xa_recovery call returned rc XA return code.
CASXO0031S ES lost connection to the RM XA RM Name, attempting to reconnect.
CASXO0032I ES has regained connection to XA RM Name.
CASXO0033W XA Switch Resource Manager ID does not contain an xa_ping entry point, monitoring disabled
CASXO0034I XA Switch Resource Manager ID excluded from xa reconnect processing on request.
CASXO0035I Request to add XA resource XA RM Name received.
CASXO0036I Request to update XA resource XA RM Name received.
CASXO0037I Request to delete XA resource XA RM Name received.
CASXO0038I XA resource XA RM Name has now been enabled|disabled|added|deleted.
CASXO0039E Request to enable|disable|add|delete XA resource XA RM Name failed RC: return code.
CASXO0040 - CASXO0059
COBEC - CICS API Preprocessor Error Messages
COBEC0000 - COBEC0019
COBEC0020 - COBEC0039
COBEC0040 - COBEC0059
COBEC1100 - COBEC1119
COBEC1120 - COBEC1139
COBEC1200 - COBEC1219
COBEC1220 - COBEC1239
COBEC1240 - COBEC1259
COBEC1300 - COBEC1319
COBEC1320 - COBEC1339
COBEC1340 - COBEC1359
COBEC1400 - COBEC1419
COBEC1500 - COBEC1519
COBEC6000 - COBEC6019
COBEC6020 - COBEC6039
COBEC9000 - COBEC9019
COBEC9020 - COBEC9039
User Exits
Enterprise Server Security
Default Enterprise Server Security Configuration
Securing an Enterprise Server Installation
Architecture and Overview
Configuring Enterprise Server Security
Configuring External Security Facility (ESF) from the Command Line
Using the MFDS Internal Security Module
Configuring Security Using OpenLDAP
Managing LDAP Security Manager from the Enterprise Server UI
ESF LDAP Security Administration Web Interface
Migrating from Enterprise Server Early Versions
To Secure Access to Enterprise Server Logs
Security Considerations for Service Interface Deployment
DCAS Security
Security Reference Information
Using External Security Facility (ESF) Features
ESF Caching
External Administrative Update Notification
ESF Passtokens
Security Federation
ESF Manager Messages and Logging
ESF User Exit
The Referential Integrity Sample User Exit
Result Codes in the ESF API Parameter Block
Long Usernames and Passwords
Verify Request Throttling
Using Non-Micro Focus Group Objects with LDAP-based Security
Selective Auditing
Renaming ACEEs
PAM ESM Module
Enterprise Server Auditing
Securing Communications
Introduction to Securing Communications
Support for Server Name Indication
Configuring Secure Communications for Client Applications
Setting Up Secure Communications
Troubleshooting a Secure Connection
Using the Demonstration Certificate Authority
Tutorial: Configuring SSL Security in the Server
SSL and PKI Technology Primer
CAs and PKIs
Checking, Exporting and Importing Certificates Overview
Standards and Organizations
Some Common Algorithms: Overview
Definitions for OpenSSL
Designing a PKI
Specifying a Server Protocol and Cipher Suite Preference
HTTP Strict Transport Security
Secure Communications (SSL) Legal Information
Multi-Factor Authentication
Vault Facility
Securing Enterprise Server
Troubleshooting Enterprise Server Applications
Troubleshooting COBOL Applications
COBOL Compiler Troubleshooting
Performance Issues
Diagnostics for COBOL Applications
Protection Violations
Consolidated Tracing Facility
Stack Dump Production
Profiler Utility
Core Dumps
mfsupport Utility
Third-party Diagnostics
Troubleshooting Scenarios using Third-party Tools
Additional Troubleshooting Topics
Reporting a Problem
Copyright and Legal Information
Notations and Conventions