If you have installed the product to a directory other than the default one, you need to set the environment as described below.
. <product-install-dir>/bin/cobsetenv
cob -V
To avoid having to run cobsetenv for every shell, add these commands to the shell initialization files (such as /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc).
Note that cobsetenv is only compatible with POSIX-like shells, such as bash, ksh, or XPG4 sh. It is not compatible with C-shell or pre-XPG4 Bourne shell.
If you use release 10.0 and previous releases on the same machine, you need to the set the environment variable MFCES_INIT_LOCATION to /opt/microfocus/licensing/bin/ces.ini in order for licensing to work for the older products. Also, see Advanced Installation Tasks > Licensing Coexistence when Upgrading to Release 10.0 in the Installation section.