To use the Java and COBOL from within separate projects, see COBOL calling Java static method (separate projects).
The program is opened in the editor.
$set sourceformat(variable) nsymbol(national) program-id. demo1 as "demo1". 78 MAX_OCC value 5. 01 i pic xxxx comp-5. 01 grp2. 03 nat1 pic n(10) national occurs MAX_OCC value n"Red" n"Green" n"Blue" n"Orange" n"Indigo". 01 grp3. 03 utf1 pic u(10) occurs MAX_OCC. 01 grp4. 03 num2 pic xxxx comp-5 occurs MAX_OCC value 1 2 4 5 6. procedure division. *> Sort COBOL array call "" using grp2 display "---Output from COBOL---" perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > 5 display nat1(i) end-perform *> Select colors of the rainbow from input array *> Careful Java has 0 based array indexes call "" using grp4 returning grp3 display "---Output from COBOL---" perform varying i from 1 by 1 until i > 5 display utf1(i) end-perform. end program demo1.
If your workspace is set to build automatically, the program is compiled. If the workspace is not set to build automatically, on the Project menu, click Build Project.
The Properties for <project-name> dialog box appears.
The program is opened in the editor.
package; import java.util.Arrays; public class Demo1 { public static void static1(String[] d) { System.out.println("---Output from Java Demo1.static1 method---"); for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { System.out.println(d[i]); } Arrays.sort(d); } /* select colours from array */ public static String[] static2(int[] s) { System.out.println("---Output from Java Demo1.static2 method---"); for (int i: s) System.out.println(i); String[] rainbow = {"Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet"}; String[] ret = {rainbow[s[0]], rainbow[s[1]], rainbow[s[2]], rainbow[s[3]], rainbow[s[4]]}; return ret; } }
If your workspace is set to build automatically, the program is compiled. If the workspace is not set to build automatically, on the Project menu, click Build Project.
A new configuration is displayed in the right-hand pane.
---Output from Java Demo1.static1 method--- Red Green Blue Orange Indigo ---Output from COBOL--- Blue Green Indigo Orange Red ---Output from Java Demo1.static2 method--- 1 2 4 5 6 ---Output from COBOL--- Orange Yellow Blue Indigo Violet
The code and the output shows the COBOL code executing the static1 method, processing some COBOL operations, then executing the static2 method, and processing some more COBOL operations.