Working with Subconfigurations
Using subconfigurations, you can apply settings to particular client hosts, users, and/or groups. Subconfiguration information is saved in the server configuration file.
The server uses the following logic to apply subconfiguration settings.
Global settings apply to any client user who does not match a configured subconfiguration.
Host-specific settings override global settings.
Group-specific settings override host and global settings.
User-specific settings override host, group, and global settings.
When you configure subconfigurations, you'll see these items in the server panels:
Reload inherited settings
Removes subconfiguration-specific values from all settings on this pane. All settings values revert to their current inherited state. This change is not finalized until you save your configuration using File > Save.
(Setting is no longer inherited)
An asterisk indicates that the value of a setting is specific to the current subconfiguration. The server always applies the specified value, regardless of any subsequent changes you make to global or inherited settings.
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