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Client Host Configuration Dialog Box

From the server console, click Configuration > Subconfiguration > Client Host Configuration > Add

Use this dialog box to add client hosts to apply settings to all users connecting from a specified client computer. You can use either domain names or IP addresses to specify hosts. The value you enter is interpreted as a regular expression.

Use a backslash before characters in the domain name that have a special meaning in regular expressions. For example, in regular expression syntax, a period acts as a wildcard character that matches any single character. To prevent periods in names and IP addresses from being interpreted as wildcards, precede them with a backslash (\). For example:


Because a client host might be identified using a domain name, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address, you need to specify host names carefully. For additional information refer to the notes below.

Option Description
Fully qualified domain name Select to specify a host or hosts using the fully-qualified domain name. For example, to match all hosts at, select this option and enter: .*\.acme\.com
Client IP address Select to specify a host or hosts using an IP address. The address can be in IPv4 or IPv6 format. Use \. to indicate a period in an IPv4 address to avoid unexpected wildcard matches. For example: 123\.45\.12\.45 If you specify an IPv6 address, don't use the condensed form of the address; the server matches the expression you enter here with the fully expanded IPv6 address (including all zeros). For example, if the client IPv6 address is: ff06:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:00c3 The following condensed address will not be a match. ff06::c3


  • The resolved domain name for a client is always the fully qualified domain name. This means that when you specify a host using a domain name, you must either use a fully qualified domain name, or a regular expression, to ensure that host domain names are handled correctly. For example, if you specify the client "mypc", settings will not apply to the client You must explicitly specify "mypc\.myhost\.com" or use an expression such as "mypc\..*" to ensure that settings are applied to this host.
  • If IPv6 connections are supported, a client connecting using an IPv6 address may be allowed access even if the IPv4 address of that client is on the list of denied client hosts. To configure Reflection for Secure IT to deny all IPv6 (or IPv4) connections, from the Network* pane, remove anylistening address in IPv6 (or IPv4) format.
  • Client domain names are not case sensitive (as specified in RFC 4343).

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