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Pattern Strings in Directory Paths

Reflection for Secure IT supports the following variable values for specifying directory paths for user public key locations and SFTP file transfer directories.

String Evaluates to
%D The userRSQUOs User profile. This equivalent to the Windows environment variable USERPROFILE. This directory is created if it doesn't exist. For example, if the server is running on Windows Server 2008 and the user name is "joe", %D\.ssh2 will typically be equivalent to: C:\Users\joe\.ssh2 On Windows Server 2003 it will typically be equivalent to: C:\Documents and Settings\joe\.ssh2
%H The user's Home folder. This is based on the Home folder value stored in the user's Windows account. The two Windows environment variables HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH are also based on this value. By default this is the same as the User profile, but the Windows system administrator can specify a different location. For Reflection Gateway users, %H is equivalent to %D.
%u The userRSQUOs login name. On Windows systems, this is equivalent to the Windows environment variable USERNAME. For example, if the user name is "joe", ssh_users\%u is equivalent to: C:\ssh_users\joe : With this option, the server is unable to distinguish between a local and domain user with the same user name, both are given access to the same directory. , Do not use %u to specify a location in the Windows profile folder. Depending on how users have logged into the server host previously, the user-specific subdirectory in the profile path may be just a user name, or may be both a user and domain in the format "user.domain". , Do not use %u if you have users in multiple domains. If users in different domains have the same user ID, both users will have access to the same location. In this case, use %U (uppercase) to ensure unique path names.
%U The user's domain name and login in the format "domain.username". This is based on two Windows environment variables: USERDOMAIN and USERNAME. For example, if "joe" logs in from the "sky" domain (sky\joe), ssh_users\%U\ is equivalent to: C:\ssh_users\sky.joe Do not use %U to specify a location in the Windows profile folder. The format for specifying user and domain in the Windows profile path is "user.domain", which is the reverse of the order specified by %U.

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