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Installing Reflection for Secure IT


You must be logged in as an administrator to install, configure, and run Reflection for Secure IT.

For complete installation and setup information, see the Reflection Gateway Administrator's Guide.

Supported platforms

Reflection for Secure IT Windows Server is supported on the following 64-bit platforms:

  • Windows Server 2022 (x86-64)

  • Windows Server 2019 (x86-64)

  • Windows Server 2016 (x86-64)

  • VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) running supported platforms

System Requirements

  • Any system that meets the minimum requirements for the Microsoft Windows Server operating system

  • Disk space varies depending on the features installed

  • Network interface card

Installing from the download site

Click the Download link and run the download program.

The server is not fully functional until you restart your computer. To reboot immediately, select Restart my computer for me and click Close .


After a restart, the server runs automatically. A Windows Service called "Micro Focus Reflection for Secure IT Server" is created with an automatic startup type.

Advanced tab

  1. Run the Setup program (setup.exe).
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
This option Does this
Install to this PC Use this option to install Reflection for Secure IT on your system.
Create an Administrative Install image on a server An administrative installation does not actually install the product, instead it creates an installation image for later installation. Typically this option is used to support deployment of products to multiple workstations
Create a log file for this installation Delete log file if install succeeds By default an installation log file is created, but this file is deleted if the installation succeeds. (This configuration avoids accumulation of large log files after successful installations.) To save a log file for all installations, including successful ones, select Create a log file for this installation, and clear Delete log file if install succeeds. The installation log file, which provides details about the installation, is saved in the user's Windows temporary folder (%tmp%) with a generated name that begins with atm. To open this directory, launch the Start menu Run command and enter %tmp%.

Features Selection Tab

  1. Run the Setup program (setup.exe).
  2. Click the Feature Selection tab.

Click the icon to the left of a feature name to change the installation option for that feature.


  • The Reflection Gateway Proxy Reflection Gateway Administrator , and Reflection Hub are all installed by default. This configuration is useful for evaluation and initial testing. In production environments, you will typically install the Reflection Gateway Proxy to a system in the DMZ, and the Reflection Gateway Administrator and Reflection Hub systems in your internal network.

  • The Reflection Gateway Proxy feature always installs both the Reflection Transfer Server and the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy. These two services must always be installed together on the same server. Removing Reflection Gateway Proxy from the installation automatically removes both of these subcomponents.

  • The Reflection for Secure IT Server cannot be installed on the same system as the Reflection Gateway Proxy . Selecting Reflection for Secure IT Server automatically removes Reflection Gateway Proxy from the installation.

The following features are available with Reflection Gateway:

Feature Description
Reflection Gateway Proxy Installs two servers that are required to support transfers to Transfer Sites configured using Gateway Administrator. The Reflection Transfer Server provides the web-based Identity Manager. The Reflection Secure Shell Proxy manages secure file transfer. These two servers must always be installed together. This feature is typically installed in the DMZ.
Reflection Gateway Administrator Installs the web-based management tool used for managing user accounts, Jobs, and Transfer Sites. This feature is typically installed in the internal network.
Reflection Hub This server is required to support Jobs configured using Gateway Administrator. This feature is typically installed in the internal network on a different system than the Gateway Administrator.
Reflection for Secure IT Server You are licensed to install a single instance of this optional SFTP server to use for Transfer Site file storage and/or Job actions. This server is typically installed in the internal network. It cannot be installed on the same system as the Reflection Gateway proxy.