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Accessible Directory Settings Dialog Box

From the server console, click Configuration > SFTP Directories > Add or Edit .

The options are:

Virtual directory

The directory name that is visible to client users. For example: uploads


You can enter a forward slash (/) to configure a chrooted environment. Only the specified physical directory is available to users, and the user login directory is automatically set equal to that directory. If you set Local or UNC directory to "$drive" (not case-sensitive) rather than specifying a directory, this option provides access to multiple local drives. For details, see Virtual Root Directories and Chrooted Environments.

Local or UNC directory

The actual directory path on the Reflection for Secure IT server or in the Windows domain. For example: C:\shared\uploads

UNC paths must include a server name and share. For example: \\server\share\public

Mapped drives are not supported.

You can specify any physical directory, or use one of the following pattern strings to specify user-specific directories. For details see Pattern Strings in Directory Paths.

Pattern string Description
%D The user's User profile folder.
%H The user's Home folder.
%u The user’s login name.
%U The user's domain name and login in the format domain.username.


Do not use %u or %U to point to a location within a user's Windows profile folder. Neither of these options works correctly for this purpose. Use these options to create your own user-specific locations in some other location, for example on a shared network file server. For details, see Pattern Strings in Directory Paths.

Use the client user account to connect to this directory

When this is selected (the default), the virtual directory is available to the client user if he or she has access rights to the specified local or UNC directory.

Use a specified account to connect to this directory (UNC paths only)

Select this option to grant the client user rights associated with an alternate user whose name and password are stored in the credential cache.


This option is available only if Local or UNC directory specifies a UNC path. For example: \\server\path

Select account

Opens the Select Account dialog box.


The same cache is used to store credentials for multiple features. By default, when you open Select Account from Accessible Directory Settings, you'll see all currently available credentials that can be used to provide access to file transfer directories. You can select an available name from the list, add a new name, or change the filter to view additional credentials.

Remote SFTP server


To be able to use this feature you must be running the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy, which is included with Reflection for Secure IT Gateway; it is not available with the Reflection for Secure IT Windows Server.

Select this option to configure access to directories on a remote server.


Option Description
Browse View file and directory lists.
Download View file contents.
Upload Modify files, create files, create directories, and modify file attributes.
Delete Delete files and directories.
Rename Rename files and directories.

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