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Audit Logging Pane

From the server console, click Configuration > Audit Logging

Use audit logging to maintain a record of file transfer activity.

  • Enable file transfer auditing

    Enables auditing. When audit logging is enabled, Reflection for Secure IT creates a new log each day in the Audit log directory.

  • Include a file hash with each record

    A hash value can be used to identify multiple records involving transfers of the same file. Each time an unchanged file is transferred, the hash value in the log is identical. If a file is changed, the hash value is different. The hash is a SHA-1 hash of the entire contents of the file on the server.

  • Audit log directory

    Specifies the output location for audit logs. A new log is created each day. Audit logs use this name format:, RSSHD-Audit-YYYYMMDD.log, Where YYYYMMDD indicates the date. By default, only SYSTEM and Administrators have access to the log folder. The default folder is configured with these recommended permissions. Files created in the log folder inherit the permissions of the folder. If you specify a non-existent folder, it is created with the default permissions. The default permission assignment is made only when the log folder is created. If you modify the permissions of the currently specified folder, the server does not override your changes. If you change this setting to specify an existing folder, files created by the server in that folder will inherit the permissions of the specified folder. You should check to ensure that these permissions limit log access appropriately for your organization.

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