File Transfer Overview
Reflection for Secure IT Server for Windows supports secure file transfer using any of the following options:
You can allow or deny client access to these protocols using the Permissions pane.
SCP1 is the SCP protocol used by OpenSSH. This protocol does not use the SFTP subsystem; it executes an rcp command through the secure channel. SCP2 uses the SFTP protocol.
Use the SFTP Directories pane to modify file transfer directory access for users.
Specify the user login directory
The default login directory is the Windows user profile directory.
Create virtual directory names
Use virtual directories to customize the directory names visible to users.
Configure which directories are accessible to users
By default users have access to files in their Windows profile directory. You can change this default and/or add access to additional directories. You can also grant access rights based on the rights associated with an alternate user.
Configure upload and download access
Limit user file access to one or more of the following: browse, download, upload, delete, and rename.
Configure access to directories located on remote SFTP servers
To be able to use this feature you must be running the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy which is included with Reflection for Secure IT Gateway; it is not available with the Reflection for Secure IT Windows Server.
You can configure directories on remote servers using virtual directory names. These remote directories are visible to users along with any directories you have configured on the server. When these files are transferred, data streams from the client system through the Reflection for Secure IT server to the remote SFTP server.
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