Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET 10.0
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Role-based Contents - Introduction
General Information for all Roles
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET
System Architecture
Operating Components
The WCF/WAS Operating Environment
Region Databases
Cross-region Database
Service Execution Process (SEP)
Event Monitor
Processing Event Sequences - CICS
Processing Event: Establishing Communications
Processing Event: Input Transactions
CICS Scheduled Transaction Sequence
Processing Event Sequence - JES
Job Submission Sequence
Job Execution Sequence
System Architecture Options
Single Machine Architecture
Multiple Machine Architecture
Scale Out Architecture
Detailed Architecture
SEP Pool Layout Architecture
Quick Start
Installing and Verifying the Software
Configuring the Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET Environment
To Activate Windows and IIS Components
To Install Additional Features on a Windows 2008 Server, or Windows 7
To Install Additional Features on a Windows Server (2012 or later), Windows 10 or Later
To Configure Process Logon Credentials
Installing Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET
To Run the Installation Software
To Configure IIS and WAS Support
Default Installation Paths
Upgrading from an Earlier Version
To Upgrade Definition Files after an Upgrade
To Upgrade a Resource Definition File in the Cross-region Database
Verifying the Installation
To start the Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET user interface
Verifying A CICS Region
To Create the Demonstration CICS Region
To Start the Demonstration CICS Region
To Configure and Start the Listener for the ESDEMO Region
To Connect a 3270 Client to the ESDEMO Region and Run a Sample Transaction
To Run the CICS Installation Verification Procedure
Verifying a JES Region
To Create the Demonstration JES Region
To Start the Demonstration JES Region
To Configure and Start the Listener for the JCLDEMO Region
To Run the JES Installation Verification Procedure
Demonstration Applications
Supplied Configuration Files - CICS
Sample: CICS ACCT Transaction
Sample - CICS BankDemo
Sample - BankDemo JES
Samples: SQL Server Connection String Exit Programs
Sample: Terminal Configuration Exit Program
Error Messages
AD - series
AM - series
BP - series
CF - series
CM - series
CNV - series
DP - series
DT - series
EL - series
EM - series
EP - series
EX - series
JA - series
KC - series
LO - series
LS - series
MS - series
OP - series
PC - series
PS - series
RD - series
TX - series
UPG - series
WU - series
Administrator Role
General Administration
Administering Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET
Region Startup Files
Defining Program and Data Locations in the Region Startup File
Defining Data Locations
Using Variables to Set Locations
Using URLs to Define Program and Data Locations
Spool Record and File Contents Preservation
Configuring HCO for SQL Server Connections
Adding Programs and BMS Maps to a Database at Region Startup
FCT Definition and File Location Overrides
Monitor a Region
View the Region Console
Setting the Message Level for a Region
Responding to Pending Console Input Requests
View Region Statistics
View Region Sessions
Configuration Editors
Shared Database Deployment Locations
Configuration Administration
Managing Event Monitors
General Configuration
Region Configuration
Configuring the SQL Server Database
Configuring Windows Authentication
Configuring SQL Authentication
Configuring a Listener
Editing Configuration Files
Creating User-specific Configurations
Configuring Advanced Inter-process Communications
Defining Program and Data Locations
About Program and Data Locations
Database Locations
File Share Configuration
Adding Configuration Files to the Cross-region Database
To Add a Region Startup File to the Cross-region Database using MMC
To Add a Region Startup File to the Cross-Region Database using seedeploy
To Add a Resource Definition File to the Cross-region Database using MMC
To Add a Resource Definition File to the Cross-Region Database using seedeploy
Adding Programs and BMS Maps to a Database at Region Startup
To Add Programs and BMS Maps to a Database at Region Startup
Adding Data Files to a Data Store
To Add a Data File using MMC
To Add a Data File using seedeploy
Adding Programs and BMS Maps to a Data Store
To Add Programs and BMS Maps to a Data Store using MMC
To Add Programs and BMS Maps to a Data Store using seedeploy
Defining Program and Data Locations in the Region Startup File
Using URLs to Define Program and Data Locations
Using Variables to Set Locations
Defining Data Locations
Configuring Regions and Resources
About Region Startup and Resource Definitions
To define a new region using an existing region startup file
To Set a Region's Startup File
About Region Properties
To Create or Edit a Region Startup Properties File
To Start a Region With a Properties File (MMC UI)
To Start a Region With a Properties File (seestart)
To Define Properties in a Region Startup File
About Entry Point Name Mapping
To Define Entry Point Name Mappings
About File Handler Configuration
To Define File Handler Configuration
About CICS Printers
To Configure an SCS Printer
Monitoring the Operating environment
Viewing Messages in the Windows Event Log
Windows Services Used By Enterprise Server for .NET
Configuring Windows Performance Counters
Securing the Environment
About User Impersonation
About the Default User Account
Configuring Security in a Multi-Machine Environment
Configuring User Access Across Domains
Configuring Surrogate User Authority
Setting the Windows Logon Type
Controlling Impersonation Behavior
Settings for User Impersonation Security
To Set Impersonation Options using machine.config
Activating User Impersonation Changes
Authenticating CICS SQL Operations
Troubleshooting Impersonation Issues
Resolving Transaction Abend Issues
Tracing User Impersonation Issues
Using Logon Providers
What is a Logon Provider?
Logon Providers in Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET
Configuring Logon Providers
To Set Impersonation Options using machine.config
Configuring the Digital Certificate Authentication Service
Certificate Mapping in DCAS
CICS Region Security for DCAS
DCAS Transaction Configuration
Defining a DCAS Listener Channel
To configure the DCAS transaction from the UI
To configure the DCAS transaction using seeupgrade
To manually configure the DCAS transaction
To configure a DCAS listener channel from the UI
To manually configure a DCAS listener channel
Listener Configuration Editor - Options
Listener Channel Configuration - XML Reference
Configuring the Express Logon Facility
TN3270 Client and Listener Channel
Configuration and Test Sequence - Express Logon Facility
To configure an ELF-enabled TN3270 listener channel from the UI
To manually configure a TN3270 listener channel for ELF
External Security Feature
ESM Modules Included with ES.NET
Using the ESM Modules
ESF-Administering ESF Configuration
Configure A JES Region To Use A Security Configuration
Configuring ESF for Windows users, Impersonation, and LDAP resource control
Reducing the Attack Surface
Optional Items in the CICS Region Startup File
Optional Items in the JES Region Startup File
Optional Items in the CICS Resources Definition File
Optional Items in the Listener Configuration File
Configuring XA resources
About XA Resources
To Create a Database XA Resource Definition
To Create an MQ XA Resource Definition
CICS Region Configuration
CICS Region Startup Files
To Create a CICS Region Startup File
To Edit a Region Startup File Associated with a CICS Region
To Set The Artifact Location and Search Order
To Associate a Resource Definition File with a Region Startup Definition File
To Add an Existing Region to the User Interface
To Associate a Database XA Resource with a CICS Region Startup File
To Associate an MQ XA Resource with a CICS Region Startup File
Defining and Configuring Resources
About CICS Resource Definitions
Copying and Pasting Resource Definitions Items
Renaming a Resource Definitions Item
To Create a New Resource Definition File
To Open a Resource Definition File for Editing
To Edit a Resource Definitions File
To Create or Edit a Group
To Create a New Resource Within a Group
To Edit An Existing Resource Within a Group
To Create or Edit a Startup List
To Create or Edit a System Initialization Table
FCT Definition and File Location Overrides
To Associate a Database XA Resource with a SIT
To Associate a Database XA Resource with a PCT
To Associate an MQ XA Resource with a SIT
Configuring a CICS Region's Program/Map Location and Search Order
To Configure a CICS Region's Program Location and Search Order
Configuring Data Stores Located in a Database or File System
To Configure a Data Store in a User-defined Database
To Configure a Resource Definition for a VSAM File On Disk
To Configure a Resource Definition for a Fileshare Server
Configuring the CICS Terminal Type
To Enable the Auto-install Exit
Configuring HCO for SQL Server Connections
To Configure an HCO for SQL Server Connection
Configuring REST Web Services and EXCI
About CICS REST Web Services
About CICS External Call Interface
Configuring REST Web Services
Configuring REST Web Services for AJAX
Configuring a REST Web Service for EXCI
To Configure a REST Web Service
Configuring EXCI
Configuring EXCI for the server
Configuring EXCI for the client
To Add a Client EXCI Configuration
To Add a Client EXCI Configuration to a JES Region
To Configure an EXCI User Exit
Configuring a Partner JES Region
Submitting JCL from CICS
Subsystem Started Task Manager (SSTM)
To Configure a Partner JES Region
To Configure a Partner JES Region with SSTM
Migrating a native Enterprise Server Resource Definitions File
To Migrate a native Enterprise Server Resource Definitions File
JES Region Configuration
Defining Program and Data Locations
About Program and Data Locations
Database Locations
File Share Configuration
Adding Configuration Files to the Cross-region Database
To Add a Region Startup File to the Cross-region Database using MMC
To Add a Region Startup File to the Cross-Region Database using seedeploy
To Add a Resource Definition File to the Cross-region Database using MMC
To Add a Resource Definition File to the Cross-Region Database using seedeploy
Adding Programs and BMS Maps to a Database at Region Startup
To Add Programs and BMS Maps to a Database at Region Startup
Adding Data Files to a Data Store
To Add a Data File using MMC
To Add a Data File using seedeploy
Adding Programs and BMS Maps to a Data Store
To Add Programs and BMS Maps to a Data Store using MMC
To Add Programs and BMS Maps to a Data Store using seedeploy
Defining Program and Data Locations in the Region Startup File
Using URLs to Define Program and Data Locations
Using Variables to Set Locations
Defining Data Locations
Configuring Regions and Resources
About Region Startup and Resource Definitions
To define a new region using an existing region startup file
To Set a Region's Startup File
About Region Properties
To Create or Edit a Region Startup Properties File
To Start a Region With a Properties File (MMC UI)
To Start a Region With a Properties File (seestart)
To Define Properties in a Region Startup File
About Entry Point Name Mapping
To Define Entry Point Name Mappings
About File Handler Configuration
To Define File Handler Configuration
About CICS Printers
To Configure an SCS Printer
Starting and Stopping a Region
Starting a Region
To Start a Region
Stopping a Region
To Stop a Region
Securing the Environment
About User Impersonation
About the Default User Account
Configuring Security in a Multi-Machine Environment
Configuring User Access Across Domains
Configuring Surrogate User Authority
Setting the Windows Logon Type
Controlling Impersonation Behavior
Settings for User Impersonation Security
To Set Impersonation Options using machine.config
Activating User Impersonation Changes
Authenticating CICS SQL Operations
Troubleshooting Impersonation Issues
Resolving Transaction Abend Issues
Tracing User Impersonation Issues
Using Logon Providers
What is a Logon Provider?
Logon Providers in Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET
Configuring Logon Providers
To Set Impersonation Options using machine.config
Configuring the Digital Certificate Authentication Service
Certificate Mapping in DCAS
CICS Region Security for DCAS
DCAS Transaction Configuration
Defining a DCAS Listener Channel
To configure the DCAS transaction from the UI
To configure the DCAS transaction using seeupgrade
To manually configure the DCAS transaction
To configure a DCAS listener channel from the UI
To manually configure a DCAS listener channel
Listener Configuration Editor - Options
Listener Channel Configuration - XML Reference
Configuring the Express Logon Facility
TN3270 Client and Listener Channel
Configuration and Test Sequence - Express Logon Facility
To configure an ELF-enabled TN3270 listener channel from the UI
To manually configure a TN3270 listener channel for ELF
External Security Feature
ESM Modules Included with ES.NET
Using the ESM Modules
ESF-Administering ESF Configuration
Configure A JES Region To Use A Security Configuration
Configuring ESF for Windows users, Impersonation, and LDAP resource control
Reducing the Attack Surface
Optional Items in the CICS Region Startup File
Optional Items in the JES Region Startup File
Optional Items in the CICS Resources Definition File
Optional Items in the Listener Configuration File
Configuring XA resources
About XA Resources
To Create a Database XA Resource Definition
To Create an MQ XA Resource Definition
SEP Recycling
To Configure SEP Recycling for a JES Region
Administering from the Command Line
General Command Line Utilities
seeazure: Administration of Azure deployments and Services
seeconsoleviewer: start a console viewer
seedeploy: deploy configuration files and programs to a database or Azure Drive
seedispatch: start a dispatcher
seedup: retrieve trace table entries.
seelistener: start, stop, or dynamically configure a communications listener
seegetmi: Get machine information
seehsf: Historical Statistics Facility (HSF) administration
seemmc: launch the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) SEE Administration UI
seemmcconfig: manage the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) region definitions
seemonitor: start an event monitor
seeseccfg: Security configuration
seestart: start a region
seestop: stop a region
seesys: administer a running system
seeupgrade: upgrade from an earlier version
seewcfutil : Windows Communication Framework configuration
seexadef: administer XA resource definitions
wasreset: reset IIS and WAS
wassetup: set up IIS and WAS
Adding the PowerShell SnapIn
PowerShell Cmdlets
Database Server Instance Discovery
Get-SEERegions: return regions
Get-SEERegionStatus: return the status of a region
Get-SEESEPPools: return registered SEP pools
Start-SEERegion: start a Region
Stop-SEERegion: stop a region
PowerShell Cmdlet Example
Historical Statistics Facility (HSF)
To Enable HSF for a CICS Region
To Enable HSF for a JES Region
To View and Administer HSF Data for a CICS Region
To View and Administer HSF Data for a JES Region
WebSphere MQ
To Create an MQ XA Resource Definition
To Associate an MQ XA Resource with a CICS Region Startup File
To Associate an MQ XA Resource with a SIT
To Configure a CICS Trigger Monitor
To MQ Enable a JES Region
System Monitoring and Recovery
Local Trace Tables
To View Local Trace Tables from the SEP Traces View
To View Local Trace Tables from the Monitor View
Windows Event Log
Consolidated Tracing Facility (CTF)
Enabling Trace Functionality
Component Tracing Properties Reference
mf.see.admin Component Trace Properties
mf.see.comms.isc Component Trace Properties
mf.see.configuration Component Trace Properties
mf.see.dispatch Component Trace Properties
mf.see.listener Component Trace Properties
mf.see.monitor Component Trace Properties
mf.see.sep Component Trace Properties
mf.see.utils Component Trace Properties
mf.see.vsam Component Trace Properties
Emitter List
TEXTFILE Emitter Properties
BINFILE Emitter Properties
Diagnostic Collection Utility
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET Context Sensitive Topics
Add Files to Deployment List
CICS Resource Files: Deployed to a Cross-region Database
Console: View Region Console
Create New Data Store
Data Store View: Deployed Datastores
Define Data Store: List Existing
Define Data Store: Select Database Instance
Define Region: Region Name
Define Region: Select Database Instance
Define Region: Startup file
Deployment List: Components Deployed to a Region Database
Deployment List: Components Deployed to Cross-region Database
Deployment List: Components Deployed to Custom Database
Edit CICS Resources
Catalog View
Spool View
Sessions View
Locks View
Cross Region Resource Locks
Initiators View
Printers View
Locations View
Requests View
Program Aliases View
Edit Property File: Define Pseudo-variables
Edit Region Startup File
Dynamic Debugging
JES: Submit JCL to JES
Listener Configuration
Monitor Region
Properties: View and Edit Region Properties
Region Startup File Location: Add Region File
Region Startup Files: Deployed to a Cross-region Database
Regions: View Defined Regions
Registered Event Monitors: Remove
Remove from Region List confirmation
Remove Region File Confirmation
Shared Catalog Definitions
Start/Stop Region
Statistics: View Statistics for a Region
XA Resource Definitions
Azure Deployment : Global Configuration View
Azure Deployment : Run-time Environment View
Azure Deployment : Performance Monitoring View - Dispatcher
Azure Deployment : Performance Monitoring View - Listener
Azure Deployment : Performance Monitoring View - SEP
Azure Deployment : Service Configuration View - Dispatcher
Azure Deployment : Service Configuration View - Listener
Azure Deployment : Service Configuration View - Monitor
Azure Deployment : Service Configuration View - SEP
Azure Deployment : Configuration Editor
Azure Deployment : Publish View
Azure Deployment : Azure Certificate View
Azure Deployment : Location View
Azure Deployment : Database View
Azure Deployment : Diagnostics View
Azure Deployment : Region Definition View
Azure Deployment : Storage View
Azure Deployment : Azure Drives View
Azure Deployment : Tracing View
Azure Deployment : Local Resources View
Azure Deployment : Build Instructions view
Azure Deployment : Endpoints View
Azure Deployment : Startup Tasks View
Azure Deployment : Remote Access View
Azure Deployment : Database Connection Strings View
Azure Deployment : Role Configuration View
CICS Administration
CICS Region Configuration
CICS Region Startup Files
To Create a CICS Region Startup File
To Edit a Region Startup File Associated with a CICS Region
To Set The Artifact Location and Search Order
To Associate a Resource Definition File with a Region Startup Definition File
To Add an Existing Region to the User Interface
To Associate a Database XA Resource with a CICS Region Startup File
To Associate an MQ XA Resource with a CICS Region Startup File
Defining and Configuring Resources
About CICS Resource Definitions
Copying and Pasting Resource Definitions Items
Renaming a Resource Definitions Item
To Create a New Resource Definition File
To Open a Resource Definition File for Editing
To Edit a Resource Definitions File
To Create or Edit a Group
To Create a New Resource Within a Group
To Edit An Existing Resource Within a Group
To Create or Edit a Startup List
To Create or Edit a System Initialization Table
FCT Definition and File Location Overrides
To Associate a Database XA Resource with a SIT
To Associate a Database XA Resource with a PCT
To Associate an MQ XA Resource with a SIT
Configuring a CICS Region's Program/Map Location and Search Order
To Configure a CICS Region's Program Location and Search Order
Configuring Data Stores Located in a Database or File System
To Configure a Data Store in a User-defined Database
To Configure a Resource Definition for a VSAM File On Disk
To Configure a Resource Definition for a Fileshare Server
Configuring the Digital Certificate Authentication Service
Certificate Mapping in DCAS
CICS Region Security for DCAS
DCAS Transaction Configuration
Defining a DCAS Listener Channel
To configure the DCAS transaction from the UI
To configure the DCAS transaction using seeupgrade
To manually configure the DCAS transaction
To configure a DCAS listener channel from the UI
To manually configure a DCAS listener channel
Configuring the Express Logon Facility
TN3270 Client and Listener Channel
Configuration and Test Sequence - Express Logon Facility
To configure an ELF-enabled TN3270 listener channel from the UI
To manually configure a TN3270 listener channel for ELF
Listener Configuration Editor - Options
Listener Channel Configuration - XML Reference
Configuring the CICS Terminal Type
To Enable the Auto-install Exit
Configuring HCO for SQL Server Connections
To Configure an HCO for SQL Server Connection
Configuring REST Web Services and EXCI
About CICS REST Web Services
About CICS External Call Interface
Configuring REST Web Services
Configuring REST Web Services for AJAX
Configuring a REST Web Service for EXCI
To Configure a REST Web Service
Configuring EXCI
Configuring EXCI for the server
Configuring EXCI for the client
To Add a Client EXCI Configuration
To Add a Client EXCI Configuration to a JES Region
To Configure an EXCI User Exit
Configuring SOAP Web Services and EXCI
Configuring a CICS Region for SOAP
Using SOAP Features
Configuring a Partner JES Region
Submitting JCL from CICS
Subsystem Started Task Manager (SSTM)
To Configure a Partner JES Region
To Configure a Partner JES Region with SSTM
Migrating a native Enterprise Server Resource Definitions File
To Migrate a native Enterprise Server Resource Definitions File
CICS Command Line Utilities
seerdfconv: migrate an Enterprise Server resource definition file
JES Administration
JES Region Configuration
To Create a JES Region Startup File
To Edit a Region Startup File Associated with a JES Region
To Configure a JES Region's Catalog Location
To Configure a JES Region's Program Location and Search Order
To Configure Initiators in a JES Region Startup File
To Configure Initiators in a Running JES Region
To Configure Printers in a JES Region Startup File
To Configure Printers in a Running JES Region
To Configure VSE Job Execution
To Add a Client EXCI Configuration to a JES Region
Submitting JCL to a JES Region
Submitting JCL from the command line
Submitting JCL from the Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI
Job Numbers
To Configure Maximum and Minimum Job Numbers
Program Aliasing
To Configure Program Aliases in a JES Region Startup File
To Administer Program Aliases in a Running JES Region
Sharing Catalog and Spool Files Between JES Regions
To Create a Shared Catalog Definition Using seeout
To Create a Shared Catalog Definition Using the MMC UI
To Configure a JES Region to use a Shared Catalog
To View a Shared Spool File
Spool Housekeeping
To Configure a Spool HouseKeeping Archive Location
To Start a JES Region using a Spool Housekeeping Archive
Spool Record and File Contents Preservation
JES Command Line Utilities
casout: administer a batch job or JES region
seeout: administer an Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET JES region
cassub: submit JCL to a JES region
Using REXX
Configuring the REXX Execution Environment
Running REXX Under IKJEFT01
Running REXX Under IRXJCL
Micro Focus FTP Utility MFFTP
Major Features of the MFFTP Utility
Basic Operation
Differences Between FTP clients on a Mainframe and Distributed Platforms
MFFTP Statements
Configuring the MFFTP Utility
Specifying Control Variables
Specifying Control Variables
MFFTP Control Variables
MFFTP DD Statements
Input and Output Temporary Files
MFFTP Using SFTP As An FTP Client
MFFTP Using lftp as an FTP Client
Configuring the End-of-Line Marker
Configuring Error Codes
Configuring the Text of Messages
Using Data Conversion Modules with MFFTP
Writing Your Own Data Conversion Module
Running the MFFTP Utility
When FTP is the Transport Client (MFFTP_CLIENT=FTP)
When Using a Third Party as the Transport Client (MFFTP_CLIENT=USER)
Event Manager
Event Manager Architecture
Events Supported
seepubsub Client
Using seepubsub from the Command Line
Using seepubsub as a Service
seepubsub Configuration File
Walkthrough with MFBSI
Event Manager Samples
Deployment Planning
The Location of Artifacts
Scale Out Versus Scale Up Deployments
Azure Deployment
Scaling Out an Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET Installation
Scale Out Configuration
Scale Out Configuration Options
Scale Out Example
Setting Up the Cluster Machines
Installing Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET on a Cluster
Setting Up Database Access for a Cluster
Configuring the Firewall for a Cluster Installation
Testing the Database Connection
Setting Up and Testing Network Load Balancing
Defining the Service Endpoints
About Service Endpoints
Using URLs to Define Program and Data Locations
Default Service URLs
Service Location Order of Precedence
Configuring Custom Locations for Services
Changing the Default Service Port using machine.config
Configuring the SEP Endpoint for the Dispatcher
Configuring the Monitor Endpoint
Configuring the Dispatcher Endpoint for the Monitor
Deployment Best Practice
Developing .NET COBOL Applications for Enterprise Server for .NET
Developing ES.NET Mainframe Subsystem Applications
About Developing Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET Applications
Working with Programs
Working with BMS Maps
Working with VSAM Data
Creating a .NET Project
To Create a .NET Project
To convert a native project to a .NET one
To Import Existing Project Components
Configuring Project Properties
To Configure the Project Properties
To Configure the Properties for a Source File
Project Properties Reference
Application Project Properties
COBOL Project Properties
Debug Project Properties
Copybook Paths Project Properties
SQL Project Properties
Compiling a Project
To Compile a Project
Configuring and Running the Debugger
Configuring and Running the Debugger - CICS
To Configure a Project for Debugging
To Configure a Region for Debugging
To Enable Dynamic Debugging
To Start and Run the Debug Session
To Use a TN3270 Emulator To Run CICS Transaction From Visual Studio.
Tutorial: Debugging a CICS Application Running in a .NET Environment
Configure the ACCT Transaction Program
Build the Debug Transaction
Set Up the ESDEMO Region
Debug the ACCT Application
Debugging a SQL Stored Procedure
Configuring and Running the Debugger - Batch
To Configure a Project for Debugging
To Configure a Region for Debugging
To Enable Dynamic Debugging
To Start and Run the Debug Session
To Submit a JCL Job From Visual Studio
Visual Studio Server Explorer
REST Web Services and EXCI
About CICS REST Web Services
About CICS External Call Interface
The REST Interface
REST Client APIs
RestClient Class
Javascript AJAX APIs
Other REST Client APIs
Server Program Considerations for REST Services
The EXCI Interface
EXCI Client APIs
ExciClient Class
The EXCI User Exit
Server Program Considerations for EXCI
Configuring SOAP Web Services and EXCI
Configuring a CICS Region for SOAP
Using SOAP Features
Printing in CICS
Printer Mode
SCS Control Codes in ASCII Applications
SCS Control Code Translation
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET Reference Information
CICS APIs Supported
Application Programming CICS APIs
Supported Base APIs.
Address Set
Change Password
Handle Abend
Handle Aid
Ignore Condition
Handle Condition
Verify Password
Write Operator
Push Handle
Pop Handle
Supported BMS APIs
Purge Message
Receive Map
Send Control
Send Map
Send Page
Send Text
Supported File Control APIs
Supported IntervalControl APIs
Wait Event
Supported TaskControl APIs
Delete Container
Endbrowse Container
Get Container
Getnext Container
Move Container
Put Container
Startbrowse Container
Supported TerminalControl APIs
Supported TSTD APIs
DeleteQ TD
DeleteQ TS
ReadQ TD
ReadQ TS
WriteQ TS
WriteQ TD
Supported CICS System Programming APIs
Overriding ASSIGN and INQUIRE Values
Configuring ASSIGN and INQUIRE Override Values
EXEC CICS ASSIGN Override Values
CICS Supplied Transactions
CESF - Sign Off
CEBR - Browse Temporary Storage
CESL - Sign On with Long Password
CESN - Sign On
CFCR - Create a File
CFMT - File Master Transaction
CINQ - Inquire On ASSIGN Values
CINS - Install a Resource Group
CMAP - Display BMS Maps and Information
CPMT - Inquire and Set Program Attributes
CRUN - Generic Run Program
EXIT - Sign Off Terminal Emulator
Resource Definitions Available in Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET
CICS Resource Definitions
EZASOKET support
EZASOKET Introduction
EZASOKET - Supported API
EZASOKET - Standard Transactions and Programs
Abend Codes in CICS Transactions
Windows Azure Support
What is Windows Azure?
Configuring the Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET System
Creating A New Deployment Project
Editing A Deployment Project
Publishing And Control of a Deployment
Deploying Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET Applications into Azure
Defining an Azure Region
Defining an Azure CICS Region
Defining an Azure Batch Region
Starting a Region in Azure
Starting a CICS Region in Azure
Starting a Batch Region in Azure
Connecting Terminals to the Azure Region
Deploying the ACCT Sample Application into Azure
Using Azure File Storage with Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET
Deploying Artifacts to a File Storage Drive
Using a File Storage Drive in a Running Region
SQL Azure
What is SQL Azure?
Using SQL Azure with Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET
SQL Azure Firewall
SQL Azure Connection Strings
System Center Monitoring Pack for Windows Azure Applications
Setting the Agent Proxy
Installing the Management Pack
Adding Other Performance Counters
Users in Windows Azure
Sample - BankDemo in Azure
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET Glossary
Glossary terms A to M
Access method services (AMS)
CICS Region
CICS resource
Cross-Region Database
DCT - Destination Control Table
Event Monitor
FCT - File Control Table
IMS - Information Management System
ISC - Inter-system communication
IVP - Installation Verification Procedure
JES - Job Entry Subsystem
MMC - Microsoft Management Console
MSS - Mainframe Subsystem Support
Glossary terms N to Z
NLB - Network Load Balancing
Native Enterprise Server
OLTP - Online Transaction Processing
PCT - Program Control Table
Region database
SEE - Server Enterprise Edition
SEP - Service Execution Processes
SEP Pool
Service Endpoint
SOA - Service-Oriented Architecture
Startup List
SIT - System Initialization Table
WAS/WPAS - Windows Process Activation Service
WCF - Windows Communication Foundation
Web Service
WPF - Windows Presentation Foundation
Troubleshooting COBOL Applications
COBOL Compiler Troubleshooting
Performance Issues
Diagnostics for COBOL Applications
Protection Violations
Types of Protection Violations
What Are Protection Violations?
General Protection Violations
COBOL Protection Violations
Unflagged Protection Violations
Correcting Protection Violations
Errors in Non-COBOL Portions of an Application
Parameter Mismatches in a CALL Statement
Stack Overflow
Illegal Reference Modification
Illegal Values for Pointers
Subscript Out of Range
Incorrect Linking Options or Procedures
Debugging Techniques
Consolidated Tracing Facility
To Enable CTF Tracing
CTF Trace File Formats
Analyzing CTF Trace
Components Traced by CTF
mf.cci Properties
mf.esxa Properties
mf.dbg Properties
mf.mfdbfh Properties
mf.mffh.fs Properties
mf.mffh.xfh Properties
mf.mffh.xsm Properties
mf.rts Properties
CTF Configuration File
Example CTF Configuration Files
CTF Emitter List
BINFILE Emitter Properties
IDEDBG Emitter Properties
TEXTFILE Emitter Properties
WINEVENT Emitter Properties
Dynamic Tracing
Dynamic CTF Syntax Options
Examples of Using the Dynamic CTF Command Line Utility
Using the CTF Library Routines
CTF Tracing Examples
Core Dumps
To enable a core dump using a library routine
To enable core dumps using run-time tunables
Micro Focus Support Scan Utility
Third-party Diagnostics
Troubleshooting Scenarios using Third-party Tools
Copyright and Legal Information
Copyright and Trademarks