Service Execution Process (SEP)

Describes the role of a Service Execution Process (SEP) component, detailing its purpose, how it communicates with other Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET components, and hosting details.


A SEP is an isolated container inside which a single CICS transaction or JES program runs.

SEP pools

Multiple SEPs are hosted within a SEP pool.

A SEP pool is a collection of application domains.

Each SEP is responsible for the execution of a single request. When a request completes, the SEP is returned to the pool and made available for a subsequent request execution.

SEPs are removed from the pool when the associated client disconnects, or when the SEP needs to be shutdown prematurely due to a timeout.

The following diagram represents SEP pool layout architecture:


A SEP is hosted as follows:

Default: WAS-hosted
Started by Event Monitor, Dispatcher, or SEP
Process1 w3wp.exe
Exception: In some cases, such as during startup routines and when running the debugger, Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET creates self-hosted SEPs by default. You can override this by starting the region using the seestart -was flag. See seestart: start a region for details.
Alternative: Self-hosted
Process1 seesep.exe

1 To keep SEPs isolated, they operate in Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET as discrete application domains within a process.