To Configure a Resource Definition for a Fileshare Server

You need to have the host name and port details for the Fileshare server.

Complete this task to make a Fileshare server available to anMicro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET region.

  1. Open the resource definition file in the Resource File Editor.

    The resource definitions are displayed in the editor.

  2. Select the FCT tab.

    The File Control Table settings display in the editor.

  3. In the Name column, locate and select the resource item in the data store that you want to associate with the Fileshare server.

    The settings for the item display in the editor's Properties window.

  4. In the right pane under Misc, locate the Fileshare Server property and set the value to the host name and port of the Fileshare server. Enter the information in the format <server name>:<Port number>.

    For example, to configure a Fileshare server with host name server1 on port 3019, type server1:3019 .

  5. Under Misc, locate the Format property and set the value to the data file's format.
  6. Save the resource definition file and cold-start the region.

Operating regions using the resource definition must be stopped and cold-started before they can use the settings.

For compatibility with Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET, the native Enterprise Server Fileshare server must be started with a command in a format which specifies the port, such as fs /s ServerEE,MFPORT:3019.