-job:<jobno> action options
-initiator action options
-initiator:<id> action options
-printer action options
-printer:<id> action options
-sharedcatalog action options
-sharedcatalog:<name> action options
This command can be used to administer jobs, printers and initiators in an
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET JES region.
It is similar in function to the native casout tool, but is specific to
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET, contains enhanced functionality specific to
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET, and cannot be used against a native region.
- -create
- Create an initiator, printer or shared catalog definition.
- Used with the -initiator, - printer and -sharedcatalog commands.
- -delete
- Delete a shared catalog definition.
- Used with the -sharedcatalog command.
- -disable
- Disable an initiator or printer.
- Used with the -initiator and -printer commands.
- -enable
- Enable an initiator or printer.
- Used with the -initiator and -printer commands.
- -flush
- Flush a job.
- Used with the -job command.
- -kill
- Kill a job.
- Used with the -job command.
- -list
- List DD's, initiators, printers and shared catalog definitions.
- Used with the -job, -initiator, -printer and -sharedcatalog commands.
- -modify
- Modify a job's class.
- Used with the -job command.
- -release
- Release a job.
- Used with the -job command.
- -restart
- Restart a job.
- Used with the -job command.
- -catalog:<name>
- Specify the name and location of a catalog file to be associated with a shared catalog definition.
- Used with the -sharedcatalog:<name> -create action.
- -class:<classes>
- Job or sysout classes.
- Used with the -create and -modify actions.
- -dataloc:<location>
- Specify the location of the data allocation folder to be associated with a shared catalog definition.
- Used with the -sharedcatalog:<name> -create action.
- -dd:<DD id>
- List the content of the DD with the given id for a job.
- Used with the -job:<jobno> -list action
- -name:<printer-name>
- Printer name.
- Used with the -printer -create action.
- -exit:<exit name>
- Printer exit name.
- Used with the -printer -create action.
- -force
- Force the deletion of a shared catalog definition.
- Used with the -sharedcatalog:<name> -delete action.
- -jobnodigits:<5|7>
- Maximum number of job number digits. Default 5.
- Used with the -sharedcatalog:<name> -create action.
- -out:<output-file>
- Output filename.
- Used with the -job:<jobno> -list -dd<DD id> action
- -password:<password>
- Authorization password.
- Used with all actions.
- -server:<machine>[:port>]
- Define the machine name and port address of JES region listener.
Default : -server:localhost:9022.
- Used with -job, -initiator and -printer actions.
- -step:<step-name>[:<proc-step>]
- Define the step name and optional proc-step used for a job restart.
- Used with the -job:<jobno> -restart action actions.
- -step_info
- Preserve job step information
- Used with the -sharedcatalog:<name> -create action.
- -usedb
- Use the cross-region database on the default SQL Server instance to host the shared catalog definitions (default).
- Used with the -sharedcatalog actions.
- -usedb:<database-server-instance>
- Use the cross-region database on the named SQL server instance to host the shared catalog definitions.
- Used with the -sharedcatalog actions.
- -user:<user-id>
- Authorization user id.
- Used with all actions.
- Kill a job with job number 1000
seeout -job:1000 -kill
- Restart job 1000 from step step01
seeout -job:1000 -restart -step:step01
- Restart job 1000 from proc proc01 proc-step pstep01
seeout -job:1000 -restart -step:proc01:pstep01
- Modify job 1000's class to class x for JES region operating on machine dom-001 port 9122
seeout -job:1000 -modify -class:x -server:dom-001:9122
- Create a new printer for a device called LaserPrinter to service classes x, y and z to use a printer exit called MODPRINT
seeout -printer -create -class:xyz -name:LaserPrinter -exit:MODPRINT
- List the available printers in the JES region hosted on machine dom-001 port 9122
seeout -printer -list -server:dom-001:9122
- Disable the printer with id of 3 as listed in -printer -list
seeout -printer:3 -disable
- Create a new initiator to service classes a ,b and c
seeout -initiator -create -class:abc
- Enable initiator with id of 3 as listed by -initiator -list
seeout -initiator:3 -enable
- Create a shared catalog definition with the name MYCATALOG
seeout -sharedcatalog:MYCATALOG -create -catalog:c:\JES\catalog.dat -dataloc:c:\JES\DATA
- Delete the shared catalog definition with the name MYCATALOG
seeout -sharedcatalog:MYCATALOG -delete
- List all of the shared catalog definitions
seeout -sharedcatalog -list