Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET contains auto-exit functionality to configure the client terminal type.
When it first receives a request, the TN3270 listener assigns a unique terminal netname and terminal ID, and configures handling for the basic IBM 3270 models — model 2, 3, 4, or 5, all of which have different screen sizes. It bases this terminal model configuration on the terminal type name that the client connection sends.
A client connection can also request a netname with a corresponding terminal ID. If the name, and the corresponding terminal ID, are in use, the request is rejected and the conversation terminates.
The CICS region can be configured to allow you to use the auto-install exit to override this behavior. This provides a simple way to override the terminal model based on the netname requested by the client.
When the auto-install exit is enabled, the terminal installation process, Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET looks for a program named mfaiexit. If mfaiexit exists, it is invoked with a commarea with the following parameters:
You can create an mfaiexit program to change any of these fields, and you can configure the program to set flags telling Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET to set these changes in the TCTTE.
An example mfaiexit program is supplied in the Samples folder. By default, this is in the following location:
%PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\samples\Mainframe\CICS\DotNet\MFAIEXIT