To Add a Client EXCI Configuration

Use this procedure to add or modify an EXCI client configuration for a standalone client program, a JES region, or application program code running under IIS. For a JES region, you can also use the Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET administration console; see To Add a Client EXCI Configuration to a JES Region.
  1. Open the appropriate configuration file in a text editor. See Configuring EXCI for the client to determine which file to edit. Create the file if it does not exist.
  2. If you have just created the file, add the XML declaration line and <configuration> element, and its <configSections> child element. The file will contain these lines:
    <?xml version ="1.0"?>
  3. Add a <sectionGroup> element for the EXCI configuration section, if one does not already exist, as a child of the <configSections> element. Specify client for the name and MicroFocus.SEE.Comms.ExciClientSection,MicroFocus.SEE.Comms.EXCI,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=0412c5e0b2aaa8f0 for the type. The configSections section of the file will contain the entry
    <section name="client"
    Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=0412c5e0b2aaa8f0" />
  4. Add a <MicroFocus.SEE.EXCI> element to the file as a child of the <configuration> element, and its child element <client>, if they do not already exist. The file will include these lines:
  5. Add the <applid> element for your new configuration as a child of the <client> element. The region attribute specifies the APPLID string your application will use in its EXCI request (often this is the target region name, but it can be any string up to 8 characters), and the value of the url attribute is the URL for the CPMI REST service in your CICS region (for an Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET region), or the URL for the region's CTG listener (for an Enterprise Server region). An EXCI configuration might look like this:
    <applid region="ESDEMO" url="http://localhost:6265/rest/exci/CPMI" />
  6. Save the file.
Restart the application, JES region, or IIS pool to enable the new configuration.