Diagnostic Collection Utility

When the Micro Focus Development team helps customers with issues, it is often very useful to have access to some of the information in the running Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET instance.

The seediag.ps1 diagnostic collection utility is provided with the product, to enable customers to gather relevant data that will help OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products and Development to progress a support incident.

The seediag utility can collect the following information:


The seediag utility uses some management objects provided by SQL server. If SQL server is not installed on the machine, for example an Enterprise Server installation (not Enterprise Developer), the following SQL features from the relevant feature pack need to be installed:

  • ENU\x64\SQLSysClrTypes.msi
  • ENU\x64\SharedManagementObjects.msi

Running the seediag utility

Seediag.ps1 is a powershell script and needs to be run in a 64-bit powershell environment.

Invoke powershell in one of two ways:
  • Start powershell and run the seediag utility interactively
  • Run powershell and invoke from the command line directly

    For example: powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File .\seediag.ps1 <parameters>

Getting help on the command line

From a 64-bit powershell command prompt, type get-help ./seediag.ps1.

Parameters to seediag.ps1:


Use to specify what should be collected for diagnostics.

The following are valid modes :

  • DB - Collect database information.
  • TRACE - Collect trace information.
  • MACHINFO - Collect event logs and system information.

The default mode is DB

Use in all modes.

outdir specifies the folder location that is used by the script to store the collected results.

It defaults to the %TEMP%/ESNETCollection location, where %TEMP% is the logged on users temporary folder location .

-outdir c:\temp\collection

Use in DB mode.

Use in TRACE mode.

Use in MACHINFO mode.

Specifies the target SQL server to be used for the collection.

Defaults to local machine.

-usedb .\sqlexpress
-usedb someothermachine\MySQLInstance
-usedb (local)

Use in DB mode.

Specifies a filter to restrict the databases for which information is collected.

-dbfilter "ESDEMO|crossregion"
will only collect information for a database that contains the word ESDEMO or crossregion.

Defaults to all databases containing "MicroFocus"


Use in DB mode.

Specifies the user name to be used to log onto the SQL server.

If this parameter is absent, the domain credentials are used to authenticate.

-user fred

Use in DB mode.

Specifies the password to be used to log onto the SQL server.

Must be used if User is specified.


Use in TRACE mode.

Specifies the Region from which trace information should be retrieved.

Default is all regions.

		-region ESDEMO
will collect trace information for the ESDEMO region only.

Use in TRACE mode.

Use in MACHINFO mode.

Specifies the target server running a seemonitor process to co-ordinate the retrieval.

Parameter is in the format <machine>:<port>

Default is localhost:9186

		-server localhost:9186

Specifies a text file name to read the input parameters from.

The text file should contain a list of parameter names without the preceding - , and values must be separated by an =.

An example parameter line might be dbfilter=esdemo .

		-iname seediag.txt		

It is also possible to set an environment variable called iname set to the filename used.


Specifies the tables within the selected databases to EXCLUDE from the collection.

By default, any table with "binaries" are excluded as these can contain customer proprietary artifacts.

 -excludetabs "binaries|mydata" 
would exclude tables with binaries or mydata in the table name.


The following will collect diagnostics for a sqlexpress database on localhost using normal authentication and putting the output zip(s) into c:\temp\collections:
    ./seediag.ps1 -mode DB -usedb localhost\sqlexpress - dbfilter ESDEMO -user fred -pass fredpass -outdir c:\temp\collections 

The following will collect TRACE data from a running region ESDEMO running on machine nwb-test port 9186:
    ./seediag.ps1 -mode TRACE -usedb localhost\sqlexpress - region ESDEMO -server nwb-test:9186