To define a job number range to be used by a JES region:
- Open the region start-up file using the
Enterprise Server for .NET Administration UI's Region Startup File Editor.
- Select the
Region node in the
Results pane.
A properties window is now displayed to the right-hand side of the
Results pane.
- Locate the
Job Numbers category in the properties window and select whether you want the region to use 5 or 7 digit job numbers by setting the
Restrict job numbers to 5 digits property value accordingly. By default the minimum job number used by the region is 1000. When you toggle the
Restrict job numbers to 5 digits value between
True and
False, the default maximum job number used by the region toggles between 99999 and 9999999. To override the default minimum and
maximum job number values, modify the values associated with the
Minimum Job Number and
Maximum Job Number properties.
- Click
, or click the
Save icon on the toolbar to save the file.
You must cold-start the region for the changes to take effect.