
Runtime Error Codes

Code Description
128 CALL Unresolved
129 NULL name parameter passed to 'cobcancel'"
130 'cobcall' - Runtime has not been initialized"
131 Invalid number of arguments to 'cobcall'"
132 NULL name parameter passed to 'cobcall'"
133 'cobfunc' - Runtime has not been initialized"
134 NULL name parameter passed to 'cobsavenv'"
135 NULL name parameter passed to 'coblongjmp'"
136 Cannot acquire %d bytes of memory - Aborting"
137 BASED/LINKAGE item '%s' has NULL address"
138 '%s' not numeric: '%s'"
139 OCCURS DEPENDING ON '%s' out of bounds: %d"
140 Subscript of '%s' out of bounds: %d"
141 Offset of '%s' out of bounds: %d"
142 Length of '%s' out of bounds: %d"
143 EXTERNAL item '%s' has size > %d"
144 'cobcommandline' - Runtime has not been initialized"
145 Parameter to SYSTEM call is larger than 8192 characters"
146 Invalid context file %s for reading"
147 Can't open context file %s for reading"
148 Can't write context file %s key "
149 Can't open context file %s for writing"
150 Unexpected context mode %d"
151 Context file not open for read/write"
152 Can't read context file %s data"
153 Runtime is unable to acquire temporary file"
154 extfh_indexed_open : invalid open mode %d for %s
155 extfh_indexed_start : invalid condition
156 extfh_read : invalid read option %d"
157 extsm/SORT : maximum USING/GIVING clauses exceeded"
158 extfh/extsm Internal error
159 Failed to initialize curses"
160 cob_init() has not been called"
161 Codegen error - Please report this to"
162 ERROR - Recursive call of chained program"
163 Stack overflow, possible PERFORM depth exceeded"
164 CBL_xxx CALL Insufficient parameters count
253 Function only available in enterprise version
254 see messages
255 Undefined error