
Intrinsic Function List

Function name Arguments Type of fn Returning
ABS arg-1 Numeric Absolute value of arg-1
ACOS arg-1 Numeric Arccosine of arg-1
ANNUITY arg-1,arg-2 Numeric Ration of annuity paid for arg-2 periods at interest of arg-1 to initial investment of one
ASIN arg-1 Numeric Arcsine of arg-1
ATAN arg-1 Numeric Arctangent of arg-1
BYTE-LENGTH arg-1 Numeric Size in bytes of arg-1
BYTE-OF arg-1 Numeric Size in bytes of memory
CHAR arg-1 Numeric Character in position of arg-1 of the alphanumeric collating sequence
COMBINED-DATETIME arg-1,arg-2 Numeric Accepts two arguments, (a date in integer date form, and a time in standard numeric time form), and returns a numeric value in which the date occupies the integer part of the value and the time represents the fractional part, according to the expression argument-1 + (argument-2 / 100000). For example, given the integer date form value 143951 (representing the date February 15, 1995) and the standard numeric time form value 18867.812479168304 (representing the time 05:14:27.812479168304), the returned value would be exactly 143951.18867812479168304
CONCATENATE arg-1 ... Alphanumeric Concatenation of alphanumeric representation of arg-x
COS arg-1 Numeric Cosine of arg-1
CURRENT-DATE None Alphanumeric Current date and time and difference from Greenwich Mean Time
DATE-OF-INTEGER arg-1 Numeric Standard date equivalent (YYYYMMDD) of integer date
DATE-TO-YYYYMMDD arg-1 ... Numeric arg-1 is converted from YYMMDD to YYYYMMDD based on the value of arg-2
DAY-OF-INTEGER arg-1 Numeric Julian date equivalent YYYYDDD) of integer date.
DAY-TO-YYYYDDD arg-1 ... Numeric arg-1 converted from YYDDD to YYYYDDD based on the value of arg-2
DISPLAY-OF arg-1, arg-2 (optional) Alphanumeric An alphanumeric character string consisting of the content of argument-1, converted to a specific code page representation defined by arg-2. arg-1 must be class NATIONAL. If arg-2 is omitted, the code page specified at compilation time is used
E None Numeric Returns the value of e, the natural base
EXCEPTION-FILE None Alphanumeric pos. 1-2: I-O-status pos. 3-134: file-name only for I-O conditions
EXCEPTION-LOCATION None Alphanumeric Three parts, separated by ';'
∗ 1. program, function, or method name
∗ 2. paragraph name, including qualification if applicable
∗ 3. an implementor-defined identifier of the source line containing causing the exception
EXCEPTION-STATEMENT None Alphanumeric name of the verb causing the exception condition
EXCEPTION-STATUS None Alphanumeric name of the exception condition
EXP arg-1 Numeric E raised to the power or arg-1
EXP10 arg-1 Numeric 10 raised to the power of arg-&
FACTORIAL arg-1 Numeric Factorial of arg-1
FRACTION-PART arg-1 Numeric Fraction part of arg-1
INTEGER arg-1 Numeric The greatest integer not greater than arg-1
INTEGER-OF-DATE arg-1 Numeric The integer equivalent of the standard date (YYYYMMDD)
INTEGER-OF-DAY arg-1 Numeric The integer date equivalent of the Julian Date (YYYYDDD)
INTEGER-PART arg-1 Numeric Integer part of arg-1
LENGTH arg-1 Numeric Length of arg-1 in character positions
LENGTH-AN arg-1 Numeric Length of arg-1 in alphanumeric character positions. It may be applied to an alphanumeric, national, or numeric data item, or literal.
LOCALE-DATE arg-1, arg-2 Alphanumeric A character string containing a date in a culturally-appropriate format specified by a locale. arg-1 must be alphanumeric and 8 character positions in length. arg-1 must be a date in the same format as the year, month, and day returned in character positions 1 through 8 by the CURRENT-DATE function.
arg-2 must be associated with a locale in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph.
LOCALE-TIME arg-1, arg-2 Alphanumeric A character string containing a time in a culturally-appropriate format specified by a locale. arg-1 must be alphanumeric and 13 character positions in length. arg-1 must be in the same format as the hours, minutes, and seconds returned in character positions 9 through 21 by the CURRENT-DATE function.
arg-2 must be associated with a locale in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph.
LOCALE-TIME-FROM-SECONDS arg-1,arg-2 Alphanumeric Same as LOCAL-TIME arg-1 is numeric and represents the numbers of seconds from Midnight.
LOG arg-1 Numeric Natural log of arg-1
LOG10 arg-1 Numeric Log to base 10 of arg-1
LOWER-CASE arg-1 Alphanumeric All letters in arg-1 are set to lower-case
MAX arg-1 ... Numeric Value of maximum argument
MEAN arg-1 ... Numeric Arithmetic mean of arguments
MEDIAN arg-1 ... Numeric Arithmetic median of Arguments
MIDRANGE arg-1 ... Numeric Mean of minimum and maximum arguments
MIN arg-1 ... Numeric Value of minimum argument
MOD arg-1,arg-2 Numeric arg-1 modulo arg-2
NATIONAL-OF arg-1,arg-2 National National character string
NUMVAL arg-1 Numeric Numeric value of simple numeric string
NUMVAL-C arg-1,arg-2 Numeric Numeric value of numeric string with optional commas and currency string
NUMVAL-F Not supported NA NA
ORD arg-1 Numeric Ordinal position of the argument in the collating sequence
ORD-MAX arg-1 ... Numeric Ordinal position of maximum argument
ORD-MIN arg-1 ... Numeric Ordinal position of minimum argument
PI None Numeric Value of Pi
PRESENT-VALUE arg-1 ... Numeric Preset value of a series of future period-end amounts, arg-2, at a discount rate of arg-1.
RANDOM Optional arg-1 Numeric Random number.If arg-1 is provided, it will be used to reinitialize the pseudo’random sequence. If no argument is provided, the next random number is returned. The returned number is between 0 and 1 with 10 significant decimal. It should be assigned to a PIC 9V9(10).
RANGE arg-1 ... Numeric Value of maximum argument minus the value of minimum argument.
REM arg-1, arg-2 Numeric Remainder of arg-1 /arg-2
REVERSE arg-1 Alphanumeric Reverse order of the characters of the argument
SECONDS-FROM- FORMATTED-TIME arg-1, arg-2 Numeric Accepts two parameters; a literal that is either a time format or a combined date and time format, and a data item whose content is in the specified format and returns a value in standard numeric time form.
SECONDS-PAST- MIDNIGHT None Numeric number of second from Midnight
SIGN arg-1 Numeric The sign of arg-1
SIN arg-1 Numeric Sine of arg-1
SQRT arg-1 Numeric Square root of arg-1
STANDARD-DEVIATION arg-1... Numeric Standard deviation of arguments
STORED-CHAR-LENGTH arg-1 Numeric The length of a string arg-1 ignoring trailing spaces
SUBSTITUTE arg-1 ... Alphanumeric Copy of arg-1 where partial string arg-2 is replaced by value of arg- 3, arg-4 by value of arg- 5, …
SUBSTITUTE-CASE arg-1 ... Alphanumeric Idem SUBSTITUTE but comparison are done case independent
SUM arg-1 ... Numeric Sum of arguments
TAN arg-1 Numeric Tangent of arg-1
TEST-DATE-YYYYMMDD arg-1 Numeric It returns a zero if the argument is a valid date; the value 1 if the year subfield content is out of range; the value 2 if the month subfield content is out of range; or the value 3 if the day subfield content is out of range for the given year and month. arg-1 must be standard date form (YYYYMMDD).
TEST-DAY-YYYYDDD arg-1 Numeric It returns a zero if the argument is a valid date; the value 1 if the year subfield content is out of range; or the value 2 if the day subfield content is out of range for the given year. Arg-1 must be in Julian date form (YYYYDDD).
TEST-NUMVAL Not supported NA NA
TEST-NUMVAL-C Not supported NA NA
TEST-NUMVAL-F Not supported NA NA
TRIM arg-1, arg-2 Alphanumeric The given string arg-1 with any leading and trailing blanks removed, or if arg-2 if given:0 trim spaces both before and after 1 trim spaces before only 2 trim spaces after only.
TRIML arg-1 Alphanumeric Equivalent to: TRIM(arg-1, 1)
TRIMR arg-1 Alphanumeric Equivalent to: TRIM(arg-1, 2)
UPPER-CASE arg-1 Alphanumeric All letters in the argument are set to upper case.
VARIANCE arg-1... Numeric Variance of argument
WHEN-COMPILED None Alphanumeric Date and time program was compiled
YEAR-TO-YYYY arg-1, arg-2 Numeric arg-1 converted from YY to YYYY based on the value of arg-2