
More about Types

In this diagram, you can see all seven types of report group in use in the same layout. You may choose any or all of the seven types in a report, and none of them are compulsory (except that you must have at least one body group (CH, DE, or CF)). You cannot have more than one REPORT HEADING, PAGE HEADING, PAGE FOOTING, and REPORT FOOTING, and you cannot have more than one CONTROL HEADING and CONTROL FOOTING for each control level. But you can code any number of DETAIL groups.

If your report needs a particularly long or complex REPORT HEADING or REPORT FOOTING, or if your report layout changes completely at a later stage, code a second separate RD with its own Report Group Descriptions following and expand the REPORT clause of your FD to include the second report-name. (You may associate as many RDs as you like with the same FD.)
