
Compatibility Topics


Overview of cobmf

cobmf provides the user with an emulator that recognizes an important subset of the compiler flags supported by the Micro Focus COBOL compiler (cob). When using cobmf, it is important to understand the following:

  • Cobmf is not a perfect emulator. It has limitations. Some cob flags are supported and some are ignored. See the Table of Compiler Flags below for a guide to supported options.
  • In cases where a cob flag is ignored, there may be a work-around using the -CIT "COBOLIT compiler flag" device. We have included some suggestions in the Table of Options below, and also included remarks on using -CIT with cobmf (see the Using the -CIT option with cobmf section for more details.
  • There are minor differences in the implementation of the -C directive with cobmf. As an example:

    • In Micro Focus COBOL: cob --C sign"ebcdic" program1.cbl
    • Using cobmf:
      • cobmf --C sign\"ebcdic\" program1.cbl, OR
      • cobmf --C sign="ebcdic" program1.cbl
  • In the end, it is very useful to understand what cobmf does. As an emulator, cobmf translates your Micro Focus COBOL command line into a COBOL-IT command line. Some compiler flags will be translated into command-line compiler flags. Some will be translated into settings in a compiler configuration file that is generated along with the command.

For details, see the What cobmf does section below for more details.

>cobmf [return]


For a full list of the [options] supported by cobmf, type cobmf [return] at the command line.


cobmf [options] files

Cobmf Options

Cobol-IT MF compatible cob
Cobol-IT MF compatible caller usage:
cob [options] files
options are:

Option Description
-a ignored
-C directive Pass syntax-check phase directive to the Compiler
-CC option Pass option to the C Compiler
-CIT option Pass option to the CIT cobc Compiler
-Q option Pass option to the Linker
-c Compile no further than a linkable object module (.o)
-g Create debugging information
-I dir Where are stored copy book
-i Compile to .int code for unlinked environment
-k cobol-file Recognize COBOL source file with non-standard filename extension
-L dir Pass option to system linker,changing search algorithm and maintaining relative ordering
-l lib Pass option to system linker, maintaining relative ordering
-m symb=newsym Map text symb onto newsym
-O Enable optimization
-o filename Specify output filename
-P Produce COBOL compilation listing file
-u Compile to .gnt code for unlinked environment
-V Report version number
-v Set verbose mode
-W err-level Control error level for cob termination
-x Process to system executable file
-Z Process to shared library

Using the -CIT option with cobmf

The -CIT command line option is used to pass additional commands to the COBOL-IT compiler when using cobmf command line emulator.


cobmf -CIT "-v -Os -O" myprog.cob


After including the -CIT option, you just list the COBOL-IT compiler flags, inside quotes, that you would like the COBOL-IT compiler to use in addition to those implied by the usage of the listed Micro Focus compiler flags.

What cobmf does

To examine what cobmf does, an example:

First, compile a simple hello.cbl program using cobmf:

In Windows:

> cobmf -L%COBOLITDIR%\lib hello.cbl

Cobol-IT MF compatible cob.


       cobc -l citextfh_dll.lib -LC:\Cobol\CobolIT\
       lib -conf=hello.mfconf -fmf-int hello.cbl

Creating library hello.lib and object hello.exp.

Breaking down the command line, we see:

Command Description
cobc The emulator has substituted the COBOL-IT compiler for cobmf
-l citextfh_dll.lib In Micro Focus emulation mode, the extfh interface is enabled
-LC:\Cobol\CobolIT\lib In Windows, you must point to the library where the extfh interface library is located. Since COBOL-IT supports the -L <lib> compiler flag, no translation was necessary.
-conf=hello.mfconf hello.mfconf is a compiler configuration file that is generated by the emulator, and which, at a minimum, references the Micro Focus compatibility mode, and may, depending on the compiler options selected, contain other entries. This is a minimal case, so the contents of hello.mfconf are simply: include "mf.conf"
-fmf-int In Micro Focus emulation mode, an output file with a .int extension is created. The output file with the .int extension is an abbreviated list file.
hello.cbl The name of the program.

How cobmf handles the -C "[directive]" compiler flag

As you use the -C"[directive]" compiler flag with cobmf, follow these rules:

  • Place a forward slash "/" before quotes
  • Directives are translated into equivalent compiler configuration file entries. After running the command, check the contents of the "conf" file generated by the emulator, to view how your directive has been translated.

Consider the common case where the defaultbyte"0" directive is passed to the compiler on the command-line.

In Micro Focus:

cob –C defaultbyte”0” hello.cbl

In COBOL-IT, construct the command as follows:

C:\COBOL\CobolIT>cobmf -C defaultbyte\"0\" -L%COBOLITDIR%\lib hello.cbl

Cobol-IT MF compatible cob.


       cobc -l citextfh_dll.lib -L C:\Cobol\CobolIT\lib
       -conf=hello.mfconf -
       fmf-int hello.cbl

Creating library hello.lib and object hello.exp.

Check the contents of hello.mfconf


The key adjustment that has been made by the emulator is in the compiler configuration file, which now has the following contents:

       include "mf.conf"

COBOL-IT requires that two compiler configuration file entries be set for the DEFAULTBYTE directive, the use-defaultbyte entry, and the defaultbyte entry, which captures the value of the defaultbyte.


The COBOPT environment variable is supported by cobmf. The COBOPT environment variable stores command-line compiler flags, for use with cobmf.

Table of equivalents to cob compiler flags

Cob flag Function COBOL-IT Equivalent
-A [as option] Pass as_option to Assembler Not supported.
-a Compile for animation -g
-C [directive] Pass syntax-check phase [directive] to the compile Difference. Cobmf provides a limited Compiler ability to use. However, best practice is to determine the analogous compiler configuration setting, and update your compiler configuration file. See the Table of Directives.
-CC [cc option] Pass [cc option] to the "C" Compiler -Wc [cc option]
-c Compile no further than linkable object module (.o) -c
-d[symb] Dynamically load [symb] Difference. Use COB_LIBRARY_PATH to locate dynamically loaded module.
-e[symbol] Set initial entry point to [symbol] Not required.
-g Produce debugging nformation -g
-I [symbol] Include [symbol] in executable module Difference. Statically link [symb]:>cobc -x -o hello [symb1][symb2] -I [dir]
-i Compile to .int code Creates a shared object with a .int extension. The shared object is only renamed.
-k [COBOL src file] Compile [COBOL src file] with non-standard extension Not required.
-L[dir] Pass [dir] to system linker, changing search algorithm and maintaining relative ordering -L [dir]
+L[dir] Pass [dir] to system linker after all other options, changing search algorithm Not supported
-l[lib] Pass [lib] to system linker, maintaining relative ordering -l[lib]
+l [lib] Pass option to system linker after all other options Not supported
-m symb=newsymb Map symb to newsymb Not supported
N.[directive] Pass generate-phase [directive] to compiler Difference. Cobmf provides a limited ability to use. However, best practice is to determine the analogous compiler configuration setting, and update your compiler configuration file. See the Table of Directives.
-O Enables optimization -O
-o[file] Specifies output [file] name -o [file]
-P Produce COBOL listing file with compilation -t
-p Instructs "C" compiler to use profiling routines. -fprofiling
-Q [ld option] or Pass [ld option] to linker -Wl [ld option]
-Q, 1 [ld option] or
-Q, 2 [ld option]
-t Creates multi-threading programs -fthread-safe
-U Dynamically load unresolved symbols Not supported
-u Compile to .gnt code fmf-gnt
-V Returns version number -V
-v Sets verbose mode -v
-W[error level] Sets [error level] at which compiler aborts -w compiler flags
-X[symb] Excludes [symb] from executable output file Not supported
-x Produce executable file x
-x,CC Produce executable file with C++ support Not required
-y Produce self-contained callable shared object. -m
-z Produce callable shared object -m
-z,U Produce callable shared object and issue error if there are undefined symbols -m
-z,CC Produce callable shared object with C++ support -m
-Z Produce shared library -b
-Z,CC Produce shared library with C++ support. -b

Table of equivalents to compiler directives

Micro Focus Directive What it does COBOL-IT Equivalent
ACCEPTREFRESH Causes data areas associated with Screen Section items to be updated from their corresponding Working-Storage Section items before an ACCEPT statement. -faccept-with-update compiler flag
accept-with-update: yes
ALIGN Sets memory boundaries on which data items of level-01 or level-77 are aligned. -falign-8 compiler flagor
ALTER Permits ALTER statements in your program. Default behavior
ANIM Adds extra information to the compiled object, for use by the Debugger. -g compiler flag
APOST Causes the Compiler to interpret the figurative constant QUOTE as the single- quote character (').
ARITHMETIC Affects how arithmetic expressions are evaluated. -fcompute-ibm
ASSIGN Affects how to assign a filename when neither EXTERNAL nor DYNAMIC appear in the SELECT statement. assign-clause: [cobol2002 / mf / ibm /external]
AUTOLOCK Sets the default locking to AUTOMATIC rather than EXCLUSIVE for files opened I-O or EXTEND in a multi-user environment. autolock:yes
BOUND Enforces runtime-checking of subscript and index values, to make sure they are within the bounds described by the OCCURS clause. -debug compiler flag
CALLFH Enables the EXTFH interface by causing all calls for I/O operations to be handled by the Callable File Handler. -use-extfh compiler flag
CALLSORT Enables the EXTSM interface, allowing a named program to be called to handle all SORT and MERGE operations. -use-extsm compiler flag
CASE Prevents external symbols (such as Program-ID and names of called programs) from conversion to upper case. Default behavior
CHARSET Indicates the character set used by the environment. ebcdic-charset: [yes/no]
CHECK Causes all run-time checks to be performed in generated code. -debug compiler flag
CHECKDIV Indicates behavior for case where a program tries to divide by zero in a statement that has no exception handling. div-check: yes
default is yes
COBFSTATCONV Names the user-supplied module to be used by the Callable File Handler to convert the file status codes if an I/O error is encountered on a file. -use-extfh compiler flag
COBIDY Location of the .idy file -debugdb=<filename> compiler flag
COMP5-BYTE-ORDER Sets the byte ordering used for COMP-5 data. comp5-byteorder: [native/big-endian]
Default is comp5-byteorder: native.
COMP-6 Indicates if COMP-6 data is stored in binary or packed decimal format. signed-comp6-as-comp3:[yes/no]
CONSTANT Creates a constant for use in the program. constant "key=value"
COPYEXT Names the filename extension that the Compiler can use to identify a COPY file that is specified without an extension. -ext=<extension> compiler flag
COPYLIST Causes the compiler to list the contents COPY files in a listing. Default behavior
COPYPATH Provides a list of directories for the Compiler to search for copy files. -I [path] compiler flag
COBCPY environment variable
DATACOMPRESS Sets the level of data compression to be done on sequential and indexed files. datacompress:[integer]
or$SET DATACOMPRESS “x” before the SELECT statement.
DATAMAP Causes the compiler to produce a datamap in the listing. "-t " compiler flag.
By default, the datamap is included in the listing.
DEFAULTBYTE Causes unitialized data items in Working Storage to be initialized to a default byte. defaultbyte:[any integer]
Default is defaultbyte:0
Requires use-defaultbyte:yes compiler configuration flag also be set.
DEFAULTCALLS Sets the default calling convention. Default is defaultcall:0
Designates default call-convention used when no CALL-CONVENTION is mentioned in a CALL statement
DIALECT Causes the compiler and runtime to behave in a manner consistent with the specified dialect. -conf=<dialect.conf.
EDITOR Causes the compiler output error messages to a file in a format compatible with a specified editor. -err <file>
FASTCALL Optimizes the speed of the CALL operation by not checking whether it is a main program. FASTCALL assumes that the target of a CALL operation is not a main program. EXIT PROGRAM will always cause an exit to the calling program. -fcall-opt
FCDREG Causes the compiler todefine special registers giving access to File Control Descriptions (FCD) and Key Definition Blocks. fcdreg:yes
FILESHARE Changes the default locking to become AUTOMATIC instead of EXCLUSIVE for files in a multi-user environment. Automatically locks records on a WRITE or REWRITE statement when the program is locking multiple records. share-all-autolock:yes
FOLD-CALL-NAME Folds the name of the target of the CALL, CANCEL, ENTRY, and CHAIN statements and the program-name in the PROGRAM-ID paragraph to upper or lower case. runtime environment variable:
where x=exact, u=upper,l=lower
FOLD-COPY-NAME Folds the name of the target of the COPY statement to upper case or lower case. -ffold-copy-lower compiler flag
-ffold-copy-upper compiler flag
FP-ROUNDING Indicates whether one floating-point receiving item can affect the results of other, nonfloating-point receiving items. -fround-fp compiler flag
Default is round-fp:no
HOST- NUMCOMPARE Affects the comparisons between integer numeric data items of USAGE DISPLAY and alphanumeric literals, figurative constants, or numeric operands. -mfhostnumcompare compiler flag
hostnumcompare: yes
HOST-NUMMOVE Prevents run-time error 163 (illegal characters in numeric fields) when certain MOVE statements are executed on numeric display data items or numeric operands. move-picx-to-pic9:raw
IBMCOMP Indicates word-storage mode. binary-size:2-4-8
IDENTIFIERLEN Specifies the portion of an identifier name that the compiler will consider to be significant. identifer-length: <max-length>
INDD Allows ACCEPT statements to be read from a specified file. -sysin=<input file> compiler flag
INITCALL Names modules to be called immediately before the first statement of a program is executed. -initcall=<program name> compiler flag
INITIAL Determines how Working-Storage is initialized for programs marked as IS INITIAL.
1 indicated default behavior.
2 indicates the alternate method equivalent to initial-2.
Default is no
INITPTR Causes the INITIALIZE statement to initialize DATA-POINTER, OBJECT- REFERENCE, and PROGRAM-POINTER data types. initialize-pointer[yes/no]
Default is yes
LIST Name of the source listing file. -t <filename> compiler flag
LISTPATH Gives the directory location for the list file to be written. The name of the list file is source-name.lst. -t <directory> compiler flag
LISTWIDTH, LW Limits the width of the list file. -ftruncate-listing compiler flag
truncate-listing: yes
`LNKALIGN Causes level-01 and level-77 Linkage Section items to always be aligned on a machine-dependent favorable boundary. -falign-8 compiler flag
align-8: yes
MAKESYN Makes a reserved word synonymous with another reserved word. -makesyn oldvalue=newvalue compiler flag
makesyn: oldvalue=newvalue
MFCOMMENT Causes an asterisk (*) in column 1 to be treated as a comment line, but does not show the line in the source listing. -fmfcomment compiler flag
mfcomment: yes
MOVE-LEN-CHECK Causes source and target lengths for alphanumeric MOVE be checked by the compiler. Default behavior
OBJ Causes an object file to be generated. -o compiler flag
ODOSLIDE Causes the memory location of data items that are located after a variable length table to change as the length of the table changes. -fodo-slide compiler flag
odo-slide: yes
OPT (Intel x86 platforms) Set the optimization level of the code produced by the compiler on Intel x86 platforms. -O compiler flag
OPT (Non-Intel x86 platforms) Set the optimization level of the code produced by the compiler on platforms other than the Intel x86 platforms. -O compiler flag
OPTIONAL-FILE Causes the compiler to treat all files opened for I-O or EXTEND as optional. -foptional-file compiler flag
optional-file: yes
OSEXT Indicates what the file extensions are for COBOL source files. Not required. COBOL program extension can be set in the Developer Studio, where the compiler needs to build only COBOL programs
OUTDD Causes the output of DISPLAY and EXHIBIT statements to be written to a specified file. –sysout=<output file> [,S/L [,Min [,Max]]] compiler flag
PANVALET Allows ++INCLUDE statements in the source file. supported by default
PARAMCOUNTCHECK Allows the program to be called with fewer parameters than are specified in USING clause. -falloc-unused-linkage
alloc-unused-linkage: yes
PCOMP Allows a user program to be named as a precompiler for COBOL files. supported by default
PERFORMOPT Optimizes PERFORM operations. -freturn-opt compiler flag
return-opt: yes
PERFORM-TYPE Indicates behavior of return jumps from nested PERFORM statements. perform-osvs: yes equivalent to
PREPROCESS, P Causes the source file to be pre-compiled, and the output file to be compiled. -preprocess compiler flag
PRINT Names the source listing file. -t <filename> compiler flag
PROFILE Includes code in your program for purposes of generating performance statistics when the program is run. -fprofiling compiler flag
PROGID-COMMENT Permits comments be included following the PROGRAM-ID header in the Program- Id paragraph. default behavior
QUAL Permits qualified data-names and procedure-names in your program. Qualified data-names are allowed in a program.
QUOTE Causes the Compiler to interpret the figurative constant QUOTE as the double- quote character ("). quote: “
RECMODE Describes the default format of files. -frecmode-f compiler flag
-frecmode-osvs compiler flag
-frecmode-v compiler flag
recmode-f: [yes/no]
recmode-osvs: [yes/no]
recmode-v: [yes/no]
REENTRANT Causes many program areas to be dynamically allocated, so that it is safe to have multiple copies of the program running. -fthread-safe compiler flag
REMOVE Causes reserved words to be removed from the reserved word list, so that they can be used as user-defined words. not-reserved [any reserved word ]
RESEQ Causes the compiler to produce line numbers in the listing file. Developer Studio capability
RTNCODE-SIZE Sets the size of the RETURN-CODE register and its alignment in memory. rtncode-size<integer>
Integer may be 2,4,8
SEQUENTIAL Indicates the default file type for files defined as ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL. sequential-line:[yes/no]
SETTING, SETTINGS Causes the compiler to include a listing of directives, and their settings in the source listing. -dump-config compiler flag
default behavior
SHOW-DIR Causes the compiler show the contents of directives files in the source listing. -dump-config compiler flag
Default behavior
SOURCEFORMAT Selects format for COBOL source. -free , -fixed compiler flags
SOURCETABSTOP Sets the rule for expanding tab characters encountered in the source code into spaces that is used by the compiler. tab-width: [integer ] Default is 8
SPZERO Causes space characters in USAGE DISPLAY numeric data items to be treated as zeros. spzero: yes
SSRANGE Turns on runtime bounds checking for subscripting, reference modifications, and indexes. -debug compiler flag
STDERR Causes compiler error messages to be written to STDERR. -err <file>
STICKY-LINKAGE Affects how parameters passed to a program are handled during a runtime session in which the program is called multiple times. sticky-linkage [yes/no/fixed/variable]
TRACE Turns on runtime tracing through READY TRACE and RESET TRACE statements. -fsimple-trace
–ftraceall compiler flags
TRUNC Determines whether data being stored in USAGE COMP, USAGE BINARY or USAGE COMP-4 data items is truncated to the size given by the item's PICTURE clause or to the maximum size the item can hold. -fnotrunc compiler flag
UNICODE Describes the encoding used for Unicode characters. -futf16-le compiler flag
utf16-le: [yes/no]
default is utf16-le: no default is big-endian (portable).
utf16-le is little-endian (native).
USE Causes the compiler to read directives from a file. -conf=xxx.conf compiler flag
-std=mf.conf compiler flag
COBITOPT environment variable
VERBOSE Causes the compiler to be verbose. -v compiler flag
WARNING, WARNINGS Specifies the lowest severity level of errors to report. -w compiler flags