
More about the RD Entry

Apart from the clauses used in our example, there are several other clauses that you may write in your RD entry. They are all explained in detail in the chapter Report Files and RD Entries. Here is a brief summary:

LAST DETAIL gives the last line on which a DETAIL or CONTROL HEADING report group may appear.

LAST CF (or LAST CONTROL FOOTING or just FOOTING) gives the last line on which a CONTROL FOOTING group may appear. If you do not specify it, a default value is assumed for it. You can use it to ensure that a CONTROL FOOTING will never appear at the top of a page (since there will always be space reserved for it at the bottom of the previous page).

OVERFLOW and SUM OVERFLOW enable you to specify the action that takes place if any arithmetic expressions or totals defined in your report groups are too large for the report field or involve dividing by zero.

CODE is used when your output report data must have extra unprinted information placed at the start of each record, or when you need to pass information to a special Independent Report File Handler (see Independent Report File Handlers). For example, if your installation has provided a file handler to do spooling and restart, you may be required to provide a key by which restart would be done. You would then write: CODE IS name-of-key-field.

ALLOW SOURCE SUM CORR and ALLOW NO SOURCE SUM CORR determine whether the ANS-68 or the ANS-85 rules will be used for calculating certain SUM fields. ALLOW NO SOURCE SUM CORR is assumed in default in the version as supplied A description of this process will be found in Installation and Operation.

GLOBAL makes the report available to nested programs.