
Compiler -w Flags

-w compiler flags are warning flags.

All -w compiler flags are provided in the form:


  • To enable the flag, use: -W*warning-name*

    >cobc -Wall sample.cbl

  • To disable the flag, use: -Wno-*warning-name*

    >cobc -Wno-all sample.cbl

Warnings are evaluated in the command line order. For example, use the command: >cobc -Wall -Wno-archaic to enable all warnings but the archaic features.


cobc -w when used with no warning flag has the effect of disabling all warnings.
Example: >cobc -w sample.cbl

The Warning Compiler flags are listed in the table below:

Compiler Flag Description
-w* Disables all warnings.
-Wall Enables all warnings.
-Warchaic Warns if archaic features are used.
-Wbdb Warns about bdb license. (default).
-Wcall-params Warns if non 01/77 items are used for CALL parameters (NOT set with Wall).
-Wconstant Warns if inconsistent constant is used.
-Wimplicit-define Warns of implicitly defined data items.
-Winformation Warns information about 'not recommended' code. -Winformation is applied by default.
-Wlinkage Warns of dangling LINKAGE items. (NOT set with -Wall).
-Wobsolete Warns if obsolete features are used.
-Wparentheses Warns of lack of parentheses around AND within OR.
-Wredefinition Warns if incompatible redefinition of data items are used. -Wredefinition is defined by default.
v-Wstrict-typing Warns of type mismatch strictly.
-Wsuggestion Warns suggestions about 'not recommended' code. -Wsuggestion is applied by default.
-Wterminator Warns of lack of scope terminator, such as END-XXX. (NOT set with -Wall).
-Wtruncate Warns of possible field truncations. -Wtruncate is applied by default.
-Wunreachable Warns of unreachable statements.