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Using a Response File to Silently Install on Linux Systems

You can use a response file to configure automated, silent installs on Linux workstations.

Create a Response File

A response file is a text file that uses key-value pairs (<key>=<value> syntax) to define installation parameters. For example, the following key-value pairs in the rx_response.txt file define the features to install, the user data directory, and the installation directory. These values can be modified for your environment.

The rx_response.txt example file



Both the USER_DATA_DIR and USER_INSTALL_DIR keys are optional. If these keys are omitted, default values are used.

The USER_DATA_DIR value supports the $HOME and $USER environment variables. If you use either variable, the USER_DATA_DIR value must be inside single quotes.

This example response file assigns values for the three keys recognized by the installer.

The CHOSEN_FEATURE_LIST key-value pair is required, because this pair defines which features to install. In our example, this key is set to install the following features:

  • Domain Node for Domain Controller

  • Domain Controller for X Manager for Domains

  • Remote Session Services for Standalone X Manager

  • X Administrative Console

Valid key values

The following tables show the values you can assign to the CHOSEN_FEATURE_LIST, USER_DATA_DIR, and USER_INSTALL_DIR keys.


CHOSEN_FEATURE_LIST is a special key with many different possible values. A full list of options is shown. For the CHOSEN_FEATURE_LIST key, the value is a comma separated list of feature ID values from the following table.

Feature ID Values Feature
ServDC Domain Controller for X Manager for Domains
Service Domain Node for Domain Controller
ServRmt Remote Session Services for Standalone X Manager
AdminCon X Administrative Console
XMan X Manager
XManDom X Manager for Domains
AsianFonts Asian Fonts
EuroFonts European Fonts
TemplAll All connection settings templates
TemplAIX AIX Connection Settings
TemplDig Digital Connection Settings
TemplHPX HP-UX Connection Settings
TemplLin Linux Connection Settings
TemplSol Solaris Connection Settings
TemplVMS VMS Connection Settings


You can only assign directory paths to the USER_INSTALL_DIR and USER_DATA_DIR keys. Both of these key-value pairs are optional.

Key Value
USER_INSTALL_DIR The install directory (defaults to /opt/microfocus/ReflectionX if not specified)
USER_DATA_DIR The user data directory (defaults to '$HOME/.microfocus/reflection' if not specified) If the $HOME or $USER variables are used, the value must be inside single quotes. For example: '$HOME/CUSTOM_DIR'

Install With a Response File

  1. Log on as root.

  2. Download and unzip the installation file for your Linux system as described in Install on Linux.

  3. Launch the installer using the following command that specifies your response file: -f RESPONSE_FILE --acceptLicense

    where RESPONSE_FILE is the fully qualified path for your response file. For example: -f /home/user1/rx_response.txt --acceptLicense


    Both -f and --acceptLicense are required. All of the silent install options are shown below.

Silent install options Description
-h, --help Displays silent installation help and exits.
-f RESPONSE_FILE Defines the path to the response file (required).
--acceptLicense Accepts the license agreement (required).

Uninstall Silently

  1. Log on as root.

  2. Run the following uninstall command.

    /opt/microfocus/ReflectionX/Uninstall_rxadvantage -f


    /opt/microfocus/ReflectionX is the default installation directory.

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