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rxmigrate Command Line Utility for Migrating Settings

Use rxmigrate on Windows systems to migrate settings from legacy Reflection X versions or from Hummingbird Exceed products. As rxmigrate runs, it displays messages to the console. In addition a migration.log file is created in the logs folder (typically C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\logs\migration.log).


Settings stored on your local system are migrated automatically the first time you run Reflection X Manager or Reflection X Manager for Domains. Even if you choose not to import the settings on first run, you can manually import the migrated settings later. Settings in a shared network location are not imported automatically. You can use rxmigrate to migrate these settings.

To convert legacy Reflection X settings:

rxmigrate [-a] [-c client1.rxc ...] [-s server1.rxs ...] [-k known_hosts ...] -o output.rxd

To convert Exceed settings:

rxmigrate -product Exceed [-a] [-c client1.xs ...] [-s ...] [-xc server1.xcfg...] -o output.rxd


The following command line shows the options used for a default migration of settings from Reflection X 14.0. It migrates all Reflection X client and server settings, and any known host keys used for Secure Shell connections. The output file is located in a migration folder in the Reflection X data folder.

rxmigrate -a -o "%userprofile%\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\Reflection X 14_0_1.rxd"

The following command converts all Reflection X client files (*.rxc) in the specified network share and saves them to the specified output file.

rxmigrate -c \\sharedsettings\rxa\*.rxc -o "c:\migrated settings\RXsettings.rxd"

The following command migrates all Exceed settings and saves them to the specified output file:

rxmigrate -product Exceed -a -o c:\migrate\Exceedsettings.rxd


Note: For options that specify filenames, wildcards are supported for file names but not for directory names.

Option Description
-product (Optional) Specifies the product to be migrated. Valid values are Reflection and Exceed. If this option is omitted, the utility performs Reflection migration.
-a (Optional) Migrates all client and server settings found on the local machine. When no product is specified, this option converts all legacy Reflection X settings (including known hosts).
-c (Optional) Migrates the client settings from the specified client files (for example, client1.rxc client2.rxc).
-s (Optional) Migrates the server settings (Reflection X) or session settings (Exceed) from the specified server files (for example, server1.rxs server2.rxs).
-xc (Optional) Migrates Exceed server settings from the specified server files.
-k (Optional) Migrates the hosts found in specified files (for example, known_hosts). This option applies to Reflection migration only.
-o (Required) Specifies the path and file name of the output file to create (for example, output.rxd). Use quotation marks if the path includes spaces. Output files are Reflection X definition files (*.rxd).
Note: Definition files (*.rxd) contain Reflection X configuration information in XML format. This file format is used to export and import settings to and from Reflection X.
-version Displays Reflection X version information.
-? or -help Displays a summary of command line options.

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