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Keyboard Maps

How do I get to this dialog box?

From X Manager or X Manager for Domains

  1. Click Tools > Keyboard Maps.

  2. To create an editable copy of the default keyboard map, set Select Keyboard Map to Default Keyboard Map, and click Clone.

From the X Administrative Console

  1. Click the Domain Definitions tab.

  2. On the left pane, expand Keyboard Maps.

  3. To create an editable copy of the default keyboard map, right-click Default Keyboard Map and select Clone Keyboard Map.

Reflection X includes a default keyboard map that automatically handles a wide variety of characters on multiple keyboards. If the default maps don't produce a character you need, or you want to add other keyboard mapping assignments, create a keyboard map to modify or add to the default mapping.


Before mapping a key, use the Find key option to review the default behavior of a key. If the Results panel shows the keystroke produces the result you want, there may be no need to map a key.

To map a key, you must first Clone a keyboard map; you cannot change the mapping of the default keyboard map.

Option Description
Select keyboard map Select the default keyboard map or any other map you have added.
Clone Click Clone to create a copy of the currently selected keyboard map. The Default keyboard map cannot be modified, and a clone of that map is a quick way to create a keyboard map.
Delete Delete the currently selected keyboard map. You cannot delete the default keyboard map.

The Find button at the bottom of the dialog box help you locate keys you want to modify and Troubleshooting options review the behavior of currently mapped keys.

Keyboard Maps Tabs

Map Key


Keyboard Shortcuts

Reserved Keycodes

Map Modifiers

Find and Troubleshooting Buttons

Use Find Key to identify a key, and use Troubleshooting options to view key and keymap behaviors.

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