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rxmgrdomains Command Line for X Manager for Domains

You can run X Manager for Domains and start clients and sessions from a command line using the following syntax:

rxmgrdomains [-domaindomain_name] [-useruser_name] [-passwordpassword] [-clientclient_name] [-xdmcpxdmcp_definition| [direct|indirect|broadcast,[host_address],[timeout],[onLastClient],[sessionName]] [-launchGrouplaunchGroup_Name] [-sessionsession_name][-ownerowner_name][-minimize] [-trayOnly] [-noUI] [-execOnly] [-noMigrate] [-?]


The following example logs the user Joe into the domain called "AcmeServer" and runs the client called xterm. In this example, X Manager for Domains will run minimized.

rxmgrdomains -domain AcmeServer -user Joe -password "secret" -client xterm -minimize

The following examples show two ways to start multiple clients (and any sessions associated with these clients). You can include all the clients on the command line or use a saved launch group definition. Quotation marks are required around the client and launch group definition names in these examples because the names include spaces. In these examples the domain user and password are omitted, so the user will be prompted for login credentials.

rxmgrdomains -domain AcmeServer -client "Client 1" -client "Client 2" -client "Client 3"


rxmgrdomains -domain AcmeServer -launchGroup "Work Group"

The following example starts an XDMCP connection to "My Host" without using an existing definition and without showing the X Manager for Domains window. This example is configured to log onto the domain as user Joe, who will be prompted for a password. When the user logs out of the XDMCP session, the session will stop and X Manager for Domains will exit.

rxmgrdomains -domain AcmeServer -user Joe -xdmcp direct,Myhost,,Exit,

The following example launches X Manager for Domains with limited functionality. The user can launch existing definitions, but not add or modify definitions:

rxmgrdomains -execOnly


The command line options are all optional. Options are case-insensitive. Use quotation marks around paths and definition names that include spaces. If a domain name, user name, or password is not specified, the user is prompted to provide it.

Option Description
-domaindomain_name The domain name. This is the name of the computer running the domain controller.
-useruser_name The name of a domain user.
-passwordpassword The password for the specified domain user. Use quotation marks if the password includes special characters.
-clientclient_name Specify a client definition to start. To start multiple clients, use multiple client parameters (or configure a launch group.)
-xdmcp xdmcp_definition Start an XDMCP connection using an existing definition name.
-or- -or-
-xdmcp direct|indirect|broadcast,[host_address],[timeout],[onLastClient],[sessionName] Specify XDMCP connection information directly on the command line. Specify host address using a DNS name or IP address. If the host address is omitted, the user is prompted. Specify timeout in seconds; the default is 15. Valid values for onLastClient are Nothing(or N), Reset (or R), Stop (or S), or Exit (or E). The default is Reset. Specify an existing session definition; the default will create a temporary session definition. Do not use spaces after the commas in this option, and include a comma as placeholder for any option you don't need to specify. For example: -xdmcp direct,myhost,,E,
-launchGroup group_name Launch all X clients and/or XDMCP connections in the specified launch group definition.
-session session_name Specify a session definition to start. To start multiple sessions, use multiple session parameters.
-owner This is only valid when preceded by a client, xdmcp, launchGroup, or session option. It specifies the name of the user who created the preceding definition. When owner is not specified, the owner is assumed to be the currently logged in domain user. This option is used by X Manager for Domains in desktop shortcuts, and allows the shortcut to distinguish between a definition created by the domain logon user or an identically-named definition created by the administrator and made public. Users should never need to use this option.
-minimize Start in a minimized state. This option is ignored if it's not supported by the operating system. This option is ignored if trayOnly is also specified.
-trayOnly Start with a tray icon but without opening the X Manager window. Note: When a session is started with this option, you can use either the tray icon or the Start menu to open the X Manager window.
-noUI Start with an icon in the tray area and without allowing the user to open the X Manager window. With this option, the Open X Manager option is disabled from the tray icon; the Exit and Help Topics options remain available. Note: When a session is started with this option, it is not possible to open the X Manager window from the Start menu until the session is closed and you stop X Manager using the tray icon's Exit option.
-execOnly Start with the user interface restricted to a list of definitions (X Clients, XDMCP Connections, Launch Groups, Sessions) and the basic controls to start, stop, leave and join. Items that allow creating new definitions, deleting definitions, or accessing other features (such as keyboard maps and color maps) related to definitions are not available.
-noMigrate Affects initial startup actions as follows: Disables automatic import of the Sample Definitions in the template generic_templates.rxd, and any added templates configured for automatic import on first run. Disables migration of settings from legacy Reflection X and Exceed. Disables display of the Import Migrated Settings and Templates dialog box.
-? or -help Displays a summary of command line options.

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