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Client Definition

The Client Definition pane appears whenever you create or select a definition under X Clients. Use this pane to specify settings for launching an X client on a remote host.

Setting Description
Name A descriptive name for this client definition.
Host name The name or address of the X client host computer. You can enter the IP address of the host (for example,, or, if you are using a domain name server for address resolution, you can enter just the host name. If you leave this blank, you are prompted for a host name when you start the connection.
Host type Sets default values appropriate for the selected host type. The host type you select affects:
The syntax and selection of sample commands shown in the Command drop-down list.
The default login sequence.
The default xauth command, which is used when user-based authorization is enabled for a session.
Note: Two Linux options are available. Use the Legacy option for older Linux systems that store X client applications in /usr/x11R6/bin. (Newer systems use /usr/bin.)
Connection method The protocol used for the connection. The options are:

Secure Shell (the default)





Remote Session Services (standalone X Manager only).
User name Your user name on the host. If you omit this, you are prompted to enter your user name when you make a connection.
Password Your password on the host. If you leave this blank, you are prompted for a host name when you start the connection. This option is available only when Connection Method is Telnet, Rexec, or Rlogin.
Note: The password is replaced by asterisks in the display, but is saved as clear text in the database.
Advanced Opens a dialog box with additional settings for the selected Connection Method.
Application Select whether to use a single command or multiple commands when starting an X client. Single command (the default) is recommended for most connections. When this option is selected, you can use the drop-down arrow in the Command box to select sample commands for launching X clients. (To launch multiple clients, you can configure separate client definitions for each client, and then add them to a Launch Group.) For Telnet and Rlogin connections, when you select Multiple commands, you can specify which host prompt should precede each command and whether or not this host prompt is optional.
Command Specify the X client startup command. The drop-down list shows sample client commands that typically work with the currently selected Host type. You can use these samples to help construct additional command lines. For additional information about configuring commands, see Configure an X Client. Also see X Client Commands - Macro Reference for information about the macros (such as %IP%) used in these commands.
Default session A session must be running before an X client application can be displayed. Use the drop-down list to select a default session definition for this client. If <Prompt for session> is selected, you'll be prompted to select a session when you start the client. If the session is not already running, Reflection X starts it when you start the client.
Always start on new instance Start a new session instance each time you start this X client. Use this option when your client launches a remote window manager, as when launching a desktop environment such as KDE, CDE or GNOME.
Automatically start client Select this option if you want the client to start automatically when you start X Manager.
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