Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library / IbmTerminal Object / Port Property
Port Property
Gets or sets the TCP port to connect to.
expression.Port As Integer
where expression is a variable that represents a IbmTerminal Object
This exception is thrown when you modify a property that was secured via the Permissions Manager, or that can only be modified by an Administrator.
This example prints the type of terminal along with some other information when a session view opens. To run this example, copy this code to the ThisFrame code window under the Common Project. You may need to add a reference to the Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Emulation_OpenSystems library.
Private Sub Frame_ViewOpened(ByVal sender As Variant, ByVal View As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects.View)
    Dim terminal As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Emulation_IbmHosts.IbmTerminal
    Dim terminalOs As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Emulation_OpenSystems.terminal
    Dim HostAddress As String
    Dim ConnectionType As String
    Dim port As Integer
    'print terminal type
    If TypeName(View.control) = "IbmTerminal" Then
        Set terminal = View.control
        HostAddress = terminal.HostAddress
        port = terminal.port
        Debug.Print "IBM", HostAddress, port
    ElseIf TypeName(View.control) = "Terminal" Then
        Set terminalOs = View.control
        'Check whether the connection is SSH
        If Not terminalOs.ConnectionType = ConnectionTypeOption_SecureShell Then
               Debug.Print "This is not an SSH connection"
        End If
        Debug.Print "Open Systems"
    End If
End Sub
See Also