Exception | Description |
Attachmate.Reflection.SecuredSettingException | This exception is thrown when you modify a property that was secured via the Permissions Manager, or that can only be modified by an Administrator. |
This option is only applicable in data processing (not Text Assist) mode. The default is NoAutoReset.
AutoReset | You do not need to press Reset to clear a keyboard error. The next key you press clears the error, restores the previous error line data, and attempts to execute the keystroke as follows: If the cursor is in a valid input field, the key is a data key, and the data is valid for that field, the data is entered there. (An example of valid data is a numeric character in an input field that only accepts numbers). If the cursor is in a valid input field and the key is a function key, the key operation is executed. If the current cursor position is not in a valid input field, the key is a data key, and the data is valid for that field, the cursor is moved to the next valid input field and the data is entered there. If the current cursor position is not in a valid input field and the key is a function key, the cursor is moved to the next valid input field and the key is ignored. If the current AS/400 screen contains no valid input fields, you will see an error message with each keystroke you press and no keystrokes are executed. | ||
AutoResetNoMessage | No error is reported and Reflection attempts to execute the keystroke as follows: If the cursor is in a valid input field, the key is ignored. This is true for both data keys and function keys. If the cursor is not in a valid input field, the key is a data key, and the data is valid for that field, the cursor is moved to the next valid input field and the data is entered there. If the cursor is not in a valid input field and the key is a function key, the cursor is moved to the next valid input field and the key is ignored. Use this value with caution, because it prevents you from being notified of keyboard errors. | ||
NoAutoReset | With standard terminal behavior, you must press Reset to clear the error message from the 5250 error line before you can resume data entry. |