Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.IbmHosts Library / AS400SendConversionOption Enumeration
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AS400SendConversionOption Enumeration
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Specifies a conversion format for files received from an AS/400.
AsciiAppropriate for files with no special formatting and fixed record widths.
BasicSeqSeparates all fields with commas and inserts quotation marks around character and hexadecimal fields.
CommaDelimiterSeparates all fields with commas and inserts quotation marks only around character fields that contain a comma or a quotation mark.
DosRandomAppropriate with host database applications that require data to be in this format.
NoConversionUse for files that should not be translated.
TabDelimiterSeparates all fields with tabs and inserts quotation marks around character fields that contain a quotation mark.
This property affects AS/400 data transfer and is only relevant for 5250 sessions.
See Also