InfoConnect T27

InfoConnect T27 is a terminal emulation program that makes your PC operate like a Unisys T27 terminal. When you run T27, your PC can communicate with a Unisys ClearPath NX/LX series or A Series host.

T27 runs within Accessory Manager. The relationship between the two is similar to the relationship between a document and a word processor. When you run a word processor, you have a single application window, and no matter which document you open, there are functions that are common to all the documents. Likewise, when you run Accessory Manager, you have a single application window, and no matter which terminal emulation session you open, there are functions that are common to all the emulators.

Just as a word processor can open multiple documents at once, Accessory Manager can open multiple terminal emulation sessions at once. For example, using Accessory Manager, you can open one session using T27 to connect to a Unisys ClearPath NX/LX series or A Series host, and then open a second session using UTS to connect to a Unisys ClearPathIX series or 1100/2200 Series host. Or you can open multiple sessions using one emulator, such as four sessions using T27.

T27 also provides the following features:

  • Default terminal keystrokes that let you perform T27 functions

  • Predefined keyboard maps

  • Predefined color schemes

  • Predefined QuickPads

  • CANDE file transfer protocol

  • T27 Print Services, a separate utility, which allows you to use a printer attached to your PC or any network printer as a host printer.

In this Chapter