When you transmit data to the host and your PC is waiting for a response, the keyboard is locked automatically to prevent you from inadvertently disrupting the transmission.
Unlocking the keyboard when a transmission is in progress can cause unexpected results. To unlock the keyboard press Esc.
If a UTS session is not already open, open one.
If the session is not currently connected to a host, click the connect button on the toolbar.
Press - (minus sign) on the numeric keypad (NUM LOCK must be off).
NOTE:If you're using a custom keyboard map, press the keystroke associated with the CursorToEOPAndXmit command.
This moves the cursor to the end of the page and then transmits. The session configuration determines whether all data, only unprotected data, or only changed data is transmitted.
To transmit a portion of a page
If a UTS session is not already open, open one.
If the session is not currently connected to a host, click on the toolbar.
Position the cursor at the beginning of the data that you want to transmit.
Click on the toolbar to insert a start-of-entry (SOE) character.
If the session is in insert mode, the SOE character is inserted, and all other characters shift to the right. If the session is in overwrite mode, the SOE character overwrites the existing character at the cursor position. To toggle between insert and overwrite mode, press INSERT. (If you're using a keyboard map other than PEPWIN.EKM, press the keystroke associated with the Ins command).
Position the cursor at the end of the data that you want to transmit.
Click on the toolbar.
The session configuration determines whether all data, only unprotected data, or only changed data is transmitted.
To transmit only changed data
If a UTS session is not already open, open one.
If the session is not currently connected to a host, click on the toolbar.
Make sure that CHAN is selected in the session configuration.
For unprotected FCC fields, UTS inserts invisible changed-field indicators and initially sets them to off. Whenever the data in an unprotected field is changed, the indicator is set to on, and only that data is transmitted to the host.
When you are ready to transmit data, press - (minus sign) on the numeric keypad (NUM LOCK must be off).
NOTE:If you're using a custom keyboard map, press the keystroke associated with the CursorToEOPAndXmit command.
If the host has not been programmed to clear (turn off) the changed-field indicators after each transmission, clear them manually by pressing CTRL+R after each transmission.
NOTE:If you're using a keyboard map other than PEPWIN.EKM, press the keystroke associated with the ClearChange command.
If you do not clear the changed-field indicators manually, UTS continue to send the existing data, even if it has not changed.