In this chapter
The following table lists the names of the T27 terminal keystrokes and their functions:
Table 42 Terminal Keystrokes
Terminal Keystrokes |
Function |
AlignDCP |
Moves the cursor to the same position as the Datacomm pointer (DCP). |
BackSpace |
Moves the cursor one column to the left without deleting any characters. If the cursor is in the first column of a line, it moves to the last column of the preceding line. If it is home, it moves to the last column of the last line of the page. |
Bell |
Toggles the cursor location alarm on or off. |
Bound |
Marks the end of text to be copied into the data-sharing buffer. |
CarriageReturn |
Moves the cursor to the first column of the next line or the first column of the current line, depending on the session configuration. |
ClearPageCursorHome |
Deletes all text on the page and moves the cursor home. In forms mode, this keystroke clears either text in unprotected fields or all text, depending on the session configuration. Subsequently, the cursor moves to the first unprotected field. |
ClearToEndOfLine |
Deletes all text from the cursor to the end of the line. In forms mode, this keystroke deletes all text from the cursor to the end of the field. |
ClearToEndOfPage |
Deletes all text from the cursor to the end of the page. In forms mode, this keystroke deletes all text in unprotected fields from the cursor to the end of the page. |
ClearVarTabs |
Clears all variable tabs. |
Ctrl |
Puts the session in control mode. |
CursorToEndOfLine |
Moves the cursor to the last position on the current line. |
CursorToEndOfPage |
Moves the cursor to the last position on the current page. |
CursorWordLeft |
Moves the cursor to the first character of the previous word. |
CursorWordRight |
Moves the cursor to the first character of the next word. |
DelCharByPage |
Deletes the character that the cursor is on and shifts the remaining characters on the page to the left. |
DeleteFromLine |
Deletes the character that the cursor is on and shifts the remaining characters on the line to the left. |
DeleteLine |
Deletes the line containing the cursor. |
DisableForms |
Puts the session in nonforms mode. |
DisableLowerCase |
Disables lowercase characters |
DisableSearch |
Exits search mode. |
Down |
Moves the cursor down one line If the cursor is in the bottom line of a page, it moves to the top line. |
EnableForms |
Puts the session in forms mode. |
EnableSearch |
Puts the session in search mode. |
F1...F10 |
Perform host-defined functions. |
Home |
Moves the cursor home. |
Ins |
Toggles between overwrite mode and insert-in-line mode. This keystroke might also insert a space at the cursor location, depending on the session configuration. |
InsCharByPage |
Puts the session in insert-in-page mode (nonforms mode only). |
InsertLine |
Inserts a line at the cursor location, moving all subsequent lines down and moving the cursor to the first column of the new line. Any data that was on the last line of the page is lost. |
Left |
Moves the cursor one column to the left. If the cursor is in the first column of a line, it moves to the last column of the preceding line. If it is in the first column of the first line of the page, it moves to the last column of the last line of the page. |
Local |
Puts the session in local mode. |
Mark |
Marks the beginning of text to be copied into the data-sharing buffer. |
MoveLineDown |
Exchanges the line where the cursor is located with the line below. |
MoveLineUp |
Exchanges the line where the cursor is located with the line above. |
NextWindow |
Switches focus to the next open session window. |
PageDown |
Displays the next page. If the last page already is displayed, this keystroke displays the first page. |
PageNegativeVideo |
Changes the page to reverse video. In forms mode, unprotected fields remain in normal video. |
PageNormalVideo |
Changes the page to normal video |
PageUp |
Displays the previous page. If the first page already is displayed, this keystroke displays the last page. |
PrevWindow |
Switches focus to the previous open session window. |
PrintAll |
Prints all data. |
PrintAllFF |
Prints all data and add a form feed at the end of the data. |
PrintUnprotectedFF |
Prints only the data in unprotected fields and add a form feed at the end of the data. |
PutETX |
Inserts an end-of-text character at the cursor position and moves the cursor home. In insert-in-line or insert-in-page mode, characters after the ETX character shift to the right. In overwrite mode, the ETX character replaces any character at the cursor position. |
Recall |
Inserts text that was stored using Mark and Bound at the current cursor location. In insert-in-line or insert-in-page mode, characters shift to the right of the inserted text. In overwrite mode, the inserted text replaces any characters at the cursor position. |
Receive |
Puts the session in receive mode. |
ReturnNoDisplay |
Moves the cursor to the first column on the screen without displaying the symbol. |
Right |
Moves the cursor one column to the right. If the cursor is in the last column of a line, it moves to the first column of the next line. If it is in the last column of the last line of the page, it moves to the first column of the first line of the page. |
RollPageDown |
Rolls the page down. |
RollPageUp |
Rolls the page up. |
SearchNextChar |
Searches for the next occurrence of the specified character. |
SetMobileHome |
Sets the mobile home on the page. This indicates where data transmission will begin, but it does not affect cursor movement. |
ShiftF1...ShiftF10 |
Performs host-defined functions. |
Specify |
Transmits the cursor location to the host. This keystroke might also send the page number, depending on the session configuration. The session configuration also determines whether the data is sent in hexadecimal or ASCII format. |
Store |
Copies text selected using Mark and Bound in the data-sharing buffer. |
Tab |
Moves the cursor to the next horizontal tab stop. If tab stops were not set, this keystroke moves the cursor home. In forms mode, this keystroke moves the cursor to the next unprotected field. |
TabBack |
Moves the cursor to the previous horizontal tab stop. If tabs were not set, this keystroke moves the cursor home. In forms mode, this keystroke moves the cursor to the previous unprotected field. |
ToggleTtyMode |
Toggles between teletype mode and normal terminal emulation. |
ToggleVarTabs |
Sets or clears a variable tab at the cursor location. |
Transmit |
Sends data to the host. Depending on the session configuration, this keystroke sends the data from home to the cursor position or from home to the end of the page. |
TransmitLine |
Sends to the host the data from the beginning of the line to the cursor location. |
Up |
Moves the cursor up one line in the same column.If the cursor is in the top line of a page, it moves to the bottom line. |
VertTabForward |
Moves the cursor to the next vertical tab stop. If tab stops were not set, this keystroke moves the cursor home. In forms mode, this keystroke moves the cursor to the next unprotected field. |
VertTabReverse |
Moves the cursor to the previous vertical tab stop. If tabs were not set, this keystroke moves the cursor home. In forms mode, this keystroke moves the cursor to the previous unprotected field. |