ssh Escape Sequences
Use escape sequences to manage your client terminal session. Escape sequences are recognized only after a newline character. If you have just logged in, press Enter before you enter your first escape sequence. You can configure an alternate escape character using -eon the command line or EscapeChar in the configuration file.
The following escape sequences are available. These are shown with the default escape character, a tilde (\~).
~. Terminates the connection.
~^Z Suspends ssh.
~# Lists active forwarded connections. Note: Forwarded connections are listed only when the ports are actually transmitting data.
~- Disables use of the escape character for the duration of the session.
~? Displays a list of available escape sequences.
~~ Sends the escape character to the host. (Type the escape character twice to send one escape character.)
~C Execute command mode, which you can use to request port forwarding. The options are:
-L[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request local forward
-R[bind_address:]port:host:hostport Request remote forward
-KL[bind_address:]port Cancel local forward
-KR[bind_address:]port Cancel remote forward
~V Sends version information to stderr
~s Sends connection information to stderr
~r Initiates an immediate key exchange to establish new encryption and integrity keys.
~l Enters line mode. Keystrokes are stored to a buffer and output when you press Enter.
~B Sends a BREAK to the remote system.