Install Reflection PKI Services Manager
Reflection PKI Services Manager is a service that provides X.509 certificate validation services. If you need support for user or server certificate authentication, you'll need to download and install this application. It is available at no additional charge.
To install Reflection PKI Services Manager
Log in as root.
Copy the installation package file to your computer and navigate to the directory that contains this file.
Use gzip to unzip the package:
gzip -d package_name.tar.gz
For example:
gzip -d pkid_1.3.0.999-i386-solaris.gz
Use tar to expand the file:
tar -xf package_name.tar
This creates a directory based on the package name. For example:
Change to this directory. For example:
cd pkid_1.3.0.999-i386-solaris
Run the install script:
You are prompted to specify installation locations. To accept the default locations (recommended), press Enter in response to these prompts.
On UNIX the install script automatically starts the service.
Before Reflection PKI Services Manager can validate certificates you need to edit the default configuration and map files.
To uninstall
Log in as root.
Run the uninstall script. This script is installed to the bin directory in the PKI Services Manager data folder.
The uninstall script renames your existing configuration directory using a name based on the current date, and time. For example, config.20140101143755
. Your local-store
directory and any certificates you have added to this directory remain unchanged.
More information