Install and Uninstall on Linux
To install Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server on Linux
Copy the installation package file to your computer and navigate to the directory that contains this file.
To install, use
to install the package:sudo rpm -ivh <package_name>.rpm
For example:
sudo rpm -ivh rsit-server-
To install on RHEL 8 and all subsequent versions, use yum to install the package:
sudo yum install rsit-server-
- Failure to add keys may cause RPM to generate a NOKEY warning.
- To provide access to binaries and man pages after installing Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server, modify the system PATH and optionally, MANPATH variables.
export PATH=/opt/microfocus/rsit/bin:/opt/microfocus/rsit/sbin:$PATH
export MANPATH=/opt/microfocus/rsit/share/man:$MANPATH
- In order to coexist with OpenSSH, aliases for Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server executables have been provided in
:scp2 -> ./scp
,sftp2 -> ./sftp
,sftp-server -> /opt/microfocus/rsit/libexec/sftp-server
,ssh2 -> ./ssh
,ssh-add2 -> ./ssh-add
,ssh-agent2 -> ./ssh-agent
,ssh-certtool2 -> ./ssh-certtool
,ssh-certview2 -> ./ssh-certview
, andssh-keygen2 -> ./ssh-keygen
won't collide with OpenSSH names when added to the end of thePATH
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/microfocus/rsit/bin:/opt/microfocus/rsit/sbin
- To make
settings permanent, it may be necessary to set, for example, a.profile
Changing the Installation Location
Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server is installed by default to /opt/microfocus/rsit
You can use the rpm --prefix option to specify an alternative target directory. The general syntax is:
For example
sudo rpm -ivh --prefix=/opt/rsit rsit-server-
- The following installed items are not relocated: startup and shutdown scripts, the cryptographic module, and the PKI client library.
- The
packages have been added as dependencies in the Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server installation. Manual installation of these packages is required when Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server is relocated. To install thelibnsl
packages on RHEL, use yum to install the packages:
yum install libnsl libX11
To use a non-default port
Follow the procedure below with the commands supplied.
Open the configuration file
. -
Change the default port option to the desired value.
The default is Port=22
When SELinux is enabled add the new port:
semanage port -a -t *ssh_port*_t -p tcp <new-port>
Verify that the port has been added to SELinux:
semanage port -l | grep ssh
When the firewall is enabled, add the new port to the firewall:
firewall-cmd --add-port=<new-port>/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd –reload
Ensure that the port has been opened in the firewall:
firewall-cmd --list-ports
Restart the server:
service rsitsshd restart
To Install Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server together with OpenSSH
By default, OpenSSH uses the same port as Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server (the default port is 22). Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server will need to be configured to use a different port. If OpenSSH is already running, the installation will complain about port 22 already being allocated or utilized. Follow the steps for using a non-default port to run Reflection for Secure IT UNIX Client and Server with OpenSSH.
To uninstall
Log in as root.
Enter one of the following commands.
For Use server rpm -e --nodeps rsit-server
client rpm -e --nodeps rsit-client
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