How to Create Transfer Sites and Transfer Files
The procedures is this section are geared to users who are members of the default File Transfer Administrators group, or other groups with the Manage transfer sites role enabled. These procedures assume initial configuration has already been completed by a Reflection Gateway administrator.
Connect to Gateway Administrator
Gateway Administrator is a web-based application that you can use to manage users and Transfer Sites.
Before you Begin
Know the address of the server running Reflection Gateway Administrator
Have login credentials for an account that is a member of the File Transfer Administrators group, the Administrators group, or any group with the Manage transfer sites role enabled.
To connect to Gateway Administrator
From a web browser, enter the following URL, replacing
with the name or IP address of your server: https://<gateway_administrator_host>:9490
You might see a certificate warning message before you see the login page. This warning shows up if the Gateway Administrator is still using the default self-signed security certificate that installs with Reflection Gateway. This message is not displayed if the Gateway Administrator server has been configured to use a certificate signed by the Certificate Authority (CA) that is in your browser's list of trusted CAs.
Create a Transfer Site
The procedure below for adding a transfer uses the New Transfer Site page. This page provides full access to all Transfer Site configuration options. (If you want to exchange files with a single other user, you can also use Quick Add to create a Transfer Site.)
Before you begin
- To add or edit a Transfer Site, you must be a member of the File Transfer Administrators group, the Administrators group, or any group with the Manage transfer sites role enabled.
To create a Transfer Site
From the Transfer Sites tab, click Add to open the New Transfer Site page.
Configure transfer directories.
Transfer site name: This is the folder name users see in their client.
Directory name: This determines the name of the physical directory on the Transfer Site file server. This directory is created within the base directory configured for this server. The directory is created when the first user logs into the site. By default, this value is filled in automatically with the Transfer Site name when you move your cursor. In most cases, you should use this default. Specify a different directory if you want your transfer to use an existing directory on the file server. Note: This existing directory must be relative to the base directory.
(Optional) Configure email notification. (To support email notification, email settings must be configured by a Reflection Gateway system administrator.)
Send email notification: When this is enabled (the default), users you add to this Transfer Site are sent a Transfer Site access email notification when you save this site.
Custom message: Use this optional field to add additional information to the email message. (The text you enter here replaces the $CUSTOM_MESSAGE$ token in the Transfer Site access email template.)
(Optional) Assign Post Transfer Actions.
The Add Actions drop-down shows available Post Transfer Actions. The actions you select run only after a successful file upload to this site. If no actions are listed, it means that none have been configured.
Add one or more users to the site. Users you add will see this site when they connect from their client.
Existing User: Use this area to add existing users or groups to the Transfer Site. They can be in the ReflectionGateway directory, or in any additional LDAP directory that has been added by the Reflection Gateway system administrator.
New Reflection Gateway User: Use this area to create new Reflection Gateway users. New users are sent an account creation email in addition to a Transfer Site access email when you save this site. (This option might not be visible. You must have the Manage Reflection Gateway users role enabled to view this area.)
(Optional) Configure email notification and user permissions.
Notifications: Use these icons to specify who will receive email notifications after file uploads (
) and downloads (
). Click an icon to enable or disable permissions. Pale gray icons indicate that a permission is disabled.
Permissions: Use these icons to specify who can upload files (
), download files (
), and manage the site (
). By default, all users are given both upload and download permissions and only the site creator is given management rights.
Members of the Administrators group can view all Transfer Sites. Other users can view only those sites that they have permission to manage.
Click Save.
More Information
Start the Identity Manager
You can use any of the following methods to start the Identity Manager:
Use links in email messages sent from Reflection Gateway Gateway.
From a web browser, enter the following URL, replacing
with the name or IP address of the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy host. https://
:9492 -or-
Administrators with access to the system on which the Reflection Transfer Server is running can also launch the Identity Manager from the Windows Start Menu (or Apps list). It is installed under Micro Focus Reflection for Secure IT Gateway > Reflection Identity Manager.
!!! note The email notification template refers to the Reflection Identity Manager on
by default. In a production system, thislocalhost
reference should be changed to the DNS name that users will connect to. To do this, openpath-to\Micro Focus\ReflectionGateway\GatewayAdministrator\conf\
in a text editor, and changetransfer.server.url=https://localhost:9492
to the fully qualified path name that you are using to publish your Reflection Transfer Server, e.g.,transfer.server.url=
Warning Messages
When you start the Identity Manager, you make a secure HTTPS connection to the Transfer Server. This connection type requires the server to present a security certificate to your browser to authenticate the server.
Browser certificate warning
This warning appears in the browser window before you see the login page. You see this warning if the Transfer Server is still using the default self-signed certificate that installs with Reflection Gateway. The exact content of the certificate warning depends on which browser you are using.
After the default Reflection Gateway Administrator certificate is replaced with one signed by a well-known Certificate Authority (CA), this message is not displayed. It appears only when a certificate is presented that is not signed by a CA in the browser's list of trusted CAs.
More Information
Use Quick Add to Add Transfer Sites and Users
Use the Quick Add feature to add a new site for a single user using default configuration options. You can add a new user in the same step, or specify an existing user.
Log on to Gateway Administrator using an account that has the Manage transfer sites and Manage Reflection Gateway users roles enabled).
On the Transfer Sites page, click Quick Add.
Enter a Transfer site name.
Site names must be unique. If you enter an existing name, you will see an error message when you click Create.
Enter a User email address.
Each email address is associated with a unique user. When you specify an email address that does not yet exist in the database, the new user will be created with the email address as the UserID. If you enter an existing email, the new Transfer Site is added and made available to that user.
Click Create.
When the email address is not associated with an existing user, you will see a confirmation prompt asking if you are sure you want to create a new account. Click OK to confirm.
If you don't see a confirmation prompt, it means that a user account with this email already exists.
Quick Add always uses email registration. New users will receive two email message sent from Reflection Gateway. If you have made no changes to the default email templates, the subject lines say "Your Reflection Gateway User Account" and "Reflection File Sharing: You Have Access to a Transfer Site."
More Information
Transfer Files using an SFTP Client
Reflection Gateway users can transfer files using any SFTP-enabled SSH client. To use an SFTP client, users can connect directly to the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy server as described below.
Before you begin
Know the host name or IP address of the Reflection Gateway Proxy (this is the server running the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy).
The Reflection Secure Shell Proxy uses port 22 by default. This is the standard SSH port used by most clients. If the proxy has been configured to listen on a different port, the SFTP client will also need to be configured for the correct port.
To use an SFTP client for Reflection Gateway transfers
Set up the Transfer site from the New Transfer Site page.
When you are using an SFTP client, you need to pay particular attention to the Send email notification setting. By default, Transfer Sites are configured to send Transfer Site Access email notifications.
!!! note The email notification template refers to the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy on `localhost` by default. In a production system, this `localhost` reference should be changed to the DNS name that users will connect to. To do this, open `path-to\Micro Focus\ReflectionGateway\GatewayAdministrator\conf\` in a text editor, and change `` to the fully qualified path name that you are using to publish your Secure Shell Proxy, e.g., ``
Direct users to launch their SFTP client, connect to the server running the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy, and log on using their Reflection Gateway credentials.
For example, this syntax shows how to connect using the Reflection sftp command line, which is available in a number of Micro Focus products:
sftp gatewayusername@secureshellproxyhost
The next procedure describes how to connect using the Reflection FTP Client, which is also included in a number of Micro Focus products.
To configure the Reflection FTP Client for Reflection Gateway transfers
Start the Reflection FTP Client. This opens the Connect to FTP Site dialog box.
Click New. This launches the connection wizard.
In Add FTP Site, specify the server running the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy.
In the Login Information dialog box, click Security. On the Secure Shell tab, select Use Reflection Secure Shell and click OK.
Continue through the wizard steps. Specifying a user name is optional. If you omit it, you will be prompted for it later.
Log in using your Reflection Gateway credentials.