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Transfer Sites

Use the Transfer Sites page to view and manage Reflection Gateway Transfer Sites. Note the following:

  • To view the Transfer Sites page, you must be a member of a group with the Manage transfer sites role enabled.

  • Members of the Administrators group can view all Transfer Sites. Other users can view only those sites that they have permission to manage.

  • Click on a column heading to sort the list based on the entries in that column.

  • To select multiple Transfer Sites, click multiple check boxes, or use Shift+click to select a range of currently visible sites.

Quick Add Opens the Quick Add dialog box. This provides a quick way to create a new Transfer Site and add a user to the site. If the user email you specify doesn't yet exist in the Reflection Gateway LDAP directory, you see a confirmation message asking if you want to add the user. When you OK this message, a registration email is sent to the user.

NOTE: To use this option, you must be a member of the File Transfer Administrators group (or any group that has both Manage Reflection Gateway users and Manage transfer sites enabled).
Add Opens New Transfer Site. This page provides complete site creation options for creating a new Transfer Site.
Edit Available when one site is selected.
Delete Deletes the selected site or sites.

More Information

New/Edit Transfer Site

Use the Transfer Site page to create or edit a Transfer Site, modify the list of users who can use this site, and configure permissions for members of this site.

  • To view this page and create or edit Transfer Sites, you must be a member of a group with the Manage transfer sites role enabled.

Site Configuration Options

Transfer site name The site name must be unique. If you specify the name of an existing site, you'll see an error message when you try to save the site.
Directory name The name of the physical directory to be used by this site on the Transfer site file server. This directory is created in the Transfer site base directory configured for this server. By default, this value is filled in automatically with the Transfer Site name when you move your cursor. In most cases, you should use this default. Specify a different folder if you want your transfer to use an existing directory on the file server. Note: This existing directory must be relative to the base directory.

The directory name must be unique. If you specify the name of an existing directory, you'll see an error message when you try to save the site.
Delete directory when transfer site is deleted Note: This setting applies only when the Transfer site file server is set to an added SFTP server. Sites on the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy are not deleted, regardless of the value of this setting.

When this option is selected, the physical directory on the SFTP server, and any files it contains, are deleted when the Transfer Site is deleted.

When this option is not selected (the default), the physical directory and its contents remain on the file server. If a new site is created using the same directory name as a deleted site, users added to the site will be able to view and transfer any files remaining from the deleted site.
Description An optional description of this site. This description can be added to the Transfer site access email using the $TRANSFER_SITE_DESCRIPTION$ token.
Expires When set to Yes (the default), the site expires at the specified date. Expired sites remain in the database, but are not available to transfer site users. To restore an expired site, reset the expiration date to a future date.

The default expiration is 2 years (730 days) after the site is created. This default is configurable in the Gateway Administrator properties file.
Send email notification When set to Yes (the default), a Transfer site access email is sent to each user added to the site when you save the site.

This option must be enabled at the time users are added to the site. Changing this setting from No to Yes will not result in emails to any users who have already been added and saved as members of the site.
Custom message This option is available when Send email notification is enabled. The message entered here replaces the $CUSTOM_MESSAGE$ token in the Transfer site access email.
Add actions If Post Transfer Actions are available, they appear in this drop-down list. Post Transfer Actions are executed after a successful file upload. They are not available for downloads or unsuccessful transfers.

Existing User

Under Existing User, add existing users or groups to the Transfer Site. They can be in the ReflectionGateway LDAP directory or in any additional LDAP directory that has been added by the Reflection Gateway system administrator.

LDAP Server Select the directory that you want to search.
Users Groups Select whether you want to search for users or groups.

Type in the text box to initiate a search for users or groups in the selected LDAP server. Note the following:
  • The results list shows first and last names (if present) and email. Although the userID is also included in the search, it isn't displayed in the results list.
  • The results list is limited to 10 users. If the user is not visible, continue to enter more of the user's name.
  • The user or group you select is not added to the list until you click Add.
Add This button is available after you have specified a valid user or group. Click it to add the user or group to the Transfer Site list.

Users or groups you add to this list are added to the Transfer Site when you click Save.

New Reflection Gateway User

Under New Reflection Gateway User, add users who are not yet provisioned. New users are sent an Account creation email when you save this site. You must have the Manage Reflection Gateway users role enabled to view this area.


This feature relies on email registration for new users. Configure email support and test email notification before using this option. If email support is not correctly configured, the account is created, but the user will not receive an account creation email. If users are not receiving email messages, see Email Troubleshooting.

User email When you add a user here, the email address also becomes the user's UserID. Required.
First name Optional.
Last name Optional.
Add Adds the new user to the list of Transfer Site members.

Users you add to the list this way are added to the Transfer Site and the ReflectionGateway directory when you click Save.

User / Group

This list shows the currently configured members of the Transfer Site. To remove any member of the list, click the X to the left of the user or group name.

User / Group The name of users and/or groups that have been added to this site.
LDAP Server The LDAP server that the user or group is a member of.
Notifications Use these icons to view and edit when each or group receives email notifications.

Click an icon to enable or disable notification. Pale gray icons indicate that notification is disabled.

An email is sent each time a file is uploaded to this site.

An email is sent each time a file is downloaded from this site.
Permissions Use these icons to view and edit what permissions each user or group has. Pale gray icons indicate that a permission is disabled. For example, a user with the following permissions can download files, but cannot upload files or manage the site.

Click an icon to enable or disable permissions.

The user can upload files to the site.

The user can download files from the site.

The user is a site manager and can modify site settings and membership. By default, only the user who creates the site has this permission enabled. Site managers must be a member of the File Transfer Administrators group (or any group that has Manage transfer sites enabled).

Members of the Administrators group can view and manage all Transfer Sites. Other users can view only those sites that they have permission to manage.