Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / FileTransfer Object / WRQHostRecordSize Property
WRQHostRecordSize Property
Returns or specifies the record size (in bytes) for files transferred to the host.
expression.WRQHostRecordSize As Integer
where expression is a variable that represents a FileTransfer Object
Thrown if a value outside the range of valid values is specified.
When you send binary files they are divided up into fixed-length records containing n bytes, where n is the value of WRQHostRecordSize, the last record contains the remainder (assuming that the total number of bytes in the file is not evenly divisible by n).

When you send an ASCII file, any records containing more than n bytes, where n is the value of WRQHostRecordSize, are split up into smaller records.

A host record size specified with an attribute argument to the WRQSendFile method takes precedence over the value of WRQHostRecordSize.

This property is relevant only for transfers that use the WRQ/Reflection protocol.

A value of 80 is standard for many text editors; 132 is appropriate for many printers. If you don't know what size to use for a particular host program, check other host files used by the same program.

The default value is 0. The default value specifies that host determines the record size for the host file. The range of values is 0 - 32,767.

See Also