- fileName
- The name of the file to transmit. Supply complete path information if the file isn't on the Reflection macro path.
- pause
- Specifies the amount of time (HH:MM:SS.hh format) to pause between each line of the file. If this argument is empty (""), Reflection does not pause between lines (though it may wait for PromptChar if one is specified).
- promptChar
- Specifies a character Reflection is to wait for between lines of the file.
- option
- A TransmitFileOption value that specifies additional, non-default behavior for the method. There are two options for this method: TransmitFileOption.NoTranslation Indicates that the file contains binary data, and should not be translated from the PC character set into the host character set. Use this option if the file contains characters that are already in the host character set. TransmitFileOption.NoDisplay Specifies that incoming characters should not be displayed in the terminal window while waiting for the PromptChar or for PauseTime at the end of a line. If both of the PauseTime and PromptChar arguments are not specified, this option has no effect (the method does not read incoming data from the host). To combine the two options, use the addition operator: TransmitFileOption.NoTranslation + TransmitFileOption.NoDisplay.
Return Value
One of the following ReturnCode enumerated values.
Member | Description |
Cancelled | Cancelled. |
Error | Error. |
PermissionRequired | Permission is required. |
Success | Success. |
Timeout | Timeout condition. |
Truncated | The text is truncated. |