Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / FileTransfer Object / KermitTransferType Property
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KermitTransferType Property
In This Topic
Returns or specifies the transfer type for Kermit transfers.
expression.KermitTransferType As TransferTypeOption
where expression is a variable that represents a FileTransfer Object

Property Value

A TransferTypeOption value
This property is automatically set every time you perform a Kermit transfer from the File Transfer dialog box and that value becomes the default for the next transfer from the File Transfer dialog box. This property has no effect on programmatic transfers; if you don't explicitly specify a transfer type, the default is always binary.

TransferTypeOption.ASCII sets the default transfer type for Kermit transfers from the File Transfer dialog box to ASCII. If the KermitTranslateCharacters property is set to true, the following translations are performed: Character set translations (as specified on the Emulation tab in the Terminal Setup dialog box); and

relevant Translation options for ASCII transfers (as specified on the Translation tab in the File Transfer Setup dialog box).

If KermitTranslateCharacters is set to false, record separator characters may still be still translated to carriage return/linefeed sequences (if the ConvertSeparatorToEOL property is set to true), and a Ctrl-Z character may be still be appended to the end of the file (if the WriteCtrlZAsEOF property is set to true), but no other translations are performed.

TransferTypeOption.Binary sets the default transfer type for Kermit transfers from the File Transfer dialog box to binary. No characters are translated.

TransferTypeOption.AutoDetect determines the transfer type by the file extension. Use these properties to determine which file extensions are linked to which transfer type: TransferAutoDetectDefaultType, TransferAutoDetectASCIIExtensionList, and TransferAutoDetectBinaryExtensionList.

See Also