Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / FileTransfer Object / FTPStartServer Method
Specifies the user name. If this argument is null or empty, Reflection uses the current FTP User Name (which can be set using the FTP tab of the File Transfer dialog box, or using the FTPUserName property). If no FTP User Name has been set, Reflection displays the FTP Log In dialog box unless FTPServerOptions.NoLoginDialog is specified in the Options argument. If FTPServerOptions.NoLoginDialog is specified, FTPStartServer returns an error when UserName is not specified and no FTP User Name has been set. If FTPServerOptions.Anonymous is specified in the Options argument, the UserName argument is ignored.
Specifies the FTP password. If this argument is null or empty, Reflection uses the current FTP Password (which can be set using the FTP tab in the File Transfer dialog box, or using the FTPPassword property). If no password has been set, Reflection displays the FTP Log In dialog box unless FTPServerOptions.NoLoginDialog is specified in the Options argument. If FTPServerOptions.NoLoginDialog is specified, FTPStartServer generates an error when Password is not specified and no password has been set.
Specifies the host name or IP address. If this argument is null or empty, the current value of FTPHostName is used.
An FTPServerOption enumeration value that specifies additional, non-default behavior for the method. The possible values are: FTPServerOption.Anonymous Specifies that Reflection should use anonymous FTP when performing this transfer. FTPServerOption.NoLogInDialog Specifies that no FTP Log In dialog should appear if the FTP user name or password is not supplied. You can combine the two options by adding these values.
FTPStartServer Method
Connects to a host server in preparation for FTP file transfers.
expression.FTPStartServer( _
   ByVal userName As String, _
   ByVal password As String, _
   ByVal hostName As String, _
   ByVal options As FTPServerOption _
) As ReturnCode
where expression is a variable that represents a FileTransfer Object


Specifies the user name. If this argument is null or empty, Reflection uses the current FTP User Name (which can be set using the FTP tab of the File Transfer dialog box, or using the FTPUserName property). If no FTP User Name has been set, Reflection displays the FTP Log In dialog box unless FTPServerOptions.NoLoginDialog is specified in the Options argument. If FTPServerOptions.NoLoginDialog is specified, FTPStartServer returns an error when UserName is not specified and no FTP User Name has been set. If FTPServerOptions.Anonymous is specified in the Options argument, the UserName argument is ignored.
Specifies the FTP password. If this argument is null or empty, Reflection uses the current FTP Password (which can be set using the FTP tab in the File Transfer dialog box, or using the FTPPassword property). If no password has been set, Reflection displays the FTP Log In dialog box unless FTPServerOptions.NoLoginDialog is specified in the Options argument. If FTPServerOptions.NoLoginDialog is specified, FTPStartServer generates an error when Password is not specified and no password has been set.
Specifies the host name or IP address. If this argument is null or empty, the current value of FTPHostName is used.
An FTPServerOption enumeration value that specifies additional, non-default behavior for the method. The possible values are: FTPServerOption.Anonymous Specifies that Reflection should use anonymous FTP when performing this transfer. FTPServerOption.NoLogInDialog Specifies that no FTP Log In dialog should appear if the FTP user name or password is not supplied. You can combine the two options by adding these values.

Return Value

One of the following ReturnCode enumerated values.

Member Description
Cancelled Cancelled.
Error Error.
PermissionRequired Permission is required.
Success Success.
Timeout Timeout condition.
Truncated The text is truncated.

Use FTPSendFile and FTPReceiveFile to transfer files. Use FTPStopServer to disconnect from the host FTP server. If your settings file is not already configured for FTP protocol, use TransferDefaultProtocol to set the transfer protocol, and TransferPreset to set the host server type. Most menu commands and all toolbar buttons are disabled when Reflection is in server mode.
'This example transfers a file from an FTP server to a local file
Sub FileReceiveExample()
    On Error GoTo Handler
    Dim rcode As ReturnCode
    'Set the date as the current time
    Dim mydate As Date
    'Connect to the host server, leaving the password empty - you'll need to log on to the session before you run the macro
    ThisTerminal.FileTransfer.FTPStartServer "your_user_name", "", "your_ftp_server", FTPServerOption_None
    'Transfer a file on the server as an ASCII file to a local file and overwrite the file if it exists.
    'Specify to transfer the file regardless of whether it was created or modifed before or after the current time
    'This file name does not include wildcards so we don't need to exclude any files.
    rcode = ThisTerminal.FileTransfer.FTPReceiveFile("C:\test\local_file.txt", "file_on_ftp_server", TransferTypeOption_Ascii, DestinationFileExistsOption_Overwrite, mydate, mydate, "")
    'Stop the host server
    Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
See Also