
Processing - Stop Conditions

This page allows you to configure the various stop conditions for Process and Clone commands.

Configuration file parameters are included below with the following_font.

Stop after extraction phase (defer fixups)

Parameter: defer_fixup_phase

Enable this option to defer the fixup phase to the next Process command. The Client stops at the end of the data extraction phase.

Stop after fixup phase

Parameter: stop_after_fixups

When enabled, this option stops the Client when the fixup phase is complete. At that point, all data sets will have a ds_mode value of 2 and all of the tables in the relational database will be consistent.

Stop after garbage collection reorganization

Parameter: stop_after_gc_reorg

Enable this option to stop the Client at the first quiet point after a garbage collection reorganization.

Stop on Enterprise Server audit file origin change

Parameter: stop_on_dbe_mode_chg

Enabling this option causes the Client to stop as soon as it detects that the Databridge Enterprise Server access mode changed from the value specified in the parameter Verify DBEnterprise audit origin. If this parameter is set to direct and Enterprise Server switches to indirect, this will result in the Client stopping at the next quiet point.

Dynamic stop conditions

Stop task name

Parameter: stop_condition_task

Causes the Databridge Engine to stop processing when it encounters the specified task in the audit trail. This task must be a DMSII program (that is, a program that opens the DMSII database). The After or Before options indicate whether processing stops at the first quiet point after or before the task is encountered in the audit trail. Consult with DMSII personnel to determine the syntax of the task name.

Stop time

Parameter: stop_condition_time

Causes the Databridge Engine to stop processing when it encounters an audit block whose timestamp value is greater than or equal to the specified time. The Client automatically provides the date part of the time stamp based on the current audit location being processed. The After or Before options indicate whether processing should stop at the first quiet point after or before the audit block whose timestamp value causes the Databridge Engine to stop processing.