A UTS 20/40/60 terminal is configured using a mechanism called the Control Page. As shown below, the Control Page is a two-line display with various field labels and data entry areas:
Figure 3
With UTS, you can configure the session using either the Settings dialog box or by accessing the Control Page during a session. Using the Control Page, you can modify printing features, transmission options, and many other configuration options. Any changes you make to the Control Page are automatically made to the Settings dialog box. Likewise, any changes you make to the Settings dialog box are also made in the Control Page.
The Control Page does offer some configuration options that are not available on the Settings dialog box. For example, on the Settings dialog box, you can specify whether to display both uppercase and lowercase characters, or uppercase only. With the Control Page, you can specify not only these options, but also a range of characters that should be uppercase only.
When the host sends data or downloads a file to the PC, the host can also update the Control Page. You can configure UTS to save any changes that the host might make to the Control Page, or you can retain the Control Page settings that existed before the host changed them.
To use the Control Page
If a UTS session is not already open, open one.
If the session is not currently connected to a host, click on the toolbar.
Click on the toolbar.
The Control Page appears. (If you selected Extended Control Page on the Control tab of the Settings dialog box, the Extended Control Page appears instead of the standard Control Page.)
Using the TAB key, move the cursor to the desired data entry area (PRNT, XMIT, or PARAM) and type the desired information.
The data you type depends on what configuration options you want to change. For information about each of these options, click Related Topics below.
When you have completed your entries, click again to save your settings and close the Control Page.
When you modify the session configuration using the Control Page, any corresponding settings are also changed on the Settings dialog box.
In this section