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CALL Statement

The CALL Statement calls a sub-program, and passes parameters that are referenced in the LINKAGE SECTION of the CALL'ed program.

General Format:

       CALL program-identifier-1
       [ USING { [ BY {REFERENCE} ] {data-1} ...} ...] 
               {CONTENT }           {OMITTED } 
               {VALUE }             {NULL } 

       [ {RETURNING} INTO identifier-2 ] 
         {GIVING } 

       [ ON {EXCEPTION} statement-1 ] 
            {OVERFLOW } 

       [ NOT ON {EXCEPTION} statement-2 ] 
                {OVERFLOW } 

       [ END-CALL ]


  1. program-identifier-n is a program name, which may be expressed as a data element, literal, or data returned from a function call.
  2. data-n is a data item.
  3. identifier-n is a numeric or alphanumeric data item.
  4. statement-n is an imperative statement.

General Rules:

  1. Program-identifier-n is the name of the subprogram to be called. The rules that COBOL-IT uses for resolving program names, and locating the named module are described in Getting Started with COBOL IT Compiler Suite.

  2. The RETURNING data item may be numeric or alphanumeric. When CALL’ing a C program, which is designed to return a data item that is non numeric/non alphanumeric such as a pointer, the COBOL variable receiving the data item must be described with a PIC X notation, or as a group item.

  3. The GIVING/RETURNING phrase may precede the USING phrase.
  4. For details about how the CALL'ing program will search for the target program being CALL’ed, see Getting Started with COBOL-IT. Note that where target programs are entered in lower case, the CALL statement will also search for the symbol in upper case, and vice versa.

The CALL’ed subprogram

  1. If the CALL’ed subprogram contains the IS INITIAL PROGRAM clause, then the subprogram is placed into its INITIAL state every time it is CALL’ed.
  2. If the CALL’ed subprogram does not contain the IS INITIAL PROGRAM clause, then the subprogram is placed into its INITIAL state the first time it is called. However, for all subsequent CALL’s, the program retains its state in resident memory. Retained state includes the value of variables in LOCAL-STORAGE, and WORKING-STORAGE Sections, and the OPEN state of files, as well as file position.
  3. If a subprogram that does not contain the IS INITIAL PROGRAM clause is the target of a CANCEL verb, then the next time it is CALL’ed, it is placed into its INITIAL state.

The USING clause

  1. The USING clause names the parameters that are passed to the subprogram.
  2. The manner in which the parameters are passed is determined by the BY clause, which indicates whether the parameters are passed BY REFERENCE (the default), BY VALUE, or BY CONTENT.
  3. The order in which the parameters appear in the USING clause of the CALL’ing program must match the order in which the parameters are listed in the USING clause of the PROCEDURE DIVISION statement in the CALL’ed program.
  4. The USING clause allows figurative constants to be used as parameters. In the case below, the figurative constant zero is considered to be alphanumeric data that is one byte in length.


The BY clause

  1. The BY REFERENCE clause indicates that the address of the data item has been passed through the Linkage Section. Updates to the data item are made directly to the memory address of the data item, and changes to the value of the data item will be seen in the CALL’ing program.
  2. The BY VALUE clause indicates that the VALUE, rather than memory address of the item is passed through the Linkage Section. Updates to the data item will only be seen locally in the sub program, and will not be returned through the data item to the CALL’ing program.
  3. The BY CONTENT clause indicates that a copy of the address of the data item has been passed through the Linkage Section. Updates to the data item will only be seen locally in the sub program, and will not be returned through the data item to the CALL’ing program.
  4. BY REFERENCE is assumed as the default if no BY clause is present.
  5. In the RETURNING/GIVING clause, RETURNING and GIVING are synonyms.


  1. ON EXCEPTION and ON OVERFLOW are synonyms
  2. The EXCEPTION/OVERFLOW condition is triggered if the subprogram that is the target of the CALL statement cannot be loaded and executed.
  3. If an EXCEPTION/OVERFLOW condition is triggered, and there is no ON EXCEPTION/ON OVERFLOW clause, the following occur:
    • Program execution is halted,
    • The error message “Cannot find module ‘[subprogram name]’ is written to stderr.
    • If the module has been compiled with -fsource-location, -debug, or -g, then the line number of the CALL will also be included in the output message, for example:

      C:/COBOL/CobolIT/Samples/call1.cbl:10: libcob: Cannot find module 'subpgm'

      Otherwise, the line number is represented as “0”, for example:

      C:/COBOL/CobolIT/Samples/call1.cbl:0: libcob: Cannot find module 'subpgm'
    • If the program has been compiled with -g or -fmem-info, the exception condition will also include a memory dump, for example:

      C:\COBOL\CobolIT\Samples>cobc –g call1.cbl
      C:\COBOL\CobolIT\Samples>cobcrun call1
      C:/COBOL/CobolIT/Samples/call1.cbl:10: libcob: Cannot find module 'subpgm'

      Cobol memory dump

      PROGRAM ID : call1(C:/COBOL/CobolIT/Samples/call1.cbl)
      Current line : C:/COBOL/CobolIT/Samples/call1.cbl:10
            RETURN-CODE = +000000000
            TALLY = +000000000
            SORT-RETURN = +000000000
            NUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS = +000000000
            ws-dummy =
            COB-CRT-STATUS = 0000
  4. If an EXCEPTION/OVERFLOW condition is triggered, and there is an ON EXCEPTION/ON OVERFLOW clause, the following occur:
    • Program execution is not halted.
    • The imperative statement(s) contained within the ON EXCEPTION/ON OVERFLOW clause are executed.
    • The NOT ON EXCEPTION/NOT ON OVERFLOW clause can be used to cause a set of imperative statements to be executed in the case where a CALL statement is performed, and returns without triggering an ON EXCEPTION condition.
    • Statements associated with a NOT ON EXCEPTION/NOT ON OVERFLOW clause are executed after the CALL’ed program has finished executing, and returned control to the CALL’ing program.
  1. In the case where the Linkage Section of a CALL’ed program contains more parameters than are passed by the CALL’ing program, a memory allocation error will result if the parameter not passed by the CALL’ing program is referenced in the CALL’ed program.
  2. If a parameter passed by the CALL’ing program is smaller than the corresponding data item in the Linkage Section of the CALL’ed program, no error is generated. However, a memory allocation error can result if undefined memory is referenced in the CALL’ed program.
  3. If a parameter passed by the CALL’ing program is larger than the corresponding data item in the Linkage Section of the CALL’ed program, no error is generated. The smaller receiving data item truncates the larger data item to be passed.

Code Sample:

       PROGRAM-ID. CALL-1. 
       77 DUMMY PIC X. 
       77 SUBPGM-NAME  PIC X(5) VALUE "SUB-2". 
       77 DATA-1       PIC X(5) VALUE "HELLO".
       77 RTN-VALUE    PIC 99 VALUE 0. 
               RETURNING RTN-VALUE 
               ON EXCEPTION 
                   DISPLAY "SUB-2 NOT FOUND!" LINE 10 COL 10 
                   ACCEPT DUMMY LINE 10 COL 30 
                   STOP RUN 

               CALL SUBPGM-NAME. 
               CALL "SUB-2" USING BY REFERENCE DATA-1. 
               CALL "SUB-2" USING BY CONTENT DATA-1. 
               CALL "SUB-2" USING BY VALUE DATA-1. 

               DISPLAY "CALL-1 COMPLETE!" LINE 15 COL 10. 
               ACCEPT DUMMY LINE 15 COL 30. 
               STOP RUN.

The CALL Prototype

General Rules for the CALL prototype:

  1. ENTRY declarations must use parameters declared either as TYPEDEF, or with the reserved word ANY.
  2. The external program must be properly structured. That is, it must contain a declaration for each of the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION, ENVIRONMENT DIVISION, DATA DIVISION, and PROCEDURE DIVISION.
  3. The DELIMITED clause is supported in the prototype definition.
    For example:

    entry C-FUNCTION-VAL
    c-call using By reference schar delimited
  4. When the DELIMITED clause is used, strings passed to the C function are automatically null terminated.

For an example, see the Code Samples below for prog.cbl, cproto.cpy, and cfunc.c.

Code Sample (prog.cbl)

       COPY "cproto.cpy".
       PROGRAM-ID.     prog.

       01 grpstr.
           03 AV-STR PIC XX VALUE 'AV'.
           03 STR PIC X(10) VALUE "STR10".
           03 AP-STR PIC XX VALUE 'AP'.
           03 zz-STR PIC 0 VALUE X'00'.
       01 A1 PIC 99 VALUE 1.
       01 A2 PIC 99 VALUE 2.
       01 A3 PIC 99 VALUE 3.
       01 A4 PIC 99 VALUE 4.


       CALL "cfunction_val" USING "vallit" 1 2 3 4.
       CALL "cfunction_ref" USING "reflit" 1 2 3 4.
       DISPLAY "'" grpstr "'"
       CALL "cfunction_val" USING STR A1 A2 A3 A4.
       CALL "cfunction_ref" USING STR A1 A2 A3 A4.
       DISPLAY "'" grpstr "'"
       CALL "cfunction_any" USING grpstr function BYTE-LENGTH(grpstr).


Code Sample (cproto.cpy)

       program-id. "c_typedefs" is external.
       77 schar        pic x is typedef.
       77 uns-schar    pic 9(2) comp-5 is typedef.
       77 short        pic s9(4) comp-5 is typedef.
       77 uns-short    pic 9(4) comp-5 is typedef.
       77 int          pic s9(9) comp-5 is typedef.
       77 uns-int      pic 9(9) comp-5 is typedef.
       77 long         pic s9(9) comp-5 is typedef.
       77 uns-long     pic 9(9) comp-5 is typedef.
       77 l-long       pic s9(18) comp-5 is typedef.
       77 uns-l-long   pic 9(18) comp-5 is typedef.
       end program "c_typedefs".

       program-id. "c_typedefs" is external.
           call-convention 3 is Pascal
           call-convention 0 is c-call.
       $set constant C-FUNCTION-VAL "cfunction_val"
       $set constant C-FUNCTION-REF "cfunction_ref"
       $set constant C-FUNCTION-ANY "cfunction_any"

               c-call using
                   by reference schar delimited
                   by value uns-schar
                   by value uns-short
                   by value uns-int
                   by value uns-l-long
               returning       int

               c-call using
                   by reference schar delimited
                   by reference uns-schar
                   by reference uns-short
                   by reference uns-int
                   by reference uns-l-long
               returning           int

               c-call using
                   by reference any
                   by value    uns-int
               returning       int
       end program "c_typedefs".

Code Sample (cfunc.c)

       #include "stdio.h"

       int cfunction_val(char *s, char c1, short c2, int c3, long long c4)
           printf("'%s' %d %d %d %d %lld\n", s, strlen(s), (int)c1, (int)c2, c3, c4);

       int cfunction_ref(char *s, char *c1, short *c2, int *c3, long long *c4)
           printf("'%s' %d ", s, strlen(s));
           if (c1) {
               printf("%d ", (int)(*c1));
           } else {
           if (c2) {
               printf("%d ", (int)(*c2));
           } else {
           if (c3) {
               printf("%d ", (int)(*c3));
           } else {
           if (c4) {
               printf("%lld\n", (*c4));
           } else {

       int cfunction_any(void *any , int c1)
           printf("'%s' %d\n", (long long)any, (int)c1);
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