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Structures and Typedefs - EMITTER_NOTIF_PROP_CHANGE (deprecated)

Note: Audit Manager is deprecated and provided for backward compatibility only. We recommend that you use syslog events instead. See Enterprise Server Auditing for more information.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
typedef struct emitter_notif_prop_change
    cobuns32_t           version;  Version of structure format
    cobuns32_t           flags;    Control flags
    cobuns32_t           namelen;  Length of property name
    cobuns32_t           vallen;   Length of value 
    cobuns32_t           valint;   Integer representation of value
    cobuns8_t            *name;    Property name 
    cobuns8_t            *value;   Property value

Version types (version):


Control flags (flags):

    #define EMITTER_PROP_CHANGE_FLAGS_NONE         0x00000000
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